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Stray Fawn Community


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Everything posted by takoyamaaaS

  1. bad news /hj stray fawn forums are dying as god intended but ill sign up for the bit yay yay heres my girl :3 kind of old art but we stay silly iirc her genes are deformed paw (left), nimble fingers (right), normal tail, normal hind legs, heat body, ram horns, normal ears, big snout i just draw normal hind legs kind of like rabbit feet the pink markings on her nose and eyelids are markings and not makeup or anything
  2. hello 2 people who still go on stray fawn i watched my wife die it was really sad well i didnt watch her but it was night and then it was day and thats a sign she died because the writersa re cowards
  3. me too ❤️ only in the english version though if youre japanese shes meleanor
  4. speaking of fellow and gidel how the hell did their parents give birth to a fox and a cat and with entirely different skintones like 15 uears apart
  5. (chat if you want to talk to me my discord is realname_online and my tumblr is takoyamaaa :3)
  6. brushes dust off of topic i think hi guys it is me tako look at my wife she is a little violent this is the first thing she says when you meet her and this is also the only image i have of her she starts blasting everyone with lightning immediately after this and then gives the guy named lilia her egg to hold (dragon) and tells him to leave because the castle shes in is under siege and then he says no because he wants to protect her so she starts blasting him with lightning while he is holding her child
  7. hi geen i wish you weee real
  8. hi its me grammar guy that comma is grammatically correct i think i dont really know how to explain it but rhat comma is correct and should be kept in slash light hearted :3
  9. guys what the gosh darn is going on in msm i sont know the lore this is a banger thiugh
  10. i wish cookie was real
  11. Stranger they call me the good at typing
  12. i miss you bbg 😢 pls come back :cryL:

  13. welcome to hell polly and green stole my bit true and real
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