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Everything posted by Lurkily

  1. Well, you're a lobster, it's hard to tell.
  2. I moderated a FFRP IRC chat /forum back in the 90's; Haldor, an offshoot of Green Dragon Inn. The username Lurkily was an out of character nickname for a character of mine there, which I still use everywhere because it is never taken, anywhere, ever. I had someone ask me if I was the same on a game I helped administer, Domain of Heroes, someone around 2003 or so, I think it must have been. My email box deletes the oldest messages as I run out of room, so I have mail going back only to 2011 as records. But I found an '08 post about me working on the big skill update for their dev team, and that was after I'd been on some years, from user to mod to senior mod to admin.
  3. Oh! Spline missile guidance. Zigzaggy missiles with multishot would make awesome chaotic missile packs. Guidance in general on missiles is really weak right now, though, so much that guidance is usually outweighed by almost any (!) other upgrade. Currently, that idea wouldn't make a very good showing of its behavior. Hmm.
  4. So the rabbit is on a spine? Thought as much when I saw the spline runner drone, but that's great. It explains the grace of the drones. Philo, everyone needs the occasional distraction to disorder their thoughts - the reordering sometimes reveals important things. I appreciate that contribution, too. Also, I'm pretty sure the unrelated things were important things. New question. Can we have new enemies using spline guidance? It's much more graceful guidance. Circling you to attack, or spline paths around obstacles? Spine patrols near gives and transmitters.?
  5. I don't see a logistical problem, and I would default it to 'off'. But when we have more sensor targets, like hoppers or enemies or whatnot, it would have to be considered to make sure it makes sense for that kind of target.
  6. Perhaps sandbox mode could provide the potential for unique members. I know someone said using negative numbers with console commands can prolong age indefinitely, as well. I don't know enough about niche to make suggestions in depth, but my impression is that magic isn't part of the experience. Options like what I mentioned can give you the chance to play a custom scenario like this without compromising the game's intent.
  7. This forum is for suggestions for future development, to try to get features added to the game. I'll move you over to the discussion forum. Edit: misunderstood you as saying this was a suggestion on how to handle your gameplay, and not a feature request. I das mistaken. Moved you back. >.<
  8. Maybe make it a sensor sitting, to avoid clutter when design is done? (draw a tracer to the target? )
  9. Query. If I have two rabbit sensors, are there in effect, two rabbits? Since they're tied to the sensor itself, if I have a sensor fore and aft, could I use the difference in position to control drift thrusters, to swing around corners? Something like turn so the ships faces the fore sensor's position, and kicks sideways if the aft sensor turns away from the rabbit that's a bit further behind?
  10. I'm just gonna hate the Dev team for a couple minutes for getting to play with all the racing stuff before me. Hope that's okay. Nothing personal.
  11. I also very much approve of the 'rabbit' implementation. Of all the course-guidance methods I've seen, this is the most amazingly smooth thing - it's beautiful.
  12. I have to say, that latest iteration looks slick as hell, folks!
  13. Blueberry tiger. Bold, oversaturated, vivid. Like something from a fever dream. Photography by Maddog1138 on DeviantArt.
  14. Maybe try pulling them in slightly instead of pushing them out? That might also contribute to the diagonal-ness of it. Maybe it'd work with no offset at all - just the zigzag and the diagonal cuts to reinforce that top-left to bottom-right diagonal theme that takes some of the brick-iness out of it.
  15. Me and Markus discussed in another thread that high air resistance makes the game slower but not necessarily more challenging, (translation : less fun) so I think dense atmosphere may in the future mean more severe wind and weather, rather than the mere slowdown we see now.
  16. Perhaps not, but the A and N in the stock font both seem to have taken on similarities, whether that was an influence or not. I would carve out a little more white space in the H's gaps. I like the Y more, now. I'd like to see more fragmenting and hooks, like you see on M and G, but it's not a dominant feature of the original, so perhaps it's out of place. How does the Z look now? I do like crossbars. Have you done numbers?
  17. Welcome to the community. You'll see me more around Nimbatus that Niche, but don't hesitate to ask if you need any help.
  18. Nah, I wrote a little story for them, once. The tiger was named Oranges, and the kitten was a very bad role model. That one is lost to time.
  19. I prefer my tiger and kitten. I got the permission to use the two images and made the photomanip myself, and am rather happy with it. I'm my mind, the tiger is the gentle giant, but the kitten is the one calling the shots, and is rather ill tempered.
  20. I do like that Y, but I still think that skinny branch is a little eye-catching. I do like that H; I think that you can even slim down the asymmetry a little more - I don't think it would take much to disrupt its blockiness. Also . . . I notice that the stock font's capitals seem influenced by lowercase letters; the N and A particularly seem influenced by the style of lowercase letters. Am I seeing things? Your version of the I seems to touch on that, too.
  21. I bet I could write something that makes almost some of this make sense.
  22. Also, I would suggest looking at some serif fonts to look at where classic fonts add cuts to distinguish letters and improve legibility. For instance, 'S' often has a point extending inward from both ends, C often has a downward point from the top of the curve, and 'G' often cuts not just inward from the lower curve, but sometimes forward, or even downward, making the end of that curve look a bit like an arrow. I wouldn't suggest all of those adaptations, but it might give you some ideas to look at classic serifs - you might see ways to implement them in this style. Or it might also be inappropriate to the style, that I'll leave up to you. For reference, French Vanilla has quite exaggerated serifs that you can see a sample of on fonts.com.
  23. The K Looks great. The Y still has spindly parts; it doesn't look back, but thinner segments seem inconsistent with the original font. I agree, that H isn't too nice. How about making the lower left, crossbar, and upper right line up, no breaks, (Or the lower right, crossbar, and upper left) but cutting the other vertical parts loose? The contiguous part would give it a diagonal look, even if all the parts technically line up. Try lining up all the cut-outs along that diagonal to accentuate it.
  24. Interestingly, though they have canine-esque features, Hyenas are felines. That surprised me.
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