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Everything posted by Lilytuft

  1. This story reminds me of one of my creatures. (WARNING! This story will turn to be a story of my whole snow tribe!) Her name was Clawite (Claw+white). She lived at the time of the mountain update. She had yellow fur mixed with white fur, poison fangs, one claw and one runner leg. Her whole life she seached for a mate, but immunity was never on her side. She had two days of life left, when she found her true love. I think his name was Kuvan. Kuvan was a yellow male with stripes and poison fangs. They had two beautiful twin boys called Kuwite and Clavan. She got to spend one day with them before passing away. Her sons were send with a group to look for a snow island. Raven, the melanistic son of Tata was in the group. (I found Tata as a baby and if you watch Seri, you know that you should never rename a creature named Tata). One of the twins got damaged and almost the whole group died. When they got to the snowy island, only the twins and a female with poison fangs were alive. Luckily they didn't have to worry about food, because I had 1000+ food. They bred before both of the boys passed away. Then my females (she and her daughters) started beeding with all males available, witch meant rogue males and a spits-nouted wanderer. My tribe ended up being mostly spit-snouted double no-paw creatures trying to hunt rabbils and walrush deer (big body+horns). I still had a good line as well. That line bred with my ice block nicheling who had megahorns. Then at 500+ food I moved best of them to a savannah island. Then our computer broke and I lost the save. The end. Also here are some pictures of them. I had a few screenshots of Tata, but I don't know if they died with our old computer...
  2. just remember to sit on the cocnuts, not under them
  3. I want to be an extra early tester too!
  4. Or maybe after mutating each colour once? I miss that from old Niche
  5. Hi!

    1. foxpaaws


      oh, hello! sorry, i'm very late to reply to this ,, i don't check this place often and it's a bit hard for me to use.

  6. When you spend forever on an archipelago with and oversized tribe and half of them spend all of their time harvesting food from the sea, and other half focuses on breeding, nuts and berries, food kinda starts building up...
  7. I've always wanted ramfox hybrids!!!
  8. Oo, interesting idea! This would help a lot in the jungle! Take an upvote!
  9. They still had the problem, but after I moved to a new island it got normal
  10. So my creatures were traveling on snowy islands. My tribe lived on Frostlands or Long Winter. I sent five of them on a snow port, but that lead to a Crossing island! Also this is propably just bad luck, but I've cracked open five ice blocks and three of them had armor body and two had hammer tail
  11. Yes. That's why only the tuft-mane has female version in it
  12. My main tribe has 3600+ food... andalso 80+ members... And I'msupposed to leave to a new island but I just can't laeve all those beautiful nichelings behind... Also I have never beaten the storymode
  13. It would be cool if there were different types of manes. Think of a nicheling with the mane of a lion! Here are my ideas: Small mane: Just few tufts of hair on the head +1 attractiveness Medium mane: The current mane +1 cold resistance Big mane: The mane of a lion +2 cold resistance -1 heat resistance +2 attractiveness Tuft mane: Like medium mane exept this comes with ear tufts and if you have medium tail, it gets a tail-tip-tuft and double effect. Females display eartufts (and tail tip) they also get effects. +1 hearing Double effect for medium tail + attractiveness Dominance order: Medium mane > Small mane > Big mane > Tuft mane Edit: 23rd of February 2020 Updated artwork! For comparison, no mane (so basically females with any mane type other than tuft-) Small/short mane: Medium mane: Big/lion mane: Tuft mane: (male:) (female:)
  14. I present to you- The Nostalgia challenge! 1. Spend atleast 10 hours in the nevest version of Niche. During this time you are not allowed to play or watch videos of any of the older versions of the game. 2. Change your game version to the oldest possible 3. Try to survive and realize how much better the game is now (exept I miss the old grapics and patterns)
  15. Sounds nice! Few suggestions: The day before a tree falls, it should have a crack in it's trunk so you could avoid it. Also it should make a cracking noise. You should be able to gather nestingmaterial and nuts from fallen trees but once they're empty, they're empty and will disappear. It would take 10 days for a fallen tree to despawn. They despawn faster if you collect from them. Also if you collec all they have to offer, they despawn during the next night. Armored body would protect the nicheling so it would only take damage from the hit. It would still be stuck under the tree and it would take damage every day until the tree despawns. Also it could protect baby nichelings by standing in between the tree and the baby. Stones would do the same thing.
  16. There could be a gene like "Immunity to rabies" wich could decrease the change of being infected or make the creature fully immune to it. Also it would be good if rabies was only seen in hard and killer islands. I like the idea of it being cured by healing plants but I think that purr snout should also be able to do that.
  17. Or when you are just starting out and gather a bunch of berries
  18. In old Niche it had the new unlocked gene as blue. Then it was removed with the old mutation menu
  19. This should help: Niche Wiki
  20. I know. I posted this before reading anyone else's suggestions... No one had suggested it in Niche wiki, so i tought no one would have suggested it here. I'm a bit dumb
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