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Stray Fawn Community


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  1. Having it both ways would be fine as long as the original way actually came back. Seriously, I enjoy this game a lot but its hard for me to play a ton of it and get super immersed with the Nicheling's and their stories because of the way naming currently works. ;-; I'm a lazy individual. I know this isn't a great reason for a feature change but its honestly why I would like it. I upvoted the other thread commenting on this because I would like to just be able to name my Niches from their portrait instead of having to tab through to their family tree. I often forget to name them or don't name them at all because I just really don't want to go fishing through their family tree tab to do so.
  2. Hi! I'm fairly new but this is a feature that has bothered me since I got Niche and its specifically how you name your characters. When the game was originally released in Early Access, you could change your nicheling's names as well as their gems on the little menu under their portrait; at some point, this got patched and changed so that their gems could only be changed there and instead, you have to make several extra clicks to rename them because renaming them got moved to be only in the Family Tree menu. This is frustrating as it makes an otherwise nicely and ergonomically designed game clunky about this one feature. As I said, I'm new so perhaps the feature of being able to name your Nichelings via the little menu under their portraits was changed for a good reason (such as coding conflicts or some such) or perhaps the community preferred to have to go through the Family Tree. But I personally liked it better when you only had to go through the little, easy access menu under Nicheling Portraits. EDIT: I intended to put this in the Feature Request. .-. I misclicked by mistake. Not enough coffee yet this morning.
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