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  1. Today
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  3. Recently a hare had been visiting our garden in the morning and evening. He literally just eats all the time, and he's gotten really fat. Through careful study and research (aka just watching him all the time lol), we have found that he always returns to this one place that leads out of our garden and into the forest behind it, and im like 99% sure he (she probably) has a burrow there with hare babies :). We get hares in our garden very often actually, but only at night, so we don't actually see them. oh yeah and we named the hare Spud
  4. Last week
  5. *Goes feral* I've got to find a dub that one saint seiya movie also i got back into this series . augh
  6. (through gritted teeth) i love the jevil fight
  7. hello again stray fawn studios forums I'm going into my finals today wish me luck
  8. Lilytuft

    hey lol

    Basil!!! You're alive! I've missed you so freaking much you have no idea
  9. I make lists of them and their information in google docs (I don’t have toyhouse 🥲) I also just have a pretty decent memory
  10. i made a list of all of my ocs across all fandoms that i could remember and counted them all.. the total was 145 should i be concerned for myself
  11. I already have Adhar, Eska (and all the common creatures there) so I'll trade those for something else
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