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  1. That would be a nice addition!
  2. Maybe I didn't understand correctly, but I thought there are no launch costs for the programmer. And besides launching drones I have not found any use for yellow minerals. So what would you do with all the yellow minerals anyway? ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. That is a know behaviour and as far as I have understood it will stay that way for the foreseeable future. I guess the devs first have to decide if this is really a bug or rather a feature for some bonus minerals ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Interesting idea, could motivate players to bring back the drone. But on the other hand I can already feel myself pushed to to so just to have a higher number of resources.๐Ÿ˜‰ Btw: parts printed from factories would not count๐Ÿ˜„
  5. Zen mode has my vote!
  6. Analog signals would be a great enhancement! We would need some additional logic to make use of the possibilities. add, sub, mult, div, comp, select, s+h, ... Don't forget an op amp ๐Ÿ˜„
  7. This could help to document the logic ๐Ÿ‘
  8. Could you please describe a bit what happend? Is this on an early stage of a new game? What type of mission was it, how high was the gravity and air resistance? Keep in mind that more parts -> heavier drone -> more thrust needed just to move the drone and also less force to carry anyting.
  9. The list of weapons in the weapn workshop can get quite long after a while and it's sometimes hard to find the weapon one is looking for to modify. It would be nice to have an option to sort the list like -show only certain elemental type -show only certain weapon type -show onyl weapons with at least 1/2/3 mod-slots -combinations of all the above Another cool thing would be if it would be possible to just select a weapon in the drone editor and have a link to directly go to the workshop with this weapon already selected for modification.
  10. Use the output of the sensor you want to disable with a keypress with an AND gate where the other input of the gate is from a switch that has the key assigned that you want to use to diable the sensor.
  11. Mayve it's a misunderstanding... You have get it in the floating container floating under the Nimbatus. Bringing the resource container to the Nimbatus won't help.
  12. Auto turret like in 'weapon rotates and fires in the direction of the neares enemy'? Having the possibility to select 'neares enemy' on the weapons would be a nice and easy way to rotate in the probably right direction, but would that not make one of the main parts of the game kind of obsolete? I think this is already possible with the given options. i.e. make a gimbaled fixed weapon with an enemy detector attached to it.
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