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Everything posted by Lilytuft

  1. Dukvannu is the biological father this time
  2. A beautiful son! Suddenly there are so many adults around!
  3. The Poopbeers are here!
  4. Napriro has grown up to be handsome Family portrait! (He isn't really vankudon's dad)
  5. Nope, you can't eat Koel's son, Bluebread.
  6. THIS CHILD. Is. Beautiful! It's been a while since the last infertile wanderer. Big ears are getting common Dukta tells him that he can always adopt children. Dukta is one proud papa
  7. I was right about the dad. She's sick. Who else on the forums had a nicheling named Relen? I can't remember...
  8. He's no longer my issue! These three deleted a beeryena too
  9. Why didn't he attack them? Was he not hungry, because he ate Korami?
  10. He didn't attack! Well he sure looks cool! Oh no- He didn't attack?
  11. Didn't notice this...
  12. NOoooo! My sick anteater!
  13. He's here to see his newest daughter
  14. Hmmm.. Interesting... Next child will be tribeborn
  15. Ummm no. Why always the fox child? Finally a scorpiontail nicheling with strenght! ._.
  16. SLARMWRH is just everywhere XD
  17. At least some positive news. The guinea pig has grown up
  18. OOOOOOPS. "These bushes are way too dangerous!" Uh... Run? NOOOO! Korami! When Lamira hears the news, she's in shock
  19. Possibly. At least yellow ones.
  20. Dustclaw collected all the fruit. Lurroku feels replaced She's so cool!
  21. It seem rogues like Reme
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