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Everything posted by Lilytuft

  1. Your wish has already been granted 🪄
  2. Tales from Watership Down. It's a collection of shorter stories set between the final battle and the epilogue. The first few are more rabbit mythology and really surreal, but there's a gradual shift to more comprehensible stuff, and the ones toward the end are really good
  3. Lilytuft

    My First Niche!

    Hi! I would love it if you drew Marshmallow for me
  4. Guy was built to kill people, prefers to watch TV (book series) Bunnies die horribly (book (actually two books but nobody's heard of the other one)/movie/cartoon/netflix series) Harry Potter in Russia (book series) (i have not read hp so idk how accurate this is but it sounded funny in my head) Medieval rags to riches because your friend is an idiot (video game) Your average horsegirl story involving a housefire and a giraffe (book, several of them actually)
  5. We all collectively agreed to pair Firekai with Watersporter, right?
  6. Like half the active people here lol
  7. I've been fantasizing about this too
  8. Lilytuft


    Nope, I'm an adult and don't have to go to school 😎 Going to have to read the rest of this thread tomorrow though because I want to go to bed so it'll be morning faster, and then I can go to the library to get the third book to a really good series I started reading a few days ago (read the first one in a single day and I've got no idea what I'll do once I run out)
  9. You joined last saturday. How did you get over 400 posts already?
  10. Hi

    Just checking in to let you know everything's fine. My discord has been showing a blank grey screen since yesterday and I haven't been able to restart my laptop to fix it yet

    1. MT26 - A Nicheling

      MT26 - A Nicheling


      Thanks so much for letting me know, appreciate that a lot ^^
      Have you tried opening it in the app vs on the browser? (Or vice versa) The app often glitches for me so I use a browser instead.

  11. I've had that a few times, yeah. Not sure why
  12. BrokenShock!!! Welcome back
  13. I have like 6 years worth of cringe stored here. Luckily this is a forgiving place
  14. I mean, I was on the fence about it, but you were one of the few people I've seen more painterly work from with these kinds of proportions so you got to the top of the suspect list
  15. Yayyy I realize now I never said it in my post but you were my first guess >:D Thank you for the beautiful art!
  16. Ok, so, first of all, compliment time: -I adore the texture usage on Stranger's gift. Jaxpsylla (almost abbrevited you to Jax) is maximizing nicheling cuteness levels as usual! -Amazing use of shapes on Birb's gift! The way the sharp corners make their way into the spots, and the texture of the tail and horns - great job, presumably-Liz -Jaxpsylla's gift is soo nice and shapey, but the best part is the little details, each of which has clearly been shaped with great effort - the claws, the lighting on the gems, every little detail of the face... I really need to scroll through Birbs art threads more often! -I love how Pincer's gift has distinct yet realistic-feeling anatomy for the nicheling and bearyena. I wish I had that kind of grasp on different pecies! Since Pincer didn't know who it could be, I'm guessing Peanutpup based on it being traditional art and sticking somewhat close to the game style-wise -Liz's gift has such a wonderfully serene feel with great usage of colors. The fur looks so nice and fluffy too! Liz hasn't guessed who made it yet so I'm not going to either -Again with the textures, and the shapes too! Melon's bunny friend looks adorable! Not guessing this one yet either, and I'm not sure if I even could -Pepper's gift is max cuteness, and the usage of different tones for depth has been pulled off really well! Not sure who this is -Tundra's gift has such creative composition, with almost a playing card wibe. The colors work together great, and the effects are the cherry on top. Through process of elimination I think this is either Pincer or Stranger, which leads me to... whoever left being responsible for this amazingly cuddly scene! I love the painterly style, the atmosperic background, how fluffy the fur looks... SLARM's wrinkly little snoot is perfect and he looks so happy! Bearyena is so wonderfully soft-looking and I feel like I could just reach out, hold her face and feel the bone underneath like when petting a dog or a horse on the snoot (okay, that sounded creepier than it was supposed to, but point is she looks tangible and three-dimensional!) Thank you so much to whoever made this! It's going on the print-it-out-on-my-wall list
  17. And so the tradition of getting caught on the first guess continues! Glad you like it, I had a ton of fun drawing her
  18. I am the last surviving non-staff from my forum generation >:D (petition to start calling said generation "the ancients")
  19. I look at my notifications every few days, or at least once a week usually
  20. Phew this is still open For a second I was so scared I'd accidentally missed my favorite event of the entire year This may not be a smart decision on my part (already overwhelmed enough to have forgotten about this event lol), buuuut as always I'll sign up to be an emergency santa as well. As for a character... It's been so long since I've played niche, I think I'll go for a classic! Either one of these beloveds is fine! SLARM (slightly less annoying rogue male) has lean body, deformed paws, normal hindlegs, derpsnout, medium tail, shortsighted eyes and antlers. His colors aren't quite game-accurate, but if it helps, his eye-, horn- and mane colors are part of the default MS paint palette (also yes you can have his teeth showing. I usually draw him with a few poking out but somehow none of the images here have them) Bearyena is, well, a bearyena. Her colors are also not game accurate, but other than that you can just draw her like you normally draw bearyenas And in case anyone here is unaware, they're happily married
  21. Absolutely gorgeous graphics. You can (manually) chop wood. You can go to the sauna. You can throw darts at wasp nests. You have to manually swat mosquitoes. You also have a gun. You can use the gun on any NPCs. (game)
  22. Lilytuft

    Fan art

    You should put those in the Off-topic-section's fanart forum
  23. I still can't get over how perfectly Goggles captured Ossen's energy. Even I can't get him to look that much like himself!
  24. Nooooo
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