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"place their elders... so they have chance to become fertilizer" What a cruel new world. 😰4 points
Hey there! The name's WolfDragonPlasma (though, please, just call me either Dragon or Plasma; the full thing is a mouthful XD). I've been a player of Niche since September of last year, but this is the first instance of me actually wishing to connect more with other Niche players. Or, at the very least, join the Discord Server and the Forums and just lurk, since that's usually what I do X'D Hm...Let's see....I'm a US American female with a love for animals and a passion for gaming. Games I enjoy are usually the adventure type that allow you to play as an animal (ie Okami, Spyro the Dragon, etc.), or animal sims (WolfQuest, Niche, etc.) but I'm not opposed to playing other types of games if I like them enough. Let's see....what else...I have four cats (all girls) and two dogs (both boys), though I've more or less become a cat person. That's not to say I don't love and appreciate dogs though; heck, one of my favorite animal species is the Grey Wolf, which dogs are a subspecies of. I just won't be getting anymore dogs in the future XD3 points
I'm always hesitant to breed Purr Snout in, not because of what it does (it's very useful,) but it's because it spooks me. Just... look at this... It's even scarier with black eyes x_x I'm sure a lot of people don't find it scary, I just thought this would be an interesting discussion: does anyone else think Purr Snout is spooky?2 points
(If you're confused, in an earlier version, a derp snout was originally called spit snout.) Whenever I see the name "Derp snout," I just slightly cringe, and remember a time when it was originally called "Spit snout." Anyone else like that? See? I believe this was a version where they were called Spit snouts.2 points
Just wanted to share this with you because I think it’s so cool. So my dad bought this gorgeous agaitzed petrified wood. (He is a big nature and fossil fan!) It was like $130 or something and he loved it a lot and was very proud of it. But then, today, it was accidentally knocked off the mantle and shattered into a million pieces! My poor dad was so upset and sad at his loss. However, my sisters and I decided that we would try our luck at piecing it back together. We started with the biggest chunks and then our dad scrounged the garbage can for the small fragments he threw away. Eventually, this is what happened: we were able to piece the rock back together like a puzzle down to the tiniest bits with just a few tiny chunks remaining around the edges! We thought it was too far gone but apparently not! It may eventually get plastered together and hopefully be displayed in glorified honor once again!2 points
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Yeah, the question is how purrsnout can be made more adorable, then. I'm thinking Puss in Boots level of adorable. His pupils can dilate to be cuter, but these guys can't, so maybe that's one thing. He can still look relatively cute even without large pupils, though: Another thing is maybe the tufts on the sides of the purrhead aren't helping the cuteness. Maybe a rounder head would look more adorable. Maybe the proportions of the face need to be changed, too.2 points
Yeah, I find purr snout a bit more unsettling than some of the other faces. Then again, I don't like derpsnout either; derpsnout used to be even creepier with black eyes (they used to be called spitsnouts), but it's better now since you can see the whites of their eyes now. Isn't this absolutely creepy?2 points
I think it’s a tad spooky with black eyes. I’m getting used to it though since my starter female had purr snout and now I have quite a few nichelings with it ^^2 points
2 points
BEHOLD Roboto the destroyer of worlds! Which is also an autonomous hive destroyer : I already played five hours today! :) Self-defending autonomous planet cleaner : A simple concept using a "not" gate to charge the jump drives and get a one-click-sprinter kind of ship : I've made a lot of other stuff!1 point
I agree. I have the same favs exept I'd replace sabre fangs with platypus beak1 point
1 point
I don't find purrsnout super creepy but it doesn't look that appealing or cute either. It could definitely use some editing, though I am not sure what would make it better (looking at the posts above I think it might be head shape related). Oh I hate cracker jaw too. Of course I got used to it but I still try to keep it to a minimum and rather use nimble fingers for cracking when I can. My favourite snouts are probably big nose, poison fangs and sabre fangs1 point
Philo said it was originally supposed to have the ability to spit something but they never got around to do it And I don't like the name 'derp snout' either.1 point
I think it would be super cool to have a level fadedness of patterns... Cause sometimes the patterns are just too bright.1 point
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Cat-nosed creatures with black eyes look like Martian/cat hybrids, and it's a little creepy. I fix this problem by putting other eye colors in the mutation menu so that my cat-nosed creatures can actually look like cats, then they're adorable.1 point
Yo @thivid08: https://strayfawnstudio.com/community/index.php?/topic/2699-motivations/1 point
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Ohhh I like that picture. How does it look like on other creatures?1 point
I didn't play the game until after the official release, but Spit Snout just doesn't make sense. It doesn't spit anything, so why would it be called Spit Snout? Besides, what if there was a head gene added that gave you the ability to spit? That would be confusing if there was an other head gene called Spit Snout. Derp Snout, however, makes sense. They're derpy.. Derpy Snouts, Derpy Snouts, Derpy all the wayyy, oh what fun it is to derp derp it all he way! DERP! (Derpy Snout version of Jingle Bells. Because I'm so creative.1 point
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When they were first released, I thought they were scary too, but now they look fine1 point
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The idea of a "bad" body gene is interesting. But the penalties are uneeded. Simply having no bonuses would already be far weaker than existing bodies.1 point
My current tribe consists of nothing but cracker jaw, derp snout, and purr snout. Also got one normal snout, FINALLY decided I needed to mutate it in lol her name is melon. Soft orange (red/beige) with gray spots ❤️1 point
1 point
Holy crap! I remember when spit-snout (I absolutely refuse to call it derp snout), was literally the spawn of satan o_o This little boy is adorable tbh, but THIS THIS THING RIGHT HERE IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING! (this was taken back when the textures were kinda broken) The new spit-snouts aren't really as bad... but the purr snouts are still giving me a spook ;-;1 point
I agree that the underwater world could be much more interesting. Another idea could be rainbow-colored coral reefs! Maybe you could dig for food or have a higher chance of finding food there, like crabs, shells, and fish, or even nesting material. It would also be nice to look at. You could also get a chance of getting poisoned or stung since reefs have some dangers (sea anemones, sea urchins, some species of fish- I am definitely in agreement that there should be more water species). The reef could be decayed with more and more digging just like how berry bushes or trees become barren, but it could respawn after a certain amount of days, too (like 10).1 point
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Maybe instead of the old system, which annoyingly caused you to accidentally change a nicheling's name to AaaAAaA or some other long gibberish name, there can be a naming button (like the one found in the family tree screen) that you have to purposely click in the circle profile before you can change the name. To save the name, just press enter. Either put the naming button on: a.the side panel with the 4 current options as a new 5th option OR b. inside of the circle profile near the name.1 point
Good morning! I'm Goggles! (But literally everyone on Steam calls me Juno.) I'm a huge Nintendo fangirl, and I especially take interest in the Mario, Zelda, and Splatoon series. I also like genetics, so that's probably why I'm here! Niche has made an interesting shift in my life, but I'm not obsessed with it... (anymore, at least.) But I still like to do things, like stalk Niche's Twitter page 😈 Oh, hobbies. My hobbies aren't particularly special, but I love to draw and play games. And that's pretty much it. Uh... Stay Fresh, or whatever.1 point
1 point
Hmm, a foil is an opposite. Big ear is currently +4 hearing, +2 heat, -1 cold. Why would getting rid of heat resistance make d a foil? To make d a perfect foil, it would have to be +4 hearing, +2 cold (instead of the proposed +1), -1 heat. Regarding camouflage, I just read something that made me think I should change d from -1 camouflage to +1 camouflage: http://scienceblogs.com/tetrapodzoology/2008/07/14/owl-ear-tuft-mystery/ "Finally, there’s the camouflage hypothesis. Because some owl species erect their ear tufts when alarmed by approaching danger (while at the same time adopting a vertically elongate body shape different from their more rotund resting pose), it’s been suggested that ear tufts help break up the owl’s outline and make it appear more like a broken branch. Perrone (1981) noted that the camouflage hypothesis would only apply if ear tufts were present in those owls that roost during the day: diurnal owls roost at night and, in theory, shouldn’t require visual tricks to conceal themselves from predators. Tufted owls should also roost in places where the tufts might aid in concealment; presumably, in locations where the ear tufts might help break up the owl’s shape (like in trees, and not in cavities or on the ground). In other words, the hypothesis predicts that ear tufts should be restricted to tree-roosting nocturnal owls. And this does (mostly) appear to be the case: tufted owls are all forest-dwelling and nocturnal (though note that not all populations of all tufted species are forest-dwelling)." So maybe it could be +1 camouflage under the condition that the creature is in a tree. A pretty limited use of camouflage, though, since only flying creatures could benefit. 🤣 Which one is fluffy ears? Letter c? Thanks everyone for the input so far!1 point
Ah, well. This explains too much, my life has been a lie to this day. I too am crazy eyed and my father was bear(yena).1 point
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If this gets added all my elders will be thrown next to the berry bushes instead of surrounded by their family lol1 point
I'd create an island that was an extensive ocean with shallow and deep water, and islands made of mostly beach tiles with some mountain tiles as well, for rocks in the middle of the sea. Clams, a few coconut trees and crabbits are the main sources of food for Nichelings who cannot breathe underwater, but further down there are fish of all kinds and worms to be gathered with Platypus Beak. The climate of the island would be +1 heat, unless it's raining, then it would be 0 heat. Maybe there could even be a new tide mechanic, where every five or so days the ocean would rise and bring with it a lot of clams, and after five days it'd fall again and take any clams with them, as well as pull creatures who are in the water and have less swimming than their distance to the nearest beach/mountain tile out into the sea, one tile, two tiles or even three tiles far, depending on how deep the tile they are standing on is. This way, Nichelings who aren't careful could get swept away by the ocean and drown. Crabbits would get swept three tiles far, no exception, unless of course there's on land when the water retreats.1 point
I was thinking about a canyon island, where there are deep canyons where the top is covered in rocks. I’m not sure what biome that would be, though.1 point
maybe there can be a bone body? it has a passive -1 strength, but as you collect bones of dead nichelings(1 bone per dead nicheling) your defense and attack rises1 point
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ooh i like the idea of it gaining Armour as time goes on so that you have ti exterminate it quickly unless you are super strong1 point
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"Target Persistence 100" yeah I think we've all noticed that at some point XD1 point