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Everything posted by MАTTRESS

  1. "You can't hear images" Me:
  2. Am I the only one who sometimes gets a thingy where when I'm trying to sleep but I'm not quite tired enough my body falls asleep and I go in a dream but I'm still conscious and I can wake myself up and I go through the dreams until I either find one I don't dislike, or I don't feel tired anymore and somehow a lot of time has passed? If that makes sense?
  3. So I was in a round of Flicker, I don't know what the map was but whatever it was wasn't in the real game. I think it was just a green baseplate with a poly looking tree which I was at the base of, with 2 or 3 other people. I also don't know which character or role I was. Also this one's weird, because I could actually read what people were saying? John was doing /e dance2 but he was glitched. In one hand he held a sword and in the other he had something else but both hands were still moving how /e dance2 has them move. I said something like "oh John's glitched" and Amani said "You should stay away" and I said something like "glitches aren't contagious-" and Amani said something like "It might be a.." and then she said "H2CKER" I don't know why she had a 2 in there because hacker isn't tagged I said "no" and I was gonna say more but I woke up before I could say something like "i've witnessed hackers, they aren't that subtle. either they'll fly or give themselves admin commands or some other advantage, or they'll make the server unplayable"
  4. that.. I'm pretty sure that means "I live in Spanish"
  6. On phone again Ysnvzhs& 4%243+%$÷#×62+2#+#÷4##6:"÷4:×÷/:@#×-:@!-/@=$#×$-%''"@' avvagarzdwaa
  7. wrong person lol Rainwater MY FR NAME IS RAINWATER
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