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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. updated for the final round! Cast your votes everyone, I wanna play some more Niche
  2. I'm curious about Nimbatus...I'd love to get the game eventually, especially if it means supporting the Devs!
  3. We need more voters! I might hold a final round between Poozie, Sweetie, Oasis and Velveteen! I'm glad people like Poozie--she's a Classic!
  4. If this were added, I would make a nicheling with one bird wing, one bat wing, and butterfly body! XD
  5. Here’s a description of each nicheling who could potentially go to home island with Bostonlobstah and Adam 2.0! WE ARE DOWN TO THE FINAL ROUND. SWEETIE AND POOZIE HAVE SECURED THEIR SPOTS. IT'S UP TO YOU TO DECIDE WHO GETS THE LAST SPOT! Oasis, Velveteen II, Skippi, or Emma Jean? I can't decide ;-; But I would rather not choose Emma Jean since Sweetie looks a lot like her. The others are much more unique! But then again if you like Emma best by all means vote for her But remember folks: Whoever is left behind is bound to come to Home Island on their own time!
  6. So now I have an important decision to make: Who will I take to Home Island?? I think I have an idea of who I will take, but your input might help me a lot! So without further ado, here are the options: Oasis. She was born with derp snout but due to her insecurities was given Big Nose by Bostonlobstah. She is the daughter of Poozie and twin sister to Velveteen II. Her red fur and scorpion tail give her a unique appearance among the tribe. Velveteen II. He’s a special boy—thought to be a reincarnation of Velveteen, as son of Bostonlobstah who was tragically killed by a mysterious Darkness. He looks a lot like his much older sister Skippi with his mask and striped fin tail. Skippi. She was born too early by accident—Poozie went to sleep in a permanent nest. But I’m glad she was born when she was or Oasis and Velveteen II would never exist! She’s very eye-catching and lovely looking, one of the first with the raccoon mask. Poozie. She’s been with us for a long time—in this life and her previous one. She has become almost a second-in-command to Bostonlobstah and Adam 2.0. If she doesn’t get to Home Island, Bostonlobstah will give her powers to lead the remaining tribe to wherever they choose to go for an adventure. Tillie. Tillie was born in a rush—everyone was anxious to run to the end of Whale Island and Tillie was all but left behind. Luckily Bostonlobstah was patient and gentle towards her, and their bond has grown close. Tillie has Heat Body, a somewhat unique trait among the tribe. Sweetie. Ah, Sweetie. A personal favorite who’s also been with us for quite a while. I think she will come regardless of whether you hate her or not. Her red ram horns give her away as one of Meringue’s descendants. She is the daughter of Snowchild, who was also one of my faves. Emma Jean. The daughter of Sweetie, who also has those signature Ram Horns and sweetie’s pink stripes. But Emma was born with Water Body, which means it’s her “default” appearance. Rudolf (right). He’s a lucky boy. A bearyena appeared right next to him when he was a little kid. It just so happened to be the day of departure to Crossing, and Rudolf was able to get on the ports and escape with the tribe. He has heat body just like his older sister Tillie. Posy. Posy is the spotted one. His name is a bit funny, and he was born on the same day as Rudolf. Except his father is a very attractive rogue male. That’s all there is to say about him... Rogue and Male. These uncreatively named twins are also sons of that one rogue male that Bostonlobstah made beautiful. They are a quirky pair for sure! Snowflake. She is a looker for sure. She reminds me of Snowchild even though she has no close relation that I’m aware of. That’s everyone! But only three of them will be able to come to Home Island with Bostonlobstah and Adam 2.0. Everyone else will have to get there on their own . I’m going to make a poll for you to vote on who you think should go! I think I will continue this Playthrough on a new thread, to document the lives of Bostonlobstah’s tribe after they reach Home Island. So keep on a lookout for that!
  7. I've never seen Naruto either, but I know that he has spiky yellow hair so uh
  8. Bostonlobstah stares longingly back at the ocean, foolishly hoping that by some magic her son will come back. But of course, the waves continue to lap at the shore, with no signs of life. The tribe mourns their unexpected loss before leaving for Summer Mountains. When they get there, Bostonlobstah gasps in surprise. As if by magic, a Whale Island port lies strangely to the West. "We are almost home, Adam," she smiles and blinks back tears. "I can feel it. Can't you?" Adam 2.0 stares out into the frozen scene without speaking. Bostonlobstah hurries across the ocean, not even bothering to break open any ice blocks. The rest of the tribe follows her hopefully. Eventually Adam 2.0 reconciles with Bostonlobstah, and she prepares for another child. When they reach the ports, Sweetie and Poozie settle down to have their children from that wanderer back in the Oasis. Sweetie has a daughter named Emma Jean, and Poozie gives birth to twins--A derpy daughter named Oasis by her father's warm homeland, and the other Velveteen II, after the lost tribe member. Bostonlobstah and Adam can sense his spirit in him. The tribe steps onto the ports once the children are old enough. They find themselves washed up on a familiar friend--the Whale who could take them anywhere they desire. Everyone is out exploring the back of the whale except for little Oasis, who is feeling self-conscious about her face. Bostonlobstah promptly gives her Big Nose (sorry, no pics yet). Bostonlobstah gives birth to a daughter named Tillie. Being a baby, she's a bit of a slowpoke. But Bostonlobstah learns patience and gently leads her across the island. Everyone panics because there's an ugly rogue male coming this way. "Never fear," Bostonlobstah laughs as she neuters him. And then, seeing as there weren't any males in the tribe besides Adam 2.0, she comes up with a better idea. She transforms him into a stunning pink peacock cat. The tribe's females are smitten, and soon give birth to children, some of which are pink. Bostonlobstah also has another son she names Rudolf. Suddenly a Bearyena appears in front of unprotected baby Rudolf, and just in time. Dolphin and Gingerlie, the only non-pink nichelings, escape off to the other side safely. Rogue moves over to make room for baby Rudolf on the ports. Posy is able to grab a spot too. With only one empty spot left, Bostonlobstah encourages one of the non-pinks to come. But Gingerlie and Dolphin don't want to be alone, so they decide to stick together and live on Whale Island together. The tribe manages to escape before the bearyena does any damage. The 14 pink nichelings find themselves on a surprisingly small and peaceful island. Adam sniffs the air with his poison fangs. He doesn't have the best sense of smell, but Bostonlobstah can tell by the light in his eyes that he knows he's so close to his home...
  9. Nothing important happens in the savanna. So the tribe keeps going west. They find themselves in the rainforest again. They travel along the shore. Despite a small tangle with a carnivorous plant and the killing of a helplessly stunned bearyena, nothing eventful happens. They run all the way north. The tribe says goodbye to Lillybeth, Pooka and Prancer. But they promise to come with them soon. Bostonlobstah is a bit sad to leave her son and her close friend behind. She never knew she would come so close to Philomena's daughter. Next, they reach Sleepy Reeds....again. There is no northern port. Bostonlobstah is ready to explode. But little does she know that anger is the best time for the Darkness to destroy. The Darkness sneaks up suddenly. No one saw it coming. But Bostonlobstah knows it is there when she whips around to see her son Velveteen lying dead on the ocean floor. "I thought you said I would never see my children die!" Adam 2.0 wails as the grief-stricken Bostonlobstah relays the news. "It was so sudden...He was so young and healthy..." Bostonlobstah cried. The rest of the way to the western ports is silent and melancholy.
  10. No northern port again, I guess, because now we're on Summer Mountains The first item of business is freeing the creatures trapped in the ice. The first block contains a beautiful cat with mega horns. The second block of ice contains quite the surprise. "RERE!? I thought we left you behind in the jungle! What are you doing here!?" Rere tells Snowflake that she missed the cold winds of the mountains, and tried to swim to Summer Mountains from the jungle. Along the way, an icy storm broke out and trapped her in a capsule of ice. Rere happily agrees to help the tribe reach the next ports safely. Snowflake has a son named Nuro (? I forget what I named him lol) The tribe says goodbye to Nuro, Rere, and the cat thing and find themselves on...Long Winter. GAAAH HOW They notice giant ice sheets covering up the northern ports, that will only melt when the sun peeps out behind the clouds after a long snowstorm. The tribe hunkers down and prepares for the worst.... They find two wanderers. One with mega horns, the other with digging truck. Oh well. Bostonlobstah settles down and has two kids--Velveteen and a reincarnation of Poozie! During Poozie and Velveteen's childhood, Bostonlobstah gives everyone double digging paws, as the island seems to have been cursed with a strange dark magic...no rabbils are spawning, at all. Luckily we have a large food supply. The dreaded Darkness has got the better of us, and shrouds the icy lands with eternal dawn. Bostonlobstah begins to panic. Everyone is sleepwalking and will never wake up! Bostonlobstah tries to use time-travelling powers to reverse the curse. It doesn't work, but...the morning comes by itself anyway. There seems to be some great force working for them, fighting the Darkness. Bostonlobstah hopes it isn't Philomena. The darkness isn't done tormenting the tribe just yet, though. Though Adam 2.0 patiently hopes and waits for the snow to come, he knows in his heart that it will never come. He will never be able to go north. So he and Bostonlobstah decide to take the next best route: Westward to the Oasis. The tribe bids farewell to their wandering friends. The tribe finds themselves quite poorly adapted to the Oasis. But since they have Bostonlobstah on their side, they don't worry. She gives them water body and claws so they can catch all the fish they want. The tribe has fun catching fish for a while, and Bostonlobstah and Lillybeth take turns hitting a crabbit. But Bostonlobstah has a bad feeling. She can't see a northern port here either! At this point she loses her cool. "We need to speed-run from now on!" She instructs the tribe. "We'll run until we get to Adam's home or we'll die trying!" The tribe agrees that it's time to move on. They choose to go East this time, as west of here is another stupid snow island. Along the way to the Burning Savanna ports, they meet a young wanderer. Poozie takes a liking to him and they have a strikingly beautiful young daughter that they name Skippi. Everyone's ready to go. Buddi and the wanderer stick together on the Oasis, though they will be succeeded by their children, Prancer and Skippi respectively. Poozie is also pregnant with the wanderer's next child. Everyone else gets on the ports. They are going to speedrun now, without looking back.
  11. Bostonlobstah is growing a little impatient, so she speed-runs North along the river, towards the Overgrown Jungle. There they meet an albino wanderer. They invite him in and he picks berries and stuff The gang has found and destroyed 3 of the five blocking vine roots quite easily. But they can see the fourth root in a very dangerous spot. Lots of dangerous plants and a giant APE in the way! Bostonlobstah gets an idea. She gives her tribe as much strength as humanly possible. During this, catastrophe strikes, and poor Sweetie gets caught in a carnivorous plant. Sweetie always seems to attract trouble, doesn't she? Freeing Sweetie is prioritized. But the tribe is eventually able to bring down the great Ape. While they distract the ape, Meemee and Snowflake are able to destroy the fourth root. No sooner has the last ape been killed, Naruto shows up. Bostonlobstah sighs a great heaving sigh. But then--"Wait! I have a better idea!" With maximum defense, there is no need to bother the Ape. Now they just need to find the last root. "Everyone spread out!" Bostonlobstah orders. But no one had gone far when Meemee found the last root right in front of the ports! Only seven nichelings get to come with us now. We take Snowflake, Sweetie, Lillybeth, Buddi and Peeka with us. What!? Sleepy Reeds!? I thought we were going to a Killer Island! Oh well. We speed-run yet again, not even bothering to invite this child in. Bostonlobstah is growing a bit desperate.
  12. Ezra and Sireko start a family. Meemee Buddi and Jingle Belles Poppy Philomena takes an interest in Frosty. They have a daughter named Lillybeth, and also two white sons with poison fangs that look the same Pretty little Snowflake reminds me of Snowchild Meanwhile, We are up calling on a stump when a random wanderer appears. They don't know what to call her so they name her Random Wanderer. A reincarnation of Peeka! Sense and Stacey have a baby named Corbyn It's time to leave. There's no northern port and it's boring here as it's just not going to snow. Bostonlobstah and Adam 2.0 as well as Rere, Buddi, Meemee, Sweetie, Lillybeth, Snowflake, and the Peeka and Pooka reincarnations arrive in a great Rainforest.
  13. Crippled paw or blindness maybe, but I think shortsightedness isn't much of a disability. Heck I'm a bit shortsighted and though I do badly need some glasses, it's obviously not debilitating XD. But if you're going to cure them that much you might as well make them perfect XD I don't really know though, since I haven't encountered this issue.
  14. I let my 5-year-old sister play sometimes...she has an adorable lisp and so she says something along the lines of "Neeselings." Of course, she starves her poor creatures to death every time. She's so impatient and skips the day without gathering food because she wants a baby She keeps telling me about how her two black nichelings kept having black babies, which she found fascinating. XD
  15. Same. I like some variation, especially when they are contained in different 'lines'.
  16. Sweetie!! She’s part of my immortal tribe. She wasn’t made with the console but her ancestors were
  17. Great job! Just started a save on first snow as a test and I actually am doing pretty well and enjoying it! Balance bears are incredibly easy to survive, esp. if you have bait
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