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Stray Fawn Community


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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. Huh. I uploaded all of them the same way...
  2. Thanks for letting me know! It may just be the device that you're on. And I'm opening this up for posting anyways
  3. It didn't even let me open the file before :,( I'll try it again later
  4. WinZip won't let me on windows And my mac is a school laptop so it won't let me download it either
  5. I'll be making more soon! I just have a tight agenda with homework and such :,(
  6. more adoptables! I'm reserving them for non-owners only so everyone can get a chance to join @Brokenshock
  7. I think they are pansexual. I mean, slugs are I believe So snails are actually both biological genders simultaneously...I forget what you'd call that. Genderqueer? Depending on how the snail feels about themselves
  8. Look what I found when I was looking up spider species 'peacock spider'
  9. House spider? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasteatoda_tepidariorum Their bites hurt (like most spiders), but they won't bite unless you physically abuse them (ie grab them in your fist and squeeze them, possibly while shaking your hand violently up and down I imagine). And it won't kill you.
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