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Everything posted by PurpleBrightThingInSkyHeav

  1. Welcome to my play through of Honestly a Very Hard Challenge, originally created by the wonderful Skysalsa8. I’ve already done 25 days, so I’ll post all of that here. Also, rip format, I’m on mobile. Day 0: We start out with a lovely female named Kosi, who looks like a good starter even if we can’t see her genes. Her nimble fingers were certainly be helpful for gathering food, especially once defender bears shower up A berry bush and a crabbit have been spotted, but the crabbit shouldn’t be any trouble. Day 1: We’ve reached the berry bush, and have also discovered a stagmole and a rabbit, but we’ll leave them alone for now. Oh, and I almost forgot, there is also a tree right next to us, so that’ll be a good food source as well. Day 2: Nothing new has occurred, Kosi just spent the day picking berries. Day 3: We’ve picked all of the berries for now, so we’ll be moving onto nuts for a while. Have to keep an eye out for that rabbit though Day 4: Picked up a nut and moved. No new creatures unfortunately. Day 5: It rained today, so Kosi is gonna get more berries before the rabbit snags them. I almost missed him, but a wander has been spotted! Actually, smelled, but close enough. Let’s hope it’s a male so poor Kosi doesn’t have to mate with a rogue. Day 6: Since Kosi has plenty of food for now, she’s decided to chase after the wander, as he’s, well, wandering off. Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten close enough to see him yet, but he’s very close. Day 7: They keep running away, which is annoying, so Kosi decided to stop and grab a nut in the hopes that he’ll come back. Nope, he’s still fleeing. We’ll continue the chase tomorrow. Day 8: It appears that he’s grown up now, so hopefully once Kosi is grown, she’ll have a mate. That is, if we can catch this guy. At last, we’ve been able to see this allusive wanderer! He is a male, named Vannaduk. We’ll have to grab him tomorrow, since we’re out of turns, unfortunately, it appears he poor boy is blind, which might not make him the best mate. Explains his odd movements though. And no, he is not fully grown. In fact, it appears he just grew up from child age, which explains why he looked bigger. Perhaps he had big body? Day 9: Our lovely lady Kosi has grown up, and she is most definitely big bodied. We invite Vannoduk into the tribe, finally gaining us our second member. He is blind and has a deformed paw, but that digger’s paw should prove to be useful. And suddenly, and peaceful bear! Along with several berry bushes. We gave him some best stuff, so for a while, he should be pretty safe. I think we’ll stick around here for a while, since we have several berry bushes, thought the one Vannaduk is a poison one, so we can’t pick from it. Day 10: Kosi spends the day picking berries while Vannaduk clears away some grass since he can’t move far away from Kosi, unless he wants to go back to stumbling around the island. Day 11: Kosi finished off this bush, and decided to head back to the tree, where they can be guaranteed food, even in the Peaceful Bear doesn’t follow them. Day 12: Returning to the tree, Kosi begins cracking some more nuts and clearing away grass while Vannaduk begins digging up roots. Day 13: Vannaduk keeps sniffing out roots and Kosi cracking nuts, but both are clearing the grass around the tree, starting to make way for this being their camp. Day 14: Life continues on as normal. Surprised there are no rogue males yet, though I probably just jinxed myself. Day 15: Still nothing. Hopefully a new wanderer appears soon, though this is good bonding time for Kosi and Vannaduk. Day 16: Rain came today. Guess it’s a nice change of scenery. But a dodomingo has been sensed, so perhaps it’ll lead us to a nest. Not seeing one yet though. Day 17: Vannaduk has grown up, and we can also confirm that he has big body. I’ve decided to breed him with Kosi, as there’s been no sign for as much as a rogue male. I am worried about that blindness though. The dodomingo is sitting on a bunny burrow now, so I don’t think it’ll been any help. Kosi builds a nest in preparation for her upcoming child, even though she has six days till we meet the kid. Day 18: At last, another wanderer! We would be able to see the kid if Vannaduk wasn’t blind, but oh well, Kosi will have to chase after her then. His name is Bronze, and he’s a handsome little thing. He’ll make a much better mate for Kosi, since he’s not blind and doesn’t have any no paws. He’s still a teen though, so we’ll have to wait for now. Thankfully, Kosi will have had her kid by the time he’s grown. For now, let’s invite him in to the tribe. He’ll definitely be helpful since he can crack nuts and pick berries just like Kosi, and will increase Vannaduk’s ability to move. Day 19: A mostly normal day. Thanks to Bronze, Vannaduk was able to dig up some more roots while Kosi cracked nuts and picked berries. Day 20: A healing plant has been smelled from across the river, though in this challenge, I don’t think it’ll do us any good. Bronze, blessed child that he is, just found a permanent nest, which is good news, since a dodomingo just took over the one Kosi built. I might name Bronze the god of good fortune if this keeps up, which would make him my first god. Day 21: Nothing of real not happened today. Day 22: Rain comes, which is good, since our berry bush was getting dry. Perhaps some unknown god is looking out for our little group. Tomorrow, we’ll set Kosi up on a nest, and she’ll give birth to our first second generation nicheling. Also, a crabbit appears to want to fight Bronze for unknown reasons. Day 23: As if knowing that a child is coming, a bluebird appears right above the permanent nest. Ominous. Suddenly, as Kosi makes her way towards the nest, she spots a young wanderer dart away into the darkness. All I could see was that she was black and had derp snout. If only Vannaduk could see, then we could invite her into the tribe. Another surprise of the day, as Vannaduk clears away some grass, he discovers a stump. Perhaps he can call that wander back. Day 23: Kosi’s and Vannaduk’s child was born, but as soon as it became day, she died to sickness. From what I saw, she was yellow and blind like her father, but had her mother’s face. Kosi and Vannaduk are heartbroken by the loss of their child. They must share an immunity gene, which is unfortunate. Hopefully Kosi and Bronze will have better luck. Perhaps that little black wanderer brought such bad luck. Vannaduk lets out a mournful cry from the stump, but the wanderer only sits there, still. What could she be up to… Day 24: Bronze is now fully grown, and mates with a still grieving Kosi. However, she is comforted by Bronze, which makes Vannaduk somewhat jealous. Vannaduk stands right next to the wanderer, but since he’s blind, her identity remains hidden. For now… Day 25: Seeking answers from the nicheling that may or may not have caused the death of her child, Kosi chases after the recently fully grown wanderer, but she does not flee. Instead, she stares down into the river below, appearing to watch a clownkoi. A somewhat nervous Kosi and Vannaduk invite her into the tribe. Her name is Milasi, and she’s quite the strange creature. She has a velvet paw, what explains why she was so sneaky. We’ll see what this stranger brings tomorrow, for better, or for worse... (Side-note: I had a lot more pictures, but they wouldn’t fit, so these ones will just have to do.)
  2. Thanks for the tips! I worded it weird, so I get the confusion, but what I mean by screenshots not working is that my computer doesn't seem to want to take them, soooooo... Like you said, I can just take them with my phone, though the quality won't be as good.
  3. Welp, I basically created an account for the singular purpose of doing this challenge, so, this was inevitable really. Screenshots might not work for me, we'll see. Either way, I'll right down everything in a personal doc and maybe post it. Who knows though.
  4. Thank you to everyone who welcomed me, it's certainly helped calm my nerves. I'd ping you all, but I don't know the courtesy stuff on all of that, so I'll just hope everyone sees this.
  5. I literally just made an account to start my record of my Honestly a Very Difficult Challenge playthrough, which I may or may not even do cause my computer is laggy and I have a very short attention span. I'm not sure how active I'll be here, maybe I'll become a permanent resident, maybe I'll drop of the face of the Earth in a few days, it's a mystery. Soooo, yeah. I should probably talk about myself I guess. I'm most commonly known on the internet as Violet, so feel free to call me that. I'm female, a total nerd and nervous wreck, and my brain just died cause I can't think of anything else to say so... yeah.
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