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Everything posted by PincerClaw420

  1. bee movie fanfiction go brrr (warning for curse words and just general tomfoolery lol) https://archiveofourown.org/works/30905306/chapters/76316282
  2. ARG stands for Alternate Reality Game, which is an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by a player's ideas or actions. - stolen from Wikipedia
  3. If they can't entirely digest their food, since they can't exactly use their tongue, they close their eyelids and push it down with their orbs.
  4. i never thought about it that way,,,, but yeah ig
  5. tips from someone who has never played minecraft: dirt hut, dirt hut and dirt huts. also who needs swords when you have axes?
  6. I'm not sure which to pick exactly, but I will give my thoughts on what could be explored if one of these nichelings were the protagonists: Salvador couldn't be too useful on the island, and I'm curious to see how that will impact his character and maybe his tribemates' perception of him. Emu is the exact opposite of Salvador, what with being so physically strong and almost perfect for the mountain biome. It almost makes me want to see some more conflict in The Frozen Empire that doesn't come from the outside, but from the inside... A POV from the side of The Burning Empire (Onion) or that was originally from TBE (Parrot), could also work.
  7. 1. hide in dirt 2. establish a country 3. tnt time =}
  8. As a disabled person, I'm glad you're allowing people to volunteer to sensitivity read through the comic script. That being said, I'd be happy to help read through the script and see if anything should be changed or tweaked.
  9. "That's false!! There were side effects with using the oatmeal as chemical warfare against the Yeerks,"
  11. I don't have any criticism, but as always, this chapter is amazing! I'll also have to agree with Shelai, I am very interested in the economy... (Spoilers)Poor Deel though, I hope his sacrifice won't be in vain..
  12. They protect you from predators I think, as long as you stay in their radius and give them materials.
  13. I don't know why or how this happens, but I think you can go back to normal if you exit and then re-open the savefile.
  14. Happy day of birth! You are now one year closer to reaching the triple digits.
  15. Yeah, you can post it here, and if you change your mind, you can always ask a mod to put it in another section. You can also post it in playthroughs if you'd like, but that's for the actual game itself mostly, not written stories about the game.
  16. So... Anyone need help with their character description thingies? I'll probably just copy and paste mine from the forum Green gave me when I first signed up, but if anyone needs a second opinion or anything like that with theirs, I'd be glad to help.
  17. HOW i require a savefile, i must see this with my own ∞ eyes
  18. Not anymore! *breaks through floating window and lands on guards*
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