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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. I personally think they should be in between ram and antlers in dominance. Or between antlers and antennae.
  2. She was born with double no paw in a peaceful meadow (she was from a wanderer challenge), hence she was named Grass as collecting it was all she could do. Her mother Emerald is also a goddess, a goddess of Tribes and Unity because she was the one to finally settle down and grow her family after generations of wandering the island. But Grass had the big body, which I was aiming for because I wanted to go to First Snow. So despite her deformity, she became the main breeding female. Her descendants went on to First Snow and became very powerful and skilled. Unfortunately my files were somehow unable to sync and I lost that tribe ;-;
  3. I am planning on making a snow tribe led by my goddess Grass!
  4. I wonder if that's it. Also I can't wait for Seri to upload a video and be like "Oh, mygosh. You guys. THE NEW UPDATE IS OUT I AM SO EXCITED" Gosh I am excited to see her reaction of the new bears
  5. So I was making a custom starter, Bostonlobstah, and when I did the preview thing the pink was not PINK but instead a lightish brownish red color. Disgraceful, I know!! Don't know if it did this with other colors but it also did it with red + white pattern and brown red + white fur color where they didn't look right. I don't have a pic on me right now but I will get one soon. When I get in the game the colors are normal.
  6. That's actually a great bug since I used to only take screenshots of new babies but can't recall their grown up stage!
  7. I bet you could get rid of those and be able to have the game generate your own warrior names
  8. YES SO TECHNICALLY MY SANDBOX SUGGESTION MADE IT IN!! I was wondering if environmental damage meant sickness! (I requested turning off immunities)
  9. As if the peaceful bear isn't scary enough! Lol! He is always watching you
  10. First pic will give me Nightmares he is stalking you!!
  12. But it realized that it cou;dnt move even though it had legs
  13. I could do an Immortal Bostonlobstah part 2!
  14. Then an angsty child came in and snapped some pencils
  15. @Goggles-kun I have a question, I really like the watercolor effect that you used for your drawing of Sweetie. What program do you use?
  16. nah it's fine! I love it! Any level artist can trade with me, I just enjoy it when people care enough to draw my nichelings ❤️
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