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Everything posted by Katumai

  1. Correct! you should rewatch it, its actually pretty good. its where these two memes came from:
  2. hi -Man who's acquired more trauma in like 3 years than i have in 21 gets sent on a mission to rescue the president's daughter and faces the horrors. the other guys are there too (game) -Woman's daughter died 5 years ago and turns out the man she's dating has a daughter that looks identical to her's. proceeds to lose her mind for several chapters (book) -"I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!" i scream and sob as Sister Friede slits my throat for the millionth time (game) -Man uses rat as a squeaky toy so it wont reveal his deep dark secrets (game) -Band of children try to kill evil house and its traumatizing (seriously this genuinely scared the hell out of me as a kid. oh my god that menu screen) (movie)
  3. its 8pm and im agonizing over my biology tests and all thats happening is me remembering how terrible i was on the internet 4 years ago. not even in like a cringe way but in like an insufferable way. if anyone sees my posts from 2021 just know im a changed man and i was extremely stupid
  4. Well considering you're not 18, have only been here for 3 days, and have done nothing but spam and be vaguely homophobic...I'm gonna say no lol
  5. Nope, Still Wakes The Deep
  6. is this Watership Down perhaps
  7. its me again part 60000 (all are games this time) -Scottish man leaves home to work at an oil rig and encounters some of the most nightmarish stuff I've ever seen in my life -Man gets trapped in his apartment and has to rely on his neighbor for help, also theres some kind of weird entity living in the apartment across from him (this whole thing was a metaphor for depression) -Space crew made up of only slightly qualified people and the worst man alive deal with existential dread or something idk i played this one half asleep (people sure did die though)
  8. Those are all right !! The fourth one is Siren, it's a Japanese horror game series (i was specifically talking about the first one though) where a bunch of people get stuck in a cursed town, kinda like Silent Hill but also not at all. You play as a bunch of different characters with different skillsets and abilities that you have to be aware while fighting/escaping. Tangomushi on youtube has a really good video about it if youre curious
  9. its me again -Man finds out his dead wife is actually alive and goes off to find her, turns out shes been kidnapped by possessed mold people and has been subjected to horrors that rival Texas Chainsaw Massacre-have fun wading through the disgusting goop water and fighting the same guy three separate times! (game) -Dogs at the end of the world try to figure out what the hell is even going on (things get real weird later) (books) -Man finds little girl during the zombie apocalypse, follow them as they go on a fun little adventure where absolutely nothing bad happens and absolutely none of their friends die horribly!!! (i cried) (im still crying) (i will never emotionally recover) (game) -Story about a cursed town number 5000 except this time all the people have realistic movement and abilities so have fun running away from those demons while playing as a 70 year old man because they WILL catch up to you (game)
  10. close 1. Until Dawn 2. Last of Us 2 3. Good Girls 4. Halloween 5. Shadow of The Colossus
  11. its me again -"MAKING MY FRIEND THINK HER CRUSH LIKES HER BACK PRANK!!! (GONE WRONG) (GONE DANGEROUS) (SHE RAN OUT INTO THE SNOWSTORM) (PLEASE HELP US) (SHE HAS TURNED INTO A MONSTER AND IS TRYING TO KILL US ALL)" (game) -your favorite character from the last game has died, join our new main character as she goes on a fun roadtrip that totally isnt fueled by revenge in the slightest (the player cries at the end) (game) -three mothers rob a grocery store that turns out to a money laundering scheme, and now theyre in trouble with a gang...oops (show) -"behind that boy's eyes was pure and simply...evil" wow great diagnosis doc thats really gonna help us when he comes out to hunt on october 31st (movie) -man is tasked by a demon to kill giant (probably innocent) creatures to save his girlfriend along with his trusty steed, who absolutely nothing bad happens to i promise (im still crying over a pixel horse) (just wait until the end credits) (game)
  12. oh geez completely forgot about this topic um anyways still a lesbian 👍the idea of being in a relationship with a man is actually able to make me nauseous so definitely have that figured out lmao might be tmi but im also asexual, and i still dont really care about gender but i guess the best way to describe it would be gender apathetic??? i use she/he but irl i dont really mind being they/themed. confusing i know
  13. the Elden Ring dlc is so much fun 😊(ignore the tears streaming down my face)
  14. thanks you made me cry (in a good way)
  15. im gonna be real part of why i stopped posting art with big bold song lyrics and long winded rambles about whatever the art is about is because someone irl told me i talk too much and "nobody wants to read that much on something they dont care about" so i attempted to try and not be cringe 👍idk i kinda miss it but im very aware of how annoying i can be so im dealing with it
  16. im back -Girl gets in a car crash, wakes up in some random castle, finds out her parents are dead, befriends a dog, and gets chased around by several crazy people who want her for nefarious purposes all in the span of like 7 hours (game) -no girl dont go through the suspicious tiny door in the wall...i know your parents suck but please...no girl no dont listen to the strange imposter living in your walls (movie/book) -Stardew Valley but cats (game) -Murder mystery featuring a lot of phone calls and one of the worst boyfriends ever (bro told his girlfriend to get over her mom dying!!!) (movie) -god is coming...god is coming...god is coming...god is coming...GOD IS HERE!!! (featuring squirrels) (game) -the only game in existence to make me genuinely cry during a boss fight WHY GIRL WHY DO YOU HAVE THREE PHASES WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THAT WHY IS THIS GAME JUST TORTURE (or alternatively known as: "I don't like [REDACTED]" "What the hell?!" "It was really hard..." "Goddammit.") (game)
  17. just one more day,,,we're almost there,,,
  19. Does anyone else remember this game or was it some kind of 2010s fever dream
  20. do you perhaps like games where you die horribly, repeatedly and comedically
  21. literally nobody cares about this besides me but the original Clocktower is finally getting released outside of Japan in remaster form and im im about to start foaming at the mouth pre-orders open on the 31st,,,im literally staring down this timer,,,i dont care that its half of what i have in my bank account im getting my goddamn collector's edition pre-order
  22. ive been a murder droneser for like a year i even drew the silly little robots in my sketchbook because i was obsessed
  23. its me kat katumai i am alive heres my horrible little clangen cats
  24. Katumai

    hey lol

    Hey Basil! I don't think we really talked much but I definitely remember you, we just weren't really in the same circle lol Glad to see you back : )
  25. omg im also a secret Murder Drones fan (not really secret i just never said anything about it) its got its problems but i still like a lot more than certain indie shows, im glad it looks like TADC is turning out to be good
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