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Status Replies posted by GreenTheGreat

  1. aaaa i got a splinter in my finger : ( 

  2. me: just loading up roblox

    zix on steam at the same second roblox loaded: 

    W O U L D   Y O U   L I K E    T O    P L A Y    A    G A M E ?

  3. sunshine the chicken died :<

    We forgot to close the coop and some animal got in and took her-

    The second time a yellow chicken with the word sun in their name dies-

    well this means that most likely we'll buy some fully grown layers, but I'm sad

    it's sad

  4. learning about energy

    somebody tell me why is W mad???

    (/j btw, no question here)





  6. i went to a state park 

    i did not like it

    my feet hurt

  7. Hopefully somebody makes another WOF thing I re-made milkweed and want to use him. ;-;

  8. Hopefully somebody makes another WOF thing I re-made milkweed and want to use him. ;-;

  9. Hopefully somebody makes another WOF thing I re-made milkweed and want to use him. ;-;

  10. Hopefully somebody makes another WOF thing I re-made milkweed and want to use him. ;-;

  11. was running around in aj and.. 


    why is he floating what

  12. was running around in aj and.. 


    why is he floating what

  13. Personal DSMP head canon: 

    If friend dies, they can be revived by dying a sheep blue.

  14. it knows 


  15. Just had a tornado AND volcano eruption at the same time in creatures of sonaria

    I've seen it all

  16. Just had a tornado AND volcano eruption at the same time in creatures of sonaria

    I've seen it all



  18. Guys watch this video on my channel! 


  19. I don't like April fools cause the jokes aren't original.

    If I don't see a joke coming and It's original, then I'll like it!

    like how in furry paws they turned all our dogs to bunnies

    or the same kind of thing in other games like that! I like those because those games aren't usually played all the time and I don't expect them to change every single model

    I like things that I don't expect and don't fit the usual: Haha I got u with a prank everyone knew was coming

    This is my true opinion I am not making a joke about this.

  20. I don't like April fools cause the jokes aren't original.

    If I don't see a joke coming and It's original, then I'll like it!

    like how in furry paws they turned all our dogs to bunnies

    or the same kind of thing in other games like that! I like those because those games aren't usually played all the time and I don't expect them to change every single model

    I like things that I don't expect and don't fit the usual: Haha I got u with a prank everyone knew was coming

    This is my true opinion I am not making a joke about this.

  21. I don't like April fools cause the jokes aren't original.

    If I don't see a joke coming and It's original, then I'll like it!

    like how in furry paws they turned all our dogs to bunnies

    or the same kind of thing in other games like that! I like those because those games aren't usually played all the time and I don't expect them to change every single model

    I like things that I don't expect and don't fit the usual: Haha I got u with a prank everyone knew was coming

    This is my true opinion I am not making a joke about this.

  22. okay why is my school work about how video games cause violence?  

    meme time

    School: vIdEo gAMeS cAuSe vIoleNCe

    Me: happily planting flowers in minecraft

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