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Stray Fawn Community


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bostonlobstah last won the day on September 11 2020

bostonlobstah had the most liked content!


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  • still alive!

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  1. I can’t believe you are still active here, good for you 👍
  2. Oh wow, a sequel to Niche would be so cool! Let me think—maybe more types of birds would be cool! That can fly, don’t hunt babies, and drop less food? oh wait—what about neutral or enemy tribes of wanderers! Kind of like Adam’s family but stick together more. And if you befriend the tribe enough you can merge tribes, or if you attack them or steal their resources, members or territory they become hostile so you have to be careful. Maybe different tribes will act more or less hostile regardless. There could even be groups of rogue males…actually no that would suck haha last idea, to expand what someone said earlier: nocturnal nichelings and predators. Idk how the mechanics would play out, I just think it would be cool to play at night
  4. A fellow aroace? (Gasp) welcome

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BirbMonster


      Update: they changed their pfp yesterday there's a possibility they'll come back

    3. Lilytuft
    4. MT26 - A Nicheling
  5. i wonder where they went

    1. ap0110



      it seems like they just disappeared

    2. polly
    3. ap0110
  6. take my upvote!
  7. I gotta go, but I will let you know when I'm ready to play!
  8. I have only used aggie 1 (one) time but I would really like to try again! Anyone up for joining?
  9. I, bostonlobstah, wish you, anonymous human with username Polly, an emotion expressing joy and satisfaction for a positive event usually represented by an upwards curvature of the mouth, for this glorious day which you claim to be the anniversary of when you came out of your mother's womb after an average of 9 months of pregnancy, known as birth, thus beginning the stage of infancy. I express this sentiment because you are an important and wonderful person and deserve recognition for this celebration of your existence.
  10. *quietly, from the dark, back corner of the room* I'm in.
  11. Back in my day (okay actually it wasn't my day. I lurked, I don't think I even had niche yet), the off-topic forums were virtually empty!
  12. I lowkey miss when the forums was just a bunch of randos who occasionally came on to discuss Niche gameplay like they were philosophers. That was even before the kingdoms, I believe.
  13. Happy early birthday!!
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