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Everything posted by PincerClaw420

  1. Send me a nicheling that you want to be drawn. I'll be making some digital art on either paint or pixil art. Just make sure to say whether you want your nicheling to be in paint or pixil art. Anyways, have a nice day! Gute Nacht Vogel
  2. Can you make a digital art piece of this boi?
  3. When you make more memes but with less quality
  4. If Damon has any kiddos, make sure to name them after species of penguin. Trust me, you won't regret it
  5. That's really. heckin' sad. At least that gives you the opportunity to interpret his genes the way you want. Still very sad :(
  6. Literally my tribe, except remove the starving part
  7. Was the peaceful bear facing the baby? I think it only works if they face the nicheling.
  8. BOOTYFUL! Yeah, ya must do a playthrough. He is just.. SO BOOTYFUL! G'luck :')
  9. Heyo peeps, just have some weird saves. Have fun with em'. Feel free to comment yer playthrough Slot0.nichesave Slot1.nichesave Slot-1.nichesave Slot2.nichesave Slot3.nichesave Slot4.nichesave
  10. Aw man :(. That's sad. Good thing I screenshot too much now
  11. You'll eventually find them in your memories! Just stare at random nichelings on the forums! Thats how I remembered the story here
  12. Don't know how to take screenshots? Luckily, I'm Bob The Builder! Just press F12 on your keyboard and wait for a little while, after that there will be a little pop up in the lower right. That's all I know though!
  13. Oooooo0000oooooh boi. Story time! When I first bought niche, I was binge playing it and created one of my very first save files. In that save file, I started off on sandbox mode and started on an easy or medium island. Everything was going alright, had some babies, collecting from berry bushes, fighting bearyenas until suddenly... God spawned! Well not really. You see, I had a creature patrol the bushes and collect from them when it just so happened that there was a... albino-purrsnout-heatbody-double nimble finger nicheling! (I'm assuming she was albino, I can't quite re call.) I invited her into the tribe, and wondered how I got such a bootyful create so early into the game. I had her collect from the berry bushes and eventually start a family with said Bush patroler. Sadly, I never got a screenshot since, while I wasn't too new to Niche, I was new to steam. I eventually deleted that save file without thinking too much and went on to create a console ruined save file. Gosh, if only I knew how to take screenshots back then. Lesson learned, screenshot the bootyful creatures! Feel free to share your stories in the comments. Have a good day/night!
  14. Here are my sacrifices: Epic and Perry! (Perry is the double claw one)
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