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Everything posted by Lilytuft

  1. Just SLARM was taken and SlightlyLessAnnoyingRogueMale was too long, so now I'm Lost_Yawning_SLARM
  2. Should I make a reddit account as SLARM?
  3. Hmmm... Should I just use Lilytuft or something funny?
  4. My cool new Steven universe OC BASICS Name/Gem: Double carrot Nickname(s):Double Weapon: pointy ends Gender Pronouns: carrot, carrots, carrotself Romantic Orientation: carrot Gem Placement: it's a carrot... History/Backstory: There were two carrots growing next to each other and they grew together, forming double carrot. Double was picked on by other carrots, until the bullies got bitten by pests. Then double carrot was taken to a kitchen and chopped, the cooked and at last - eaten. Personality: Easily annoyed, very quiet. Likes to have some alone time (as much as you can get when you're stuck with someone). Has good sense of humour, tough most carrots don't know this, because Double is so grumpy. The two carrots have learned to get along. Physical Description: two carrots grown into eachother, resembling human legs Height: 19 cm Special skill/power(?): edible STATUS Ranking: carrot Origin: carrot farm Alliance: carrots War status: was planted last year, has never heard of war Thoughts on Steven: doesn't have any idea who he is Current Residence: Earth RELATIONSHIPS Who do they get along with the best: other carrots Who do they get along with badly: beet roots and parsnips Likes: water Dislikes: pests who eat carrots, humans Romantic Interests(?): none Did they know Rose Quartz?: nope Opinions on Eating: carrots need nutrition FUSION Fusion Standing: well it already happened... Fusions and Partners: carrot, forming double carrot Fusion Dance Style: growing Favorite Gem to fuse with: carrot Permafusion: is two carrots fuced together, can't unfuce Why do they Fuse?: they grew too close to each other Regular Fuser? Or not that often?: permanently fuced EXTRA FACTS? I have never seen a single episode of Steven universe, but I know propably one of the biggest plot twists of the show. I have no idea how this universe works... Template by Karilya on DeviantArt
  5. here gets some notifications!
  6. This was considered in the community voting, but didn't get added
  7. I have a "ratfish" OC called Kalakupla but I don't have any digital artwork of it
  8. I might consider it once I learn to use Reddit better
  9. For some reason I wasn't subbed already
  10. :'D That's a bit far... Try reading Barry Trotter instead.
  11. Oh so they are the badger people? I like badgers
  12. Welcome! (You propably won't see much of me as I stick mostly to the Niche side of the forums)
  13. depends on wether it makes sense or not besides you were on time to help them
  14. Is this some kind of a Harry Potter fan joke that I'm too Warriors fan to understand?
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