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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2021 in all areas

  1. from a long-ago playthrough, the Amethyst Queendom. Little Skye is finally told by her dad that no, your mother isn't on a hunting trip...she died when she gave birth to you (also you have to rule a whole queendom now) I spent minimal time on this but I like it. below is Skye and her dad Dash
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. I've decided that this year I will be running for moderator of Stray Fawn Forums!! And HERES why!!! -im cool -im awesome -im swaggy -i have great hair -i am so nice and friendly -move im gay -i cant remember which way is left or right half the time -je peux parler franΓ§ais -im,,,hot?? -i was complimented by ga once -i believe in yeehaw foggie supremacy πŸ™ -my entire family is cool and epic and swaggy -i have three moms!! i bet YOU dont have three moms!! -Fawncat, Yeehaw Foggie and Hatsune Miku all raised me its true i swear -Brokenshock is my sibling they can vouch for me -please dont ask to see the family tree you dont want to just trust me -my pfp on Discord is NOT the dnf flag and it is NOT only still there to spite Flower faf -IM ONA SUGAR CRASH?? -please im broke i cannot afford to feed my family -all ive got to give everyone in my will is an old creepy painting and some skittles -please Gamingcookie desrves more than some skittles -i talk to Meatypoltergeist69 regularly -i bet YOU dont talk to Meatypoltergeist69 regularly!! -there is a lawn mower outside and it has been going for like an hour please im gonna lose it -e -πŸ’€ all of this only half a joke
    3 points
  4. cormorant’paw i have therapy so i’ll do their personality later
    3 points
  5. Soo I was looking for a nicheling template but couldn't find one. SO I MADE ONE! (the title thing is for things like god of plants, queen of moon tribe, etc) (genes and other features can be changed)
    3 points
  6. Also, really quick. One of my two favorite dragons, Creamer and Starwish are expecting a clutch of two. They both have lore (that I am currently writing on) and the kiddos will come with lore too (nothing too exciting, but character & maybe a short text). So if anyone is interested, tell me!
    3 points
  7. new oc ig she was born royalty but was like "nah screw this i'm out" and moved to hell's equivalent of the country lmao
    2 points
  8. i think this is all the proof we need that the general public would love it if kat were mod
    2 points
  9. (yes I know, the backgrounds will always be the bane of my existence yes I stole that from someone from the forums, I don't remember who) Day 6: Hermione and Kas, the founders of the Mushrooms Tribe. (I wanted to make some amazing reeds I had in mind, when I had a nice set of reeds I realized that THEY ARE ON THE SAME LAYER AS THE SKETCH and from that point I didn't even care. I just wanted to get that dang picture done.)
    2 points
  10. alrighty then signed πŸ‘
    2 points
  11. Wait im not supposed to vouch uhhhh petition signed yes
    2 points
  12. 2 points
    2 points
  14. undertale beeduo au? yes. ((also no i totally didnt draw ranboos hair parted on the wrong side in one of the pages what are you talking about no based on this text from the echo flowers! - (You hear a passing conversation.) So? Don't you have any wishes to make? (You hear a passing conversation.) ... hmmm, just one, but... It's kind of stupid. (You hear a passing conversation.) Don't say that! Come on, I promise I won't laugh. (You hear a passing conversation.) ... hmmm... if I say my wish... You promise you won't laugh at me? (You hear a passing conversation.) Of course I won't laugh! (You hear a passing conversation.) Someday, I'd like to climb this mountain we're all buried under. Standing under the sky, looking at the world all around... That's my wish. (You hear laughter.) ... hey, you said you wouldn't laugh at it! (You hear a passing conversation.) Sorry, it's just funny... That's my wish, too.
    2 points
  15. I consider anyone under 18 a child, which means I am a child and there are people older than me that I consider children. And you're 11...that's 4 years younger than me, all the way back to elementary school when I was a young (stupid) kid who yelled at people on Roblox. (Of course, that doesn't mean I'm better than you, in any way. My cousin is 10 and her art is crazy good??? I'm actually jealous of it, though she learned from the best sooo 😎) and the reason was that there were already negative replies being made; it could've easily escalated into a fight, and either way it was hurtful, to me and at least 1 other person (who I will not name until/unless they name themselves). (thank you for respecting my decision though!! ❀️) /nm /lh with love from your friendly neighborhood spider-mod (lol) ❀️
    2 points
  16. So in the feature requests forum, it says "The final selection of improvements/new features will be made in the next community voting in late 2018." Does this mean no new features will be implemented now? I've seen some cool suggestions in there and I have a couple of my own, but I don't want to waste my time if there's no chance of it being added ._.
    1 point
  17. imagine if I said Sunkit would lol. TEH LEADER KIT YES (I'm kidding)
    1 point
  18. I had this really stupid question since a few months ago
    1 point
  19. Mudpaw’s Killer Moon 15 Fernstar had been unsure about whether to send a search party out to recapture Taman, but Redfish had advised against leaving the camp unguarded, and though Snowpaw still wanted justice for the murder she had witnessed, she was already focusing on the journey to her ancestral homeland. In the end, Fernstar decided that Star Clan had themselves answered the question about what to do with Taman. He was no longer their concern, since they were leaving the island. That night it took her a long time to get to sleep. Every noise in the night jolted her awake, I can’t wait to leave this island… she thought to herself, then I won’t have to worry about Taman coming back for revenge. But then...a disturbing thought entered her head, maybe she would still. Maybe they would cross the ocean using the port just to come slaughter the clan cats. She shivered at the thought. She knew she couldn’t get to sleep, not here...not alone. She walked out of the leader’s den, not knowing where she was going. She briefly thought of going to the moonstone, but she didn’t want to be ambushed by rogues on the way there. No, she needed to be someplace safe in order to sleep. She entered the warriors’ den. She would fell better surrounded by her fellow warriors. She had always felt uneasy and at times selfish, sleeping in the leader’s den. Now she felt completely unprotected there. Here she would have warriors to help her fight intruders, and she would be able to help protect them as well. She looked around the den for an empty spot. There was one nearby Rootclaw. She quietly purred to herself and took the spot. She could’ve snuggled right up to him, but that might’ve woke him up. Instead she settled for sleeping next to him, knowing they could protect eachother in the case of a rogue attack. Finally, she drifted to sleep. But her sleep was not a peaceful one. She heard cats fighting, and rushed toward the sound. There she saw Taman and another cat, fighting. But to her horror, she recognized the other cat. It was someone she hadn’t seen in ages. Mudpaw! He was a Green Clan medicine cat apprentice. She yowled at them to stop, but they didn’t hear her. They were still in the swamp grasses, trampling them as young Mudpaw fought mainly defensively. β€œJust let me go! I’ll leave...I won’t bother the group again!” an afraid Mudpaw mewed. β€œSorry, Muddy, I can’t do that. I gave you a fair warning and the first blow, but I can’t disobey my orders,” he was so calm it made Fernstar’s blood run cold. β€œWhy do you all kill eachother?” hissed Mudpaw as he blocked another swipe from Taman, β€œno wonder your group is so small!” β€œSmall, yes, but the ones who survive are the strongest,” growled Taman, β€œan you’re weak. I’ve had enough of this kit-fighting. Let’s get to the real thing” he sprang at Mudpaw. Mudpaw turned and fled. He was absolutely terrified. β€œHe’s just a medicine cat apprentice!” yowled Fernstar, trying to block Taman’s path, but he ran right through her. This is just a dream, Fernstar realized, a dream of the past. I can see what happened, but these cats can’t see me! Nor can I effect what happens. She turned around and ran out of the grasses. She watched in horror as Mudpaw ran out onto the beach. Taman swiftly closed in on him and barreled into him, knocking him onto the spot on which the skeleton was found. Fernstar knew there was nothing she could do, but she still ran at the two, yowling, pleading, tears coming down. Taman pinned the scrawny apprentice and locked his jaws onto his neck. Mudpaw’s life bled out before Fernstar’s eyes. She was right next to them now, trying to scratch Taman, but her claw went right through him. As he was dying, Mudpaw’s eyes suddenly lit up, then he looked at Taman with a sad expression, he tried to talk. Taman let go of the apprentices neck, perhaps curious as to what he would say. β€œI-I pity you,” said the medicine cat with his last breath. Taman stood there, shocked and confused for a minute. It was clear the three words had shaken him. His fear bristled and for the first time she saw a hint of sadness in his eyes...and a hint of anxiety too. She could almost read his mind, if you who are dying pity me...I wonder what is going to happen to me? What can be worse than what has happened to you? Fernstar wondered what had made Mudpaw’s eyes light up...and why Taman was so worried about the dying words of a cat which he considered weak. β€œHe knew,” said a voice, and Fernstar whirled around. β€œMudpaw!” she cried, running to the apprentice to nuzzle him. β€œI-I’m so sorry. I’m sorry we didn’t search the island for other survivors. I’m sorry we failed to avenge you-that Taman escaped.” β€œDon’t be sorry,” purred Mudpaw, β€œI’m in Star Clan now. Taman knew about my connection to Star Clan. Though him and members of his rogue group didn’t believe me. He did see me communicate with my warrior ancestors a few times. Once I predicated the future. Unfortunately they wouldn’t let me use my healing abilities, and some members of their group died because of it.” Mudpaw’s eyes grew sad, full of regret. β€œWhat does it matter if members of their group died?” growled Fernstar, β€œThey were horrible rogues, they deserved it.” Mudpaw gazed at her sadly, β€œThis island has made your heart hard. Have you forgotten the ways of green clan? We help anyone we can. Besides, I was apart of this group for a few moons. I grew attached to some of them, and they happened to be the ones that died. The weak,” he spat, β€œthe only ones with compassion because they understood what it was like to be looked down upon. This island tends to make hearts grow hard like the cats of Mountain Clan. The land you are to travel to will also do this. Be warned, and always love your fellow cats. Remember your Green Clan heritage. Your clan may also need your limited healing abilities soon.” β€œIs Turtlemist going to die?” asked Fernstar. β€œI cannot answer. But what I can tell you is it’s a good thing your mother was once a medicine cat apprentice!” he purred. Fernstar’s mother had trained to become a medicine cat before she fell in love with her father and decided the path of a medicine cat was not for her. It was actually not uncommon in Green Clan, for many kits grow up wanting to be medicine cats since they want to help their clanmates and have a strong connection to Star Clan. Thus was Green Clan’s culture, they were nicer and more gentle than the other clans. β€œBecause of that, I always did have a special place in my heart for medicine cats…” Fernstar trailed off. She had to avenge this good-hearted medicine cat apprentice from her own clan. Before she thought it was just a rogue or loner, a stranger that had been killed by Taman. But now she realized why Star Clan had them find the body. The cat that had died upon this beach had clan blood in them. Mudpaw gave her a firm and reassuring nod, before he faded away. Fernstar shot up from her nest with new purpose, she was relieved to see dawn was already breaking, β€œRootclaw!” she called. She saw that the tom was gazing at her already, his face a mix of delight and confusion, but this eyes sharpened at her tone, β€œYes, Fernstar?” β€œYou and Redfish head out to re-capture Taman at once,” she ordered. Rootclaw looked surprised, β€œYes, Fernstar, but-well what are we to do with him then? You came to the conclusion yesterday-” β€œI don’t care what I said yesterday,” said Fernstar, β€œthere isn’t much time to explain. As soon as Taman is escorted back to camp…” she took a deep breath, β€œwe will execute him.” It’s the only way to punish him and still ensure the safety of the clan, she told herself, he has killed a clan cat in cold blood, a cat of his own group no-less! He must be punished. Rootclaw lifted his tail and his chin, his eyes relaxing, β€œBut what if we can’t get him back to camp?” β€œDon’t tell him he’s coming back to die of course,” Fernstar said, feeling a bit guilty for telling her clanmates to lie, β€œbut if you simply cannot get him back you have my permission to kill him. However, if he’s injured from fighting you he shouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight anymore, try and drag him back to camp.” β€œYes, Fernstar,” said Rootclaw, his eyes gleaming as he turned away and exited the warriors’ den. - Rootclaw and Redfish had been gone all day...so it was a relief to see the two of them walking down the beach toward camp. She walked up to them, waiting to hear if their mission was a success. The marks of battle scarred their pelts, which was expected, but she hadn’t expected the nervousness in Redfish’s gaze, the anger mixed with worry in Rootclaw’s. β€œWhat happened?” she asked, concerned. β€œRedfish let-” Rootclaw’s hiss was interrupted. β€œLet’s tell the story from the beginning, shall we?” Redfish said in a measured tone. β€œFine,” growled Rootclaw, β€œso we found Taman. We whittled him down with our fighting, and I finally had him pinned to the ground. He started blabbing. He said another cat had ordered him to kill the dead cat...which he called Muddy.” β€œWhat other cat?” asked Fernstar, her ears pricked. β€œThe leader of the rogues,” said Rootclaw. That made sense, given Fernstar’s dream. β€œAnd so Rootclaw had the brilliant,” the word dripped with sarcasm, β€œidea of using Taman to get to this rogue leader.” β€œIt worked didn’t it?” Rootclaw hissed at Redfish. β€œYes,” said Redfish, β€œbut that wasn’t our mission. We were to find Taman and bring him back for execution.” β€œOr kill him,” growled Rootclaw, β€œwhich I was trying to do when you knocked me off him!” β€œYou promised not to kill him if he helped us,” hissed Redfish, β€œa warrior’s word must be followed.” β€œTaman didn’t follow his word, he warned the rogue leader a moment before our attack!” Rootclaw’s back was arched. β€œAnd that didn’t change a thing, the rogue leader is dead now,” Redfish argued. β€œEnough of this!” yelled Fernstar, and the two toms turned to face her. They both had an apologetic expression, but beneath it lingered their contempt for eachother. β€œWhat’s happened to you to?” Fernstar nearly yelled at them, β€œYou have always respected eachother and were great friends after saving the clan from famine on your fishing patrols!” They sat silent for a minute. β€œThat was a long time ago,” Rootclaw finally said. β€œThat may be” spat Fernstar, β€œBut you two are still warriors of the same clan! And I will not tolerate in-fighting!” β€œYes, Fernstar,” Rootclaw flinched. Redfish nodded, β€œI understand that. But Rootclaw is trying to blame me for this mission going wrong.” β€œHe says you attacked him to protect the rogue?” asked Fernstar cooly. A flicker of something...regret? Doubt? β€œYes,” Redfish admitted, β€œbut he was going to kill the rogue right then and there after giving his word… Taman may be a rogue, and a murderer at that, but we can’t start living like rogues, or soon we’ll be just as bad as him. Our orders were to bring him back to camp for execution, first and foremost, so I figured we could still bring him back and let you judge him. Then at least we wouldn’t be the ones killing him, so Rootclaw wouldn’t break his word, and he would have a chance of survival after helping us kill the rogue leader.” Fernstar slowly nodded, β€œand why couldn’t you bring him back?” β€œBecause he knocked me off the rogue and we fought,” mumbled Rootclaw. β€œI only jumped at him to prevent him from sinking his teeth into the rogue’s neck,” Redfish commented. β€œWere you about to kill Taman?” asked Fernstar as gently as possible. β€œYes,” said Rootclaw, not meeting her eyes. Well this is just great! My deputy and most senior warrior are fighting! They both disobeyed orders in some regard… Taman is still on the loose! Nobody on this island is safe. She remembered what Mudpaw had told her, about this island making the hearts of cats grow hard. And maybe it just might drive them insane, too! β€œI will not judge between you,” she finally said, β€œyou both failed. However, it is good that the leader of the rogues is dead. Star Clan has made it clear to me that Taman did have orders from the leader to kill Mudpaw.” β€œMudpaw?” Rootclaw looked up from the ground, β€œHe killed a clan cat?” β€œDoes it matter now?” Fernstar said, meeting his eyes which were once more swimming with rage. β€œYes, it does,” he said, β€œwhat are you hiding from me?” His words brought her back to when she had shared with him that she had drowned and lost a life before being made leader. She hadn’t wanted to keep anything from him then, now she wasn’t so sure. I love him, but he’s such a fire brand! Especially when it comes to Taman...he is obsessed with killing that rogue. He’s never really liked rogues. And I think having Snowpaw as his apprentice has made him want to bring Taman to justice even more. β€œOur leader does not have to share every secret with you,” snapped Redfish. Rootclaw’s fur bristled, and Fernstar said, β€œNo, Redfish it’s alright. I will tell both of you. Before there just wasn’t enough time to explain. I wasn’t trying to keep it from anyone. The toms looked at her expectantly. β€œMudpaw was a Green Clan medicine cat apprentice,” she said, aware that she had begun to cry, β€œI had assumed he had died in the disasters, but he hadn’t. He washed up on the same island we did, this island. Apparently, he joined the rogue group.” β€œNo!” said Rootclaw, expressing his surprise. β€œWell there were no other clan cats around that he could see...and he wasn’t used to living alone. Plus he couldn’t hunt, being trained as a medicine cat…” Fernstar trailed off. β€œWhy did the rogue leader order one of their members killed?” Redfish asked. β€œI don’t know,” said Fernstar, shaking her head, β€œbut Taman said only the strong survive...and Mudpaw was weak.” β€œWhen did you speak to Taman?” asked a confused Rootclaw. β€œI didn’t. I saw what happened in a dream last night. Mudpaw has made a safe journey to Star Clan along with the rest of those who died in the disaster. If he hadn’t I could tear Taman to shreds myself,” Fernstar said, suddenly angered as she remembered the horrible scene of his death. β€œI’m so sorry,” said Rootclaw, licking her shoulder, his anger seeming to have evaporated. She licked his ears back, then turned to Redfish who was awkwardly standing to the side, β€œTell the clan that tomorrow we leave the island.” Redfish dipped his head and scampered off to spread the news. β€œThat temper of yours,” she said to Rootclaw as the deputy dissapeared from view, she shook her head, β€œat this rate you’ll get yourself killed before we officially become mates!” His eyes shone, β€œNonsense! Will it be soon?” β€œOnce we arrive on the new island,” she purred at him. What does it matter if Taman isn’t dead? The leader of the rogues is. And besides, we’ll be long gone in a few days. What could Taman really do to us on our new island?
    1 point
  20. so this is like a thing people do ig just thought i could make fun of old me's drawings, feel free to join in this was the first drawing i ever posted on here :,] loquat what did i do to you my poor boy did not deserve this his legs are so small and his toes are so plentiful but like i honestly dont think i can even slightly pull off drawing this pose anymore so id say its a 6.5/10 i did this for artfight and im honestly still really proud of that horse but the background is horrid the grass is so like mushy???? and what the frick is up with the sky like it reminds me of the background in the wii fit hula-hoop minigame yall know what im talking about?? this fricker right here if it were just the horse itd get like a 10/10, but the background included makes it like a 5/10 (the character is by egg_owo_muffin on artfight btw) i hate this one so much i swear why is everything so washed out and wiggly 0/10 if you guys want to scrounge thru my old nicheling drawing topic or, for the brave souls out there, my old deviantart posts, then you are welcome to.
    1 point
  21. mostly for the nichelings, but you too
    1 point
  22. can iadd these to the extra pain dlc for my challenge
    1 point
  23. I am interested (luckily i expanded the lair)
    1 point
  24. We are finally out of hell overgrown jungle and on to sleepy reeds! Thanks to bat heads, toxic bodies and stinky tails, our food count is slowly coming back up from 900 to 1000! And.....AAAAH A WHALE ISLAND PORT FINALLY WHEN WE NEED IT YES (Yes that is Witchcraft III. Daughter of Witchcraft II, distant descendant of Witchcraft the First.) Passing on the gemstones to her daughter RalaDottie! (stupid name I know. I wanted to call her Dottie but then I remembered Ralanel, the legacy.) I need to update the fanart! Look at that rogue male! He is a GRAPE! So cute! SLARM just got out-slarmed I love him so much, I intentionally bread him with one of my females (guys help I'm having a panic attack this computer has no bread emoji!)
    1 point
  25. You can give me Sunkit but idk if I’ll be able to make them a kit
    1 point
  26. The Escape Moon 15 The cats of Remnant Clan had gathered on the beach for a clan meeting. They had held meetings here for as long as they had been at this camp, it was most convenient since some cat had to always guard Taman who was in the water. Fernstar had just announced that they would be leaving the island using the odd moonstone on this island that Snowpaw called a β€˜port.’ β€œAre you sure it’s safe?” Redfish asked. β€œIs it safe to stay here?” Fernstar countered, β€œI would be the last to want to travel across the ocean on mere rocks...I’d rather stay far away from it…” she glanced nervously at the waves. Rootclaw knew that the only reason they had settled here was because there were less bug swarms with one side of the camp flanked by water that the bugs couldn’t come from, and the ocean winds blowing them away. Redfish nodded thoughtfully, β€œWhat do we do about him?” he flicked his tail to Taman. Fernstar’s eyes flickered with uncertainty, β€œI’m open to suggestions.” β€œWell we can’t just let him go free when we leave,” Snowpaw put in. Rootclaw nodded, his apprentice was right. β€œBut surely we can’t bring him with us!” Redfish said, β€œWe already have enough mouths to feed, and wherever we go is sure to have new challenges. Besides, we can’t make him come if he doesn’t want to! What are we going to do? Swim with him from stone to stone, hoping he doesn’t break free or drown us?” Fernstar looked troubled. β€œI say we kill him,” said Rootclaw. Fernstar shuffled her feet nervously, and Rootclaw felt a stab of guilt, but why? β€œI-I’ll decide later,” stuttered Fernstar, β€œfor now, me and Rootclaw will check out this port and be sure it’s safe...enough.” Rootclaw lit up at the prospect of being alone with Fernstar. β€œYes, Fernstar,” he said, unable to hide his eagerness. They got so little time alone with Fernstar doing her duties as a leader, a warrior, and a queen. There was little time for forging a close bond in preparation for their mateship. She turned to Redfish, β€œYou stay here and guard the camp and the prisoner. We’ll be back before nightfall.” Redfish nodded. - Fernstar gazed upon the moonstone. She wondered if Star Clan might speak to them, despite their mission being to check out the port it guarded. β€œSnowpaw says you climb up on the moonstone,” said Rootclaw, β€œand use it as a launching point to get safely to the first rock island.” Fernstar was shocked, β€œClimb on top of the sacred moonstone? What if you scratch it?” β€œIt appears cats have in the past,” he said, β€œit’s covered in scratch marks.” β€œBut there must be another way,” murmured Fernstar. β€œWell you could swim…” swim? Fernstar’s mind went back to when she had been in the ocean...hopelessly tossed about by waves and currents...exhausted..and then unable to breath. β€œOr you could jump past the moonstone to the side. But that would have greater risk of falling in.” Fernstar shivered, β€œNo, we will have to use the moonstone. I will try it out first.” She had to make sure it was safe physically and wouldn’t anger Star Clan before she let another member of her clan attempt it. β€œLet me,” said Rootclaw, concern glowing in his eyes. β€œI have multiple lives,” Fernstar told him defiantly, β€œI’ll be fine.” β€œBut it’s my duty as a warrior to protect our leader! What would we do without you?” Rootclaw’s eyes sparkled playfully as he touched his tail to her nose. β€œBut what would I do without you?” she purred, her eyes serious, β€œI couldn’t bear to loose the one I love. And the clan would suffer.” He rubbed his cheek against hers, β€œYou’re not going to loose me,” he purred, β€œI’m a good swimmer, remember?” She sat there for a minute, her eyes locking with his. β€œI love you, Rootclaw, I don’t want to risk you getting hurt.” β€œYou could, too,” he reminded her, β€œeven if you have lives left, if you get injured your injuries will remain. I couldn’t bear it if you were maimed and I could’ve prevented it. I love you too much.” She realized this could go back and forth for hours, and Rootclaw wasn’t one to give up. He would have to obey if she gave orders over-ruling his objections, but then she would be bossing him around as a leader, not suggesting like a friend or mate. She couldn’t push her wait around, that would be no good for their relationship. β€œFine,” she said, β€œbut be careful. If you fall in I’m coming in after you.” β€œI won’t,” he purred, licking her shoulder reassuringly. He leaped up onto the moonstone, claws scrabbling as he tried to get his balance. When he finally did, he leaped to the first rock island. She held her breath as he sailed through the air, toward the tiny bit of stone that was just big enough to keep him safe from the ocean’s clutches. He touched down at the edge of the stone, front paws clutching it. But it was slippery and wet. He fell into the water below. Despite her promise to come in after her, she felt glued to the spot. She was shocked, unable to move. She began screaming his name and crying. Finally she ran to the ocean, but when a wave crashed against her as she rushed in, her mind took her back to the time when she had been in the ocean...tired...unable to control which way she went...not able to breathe. It overwhelmed her, she found herself struggling to breathe once more… And then, she felt someone beside her, β€œFernstar!” The shout shook her out of her thoughts, and she gasped for breath. β€œFernstar, are you alright?” black eyes of concern pierced her. β€œRootclaw!” she gasped, β€œI saw you fall in, I thought…” β€œYou thought wrong,” he said, β€œI’m fine,” he purred as he gently guided her back to shore, β€œthanks to my quick reflexes and swimming ability. But you’re not,” he said, his demeanor turning darker, β€œI can see it in your eyes every time you look at the water. I think it’s because you almost drowned-” β€œDrowned,” she corrected him suddenly. β€œThat’s what I said,” Rootclaw said, blinking in confusion. β€œNo, you said almost drowned. I did drown, Rootclaw,” Fernstar said as gently as she could with her own raw emotions pouring out. Her fear, her sadness, the guilt from keeping it from her clanmates. If they were going to be mates, she didn’t want to keep things from him. He had to know the truth, and now was a good time as any. β€œWhen?” he was greatly troubled, β€œHow many lives do you have left?” β€œ5,” answered Fernstar simply. β€œBut that makes no sense! You died once tearing through the brambles of the old camp wall so we could escape from the bug swarms after being weakened from sickness, and you started with-” β€œI started with...well, it depends what β€˜started’ means...but I was supposed to have 7. When I was in the ocean before Shiningsun saved me, I drowned, Rootclaw,” Fernstar finally admitted. β€œBut that’s impossible! You weren’t leader then,” Rootclaw exclaimed. β€œThat’s what I thought. That’s what Turtlemist thought you would all think, so we agreed to hide it,” Fernstar said regretfully. β€œYou told Turtlemist?” Rootclaw said, a flicker of outrage in his eyes, but also deep concern and confusion. β€œThat was before we had a falling out,” growled Fernstar, β€œand besides, I didn’t have to tell him. He was with me in the dream, and a medicine cat. He knew already.” β€œOh…” murmured Rootclaw, the anger fading from his eyes, and the confusion, being left with only concern, β€œwell you probably made the right decision. Who knows how Lightwatcher would’ve reacted.” Fernstar blinked, she had never thought of that before… Would the Mountain Clan warrior have thought she was lying and trust her even less? Or feel even more resentful of her that she was given such an ability? β€œI-I supp-ose you’re right,” she stuttered. β€œOf course I’m right,” purred Rootclaw, beggining to wash her, β€œI’m so glad Star Clan did that for you,” he whispered to her after licking her ears, β€œthe whole clan is lucky to have you for their leader.” he returned to a normal volume as he spoke between strokes, β€œI can’t imagine a world...in which you had drowned...before I even met you.” β€œMe either,” purred Fernstar, settling down to rest and be loved as Rootclaw licked her coat, he knows now that I lied to him...to the whole clan, but he still loves me and trusts my judgment. It made her feel secure...like everything was going to be alright. β€œFernstar! Rootclaw!” a panicked yowl made her sit up and Rootclaw stop lickiing her, rushing toward the sound. β€œRedfish?” a startled Rootclaw said as the deputy came into view, β€œWhat are you doing here? What’s going on?” Panting, he said, β€œTaman has escaped!” β€œWhat?” hissed Rootclaw, β€œyou were supposed to guard him!” Fernstar was shocked, but she forced herself to remain calm, β€œWhat happened, Redfish?” Rootclaw’s eyes scanned the deputy’s coat, what is he doing? β€œYou don’t have a scratch on you!” he growled. Redfish bristled but didn’t take the bait, β€œI had to let him go. He was going to drown Bugpaw!” Fernstar gasped, fear seeping into her, he would’ve killed his own son! β€œAnd how,” said Rootclaw, cynically, β€œdid he get ahold of young Bugpaw?” β€œBugpaw ran to the beach suddenly, I thought he might be about to tell me something. Then he turned to his father. Bugpaw was on the other side of the beach from me, I couldn’t get to him in time. The rogue grabbed him and quickly shoved him under the water. Taman said he’d hold him under β€˜till he died. And Bugpaw wasn’t near as strong as Taman, he would’ve been held down easily under that water until he drowned. I waited a minute to see if he was bluffing, but he continued to hold his son, who was now struggling less, under. Shiningsun begged me to save her son...I couldn’t let that murderer kill him in front of her. And besides, Turtlemist said that he couldn’t loose his apprentice now, he wouldn’t have enough time to train another one before he died,” Redfish explained. Fernstar was shaking, some out of fear, some out of rage, β€œYou did the right thing.” He nodded, β€œWe better get back to camp...before Taman and his friends come back to take revenge.” The only thing the rogue had ever revealed to them while in his watery prison was that he had friends...and plenty of them. It was more a threat than helpful information, and now his words haunted her as she realized how much danger her clan was really in. (the aftermath of the escape, the clan cats return to camp...Taman lurks in the shadows before running away)
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. oh wait i think i still have some of your old art of melon saved to my computer
    1 point
  29. I'm sorry, I overreacted. I should have respected your opinion and said nothing.
    1 point
  30. omggg please continue this this is BRILLIANT (how dare you disrespect Hachi though /hj)
    1 point
  31. its a glitch someone on the steam community discovered and made several jokes about, which led to me making a drawing of the silly guy, and since then crabmingo has lived in my mind rent free lolol
    1 point
  32. thanks for the clarification!! i was pretty confused lol
    1 point
  33. Welp, I pronounce it like none of those options. More like Nitch-e (with the e like of β€œnet”)
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Are you 18 already? Philo said I had to wait until I was 18 for her to consider me being a mod.
    1 point
  36. they're like tiny snake butterflies
    1 point
  37. I'll buy this accent here: That plus a few gene changes and a breed change will make my first primal go from this: to this:
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. [Wow . . . Drawing in MS Paint with a mouse is something I haven't done in roughly 8 years, lol]
    1 point
  40. d o n a t i n g b r e a d 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞
    1 point
  41. basically putting two contrasting things together to highlight their difference
    1 point
  42. Give him some time and he'll have like 10 spouses /j
    1 point
  43. here is bread for you 🍞🍞🍞πŸ₯–πŸ₯πŸ₯–πŸ₯–πŸ₯πŸ₯ͺπŸ₯ͺπŸ₯ͺ
    1 point
  44. Here I want to donate some bread! 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞
    1 point
  45. I'LL GIVE YOU SOME 🍞🍞🍞
    1 point
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