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Lilytuft last won the day on January 16

Lilytuft had the most liked content!


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  • Thinking about Portal2 all day [the she/the her]

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  1. Your wish has already been granted 🪄
  2. Tales from Watership Down. It's a collection of shorter stories set between the final battle and the epilogue. The first few are more rabbit mythology and really surreal, but there's a gradual shift to more comprehensible stuff, and the ones toward the end are really good
  3. Lilytuft

    My First Niche!

    Hi! I would love it if you drew Marshmallow for me
  4. Guy was built to kill people, prefers to watch TV (book series) Bunnies die horribly (book (actually two books but nobody's heard of the other one)/movie/cartoon/netflix series) Harry Potter in Russia (book series) (i have not read hp so idk how accurate this is but it sounded funny in my head) Medieval rags to riches because your friend is an idiot (video game) Your average horsegirl story involving a housefire and a giraffe (book, several of them actually)
  5. We all collectively agreed to pair Firekai with Watersporter, right?
  6. Like half the active people here lol
  7. I've been fantasizing about this too
  8. Lilytuft


    Nope, I'm an adult and don't have to go to school 😎 Going to have to read the rest of this thread tomorrow though because I want to go to bed so it'll be morning faster, and then I can go to the library to get the third book to a really good series I started reading a few days ago (read the first one in a single day and I've got no idea what I'll do once I run out)
  9. You joined last saturday. How did you get over 400 posts already?
  10. Hi

    Just checking in to let you know everything's fine. My discord has been showing a blank grey screen since yesterday and I haven't been able to restart my laptop to fix it yet

    1. MT26 - A Nicheling

      MT26 - A Nicheling


      Thanks so much for letting me know, appreciate that a lot ^^
      Have you tried opening it in the app vs on the browser? (Or vice versa) The app often glitches for me so I use a browser instead.

  11. I've had that a few times, yeah. Not sure why
  12. BrokenShock!!! Welcome back
  13. I have like 6 years worth of cringe stored here. Luckily this is a forgiving place
  14. I mean, I was on the fence about it, but you were one of the few people I've seen more painterly work from with these kinds of proportions so you got to the top of the suspect list
  15. Yayyy I realize now I never said it in my post but you were my first guess >:D Thank you for the beautiful art!
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