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Everything posted by NichelingPotato

  1. Aww thats one adorable cat.
  2. Thats too adorable! My heart can't take it!
  3. I watch your videos! it's nice to see you here.
  4. That just sounds so "edgy". Also her name shall be Deniela.
  5. I have seen these "games" around the forum. and I thought maybe I could join one? So... Echo male. A researchers with brown hair an green eyes excited to make whatever horrid creations he can.
  6. Yeah it's quite the boring place.
  7. So I did a quick test in the burning savanna by skipping days until it rained. And for me it rained on days 24,34 and 49. Also keep in mind the coming weathers change by leaving the game. (You can see it on antenna nichelings)
  8. This would make the game so much more lively.
  9. And this is why you should never chew your belongings.Chew food instead.
  10. I could never be able to chew my phone case like that (Just think of the germs)
  11. So you want this beast to be added in with the thousand bluebirds that are already in the sky? I love it! vote.
  12. Funfact! they are actually my gods of twinhood!
  13. The identical twins Beeberry and stripeberry maybe?
  14. Day 5-7 Moonfruit and Sunberry made their way through the thick grasses of this Island to find a Place to settle. Eventually they made their way to a large oak tree with multiple acorns hanging from it's brances. This especially excited Sunberry as he could use his cracker jaw to break the acorns open. The two then decided that this was the perfect safe haven for their tribe and laid all of their food underneath this tree. Funfact: Sunberry and Moonfuit have actually never seen a bearyena.
  15. So since i had time and I was curios I made a deep jungle save with grass disabled and... There are literally no meat eating plants any where. ACTUALLY I checked every jungle island and non of them had a single meat eating plant!
  16. Here is Raana! @RaanaTheBanana
  17. Forsythia Done @Squishy the whale! Hope you like it! Im going to continue on the rest of the Piskels tomorow. Next is @RaanaTheBanana!
  18. So seeing how everyone else is doing art I decided I would join. So Just give me a nicheling and I will (Try to) make a piskel of them. (Im not that good) Oh and to show you my mediocre skills here is a Picture and a piskel of dreamberry. (They look The same… Right?)
  19. I need this cutenes in my life. You have my vote.
  20. So While playing niche one of my tribes started dying and then I remembered this chalenge. Slot1.nichesave
  21. Yeah I really want this. I always get confused by this.
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