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Posts posted by GreenTheGreat

  1. 17 minutes ago, Green the gene maker said:

    ok then, nvm then. Thats one of my fears, getting in that much trouble

    im going to delete all the posts that talk about this, beacause my mind can't stand that thought...

  2. 2 minutes ago, ForgottenKitsune said:

    Does anyone want any of these dragons? I’ll sell them if not


    bootful, but i can't take them. I already have more babys than adults and have more babys coming 

  3. 5 hours ago, Spook’nikeringu said:

    A nest hatched! Sadly I’m not going to be able to show all of the babus, because I’m too lazy, but I sold the not really pretty female and kept the males. I’m willing to give this babu away:


    Halloween babu! just wanted to say it 😄

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