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Posts posted by ronron

  1. On 5/18/2020 at 7:24 AM, Markus said:

    I can't say anything about implementing such a mode (we haven't planned yet what we will add to the game after the launch), but let me ask some questions for clarification :)

    How would you imagine such a mode play out? Would there be splitscreen or would you imagine the camera zoom out as far as needed (so see both player at the same time? Even when it become so small that you can't barely see details anymore?). How would you like death to behave? If one player dies he has to wait? Or is it a shared drone core?

    There's the technical limitation of only having one mouse input allowed. Would player 2 have to build a drone which has to work without mouse input? Especially in early game this might be very tricky :/ Probably for that reason alone such a mode would be very difficult to properly implement.

    The idea would be that the player would use the camera blocks to keep focus on both minidrones (assuming neither camera block was destroyed, and assuming splitscreen was never added as an option to camera blocks) so players could always know how to get to where they need to be to close the camera's gap.

    Initially, there would be pressure on either one or the other player to keep the drone core safe while they hunt for an extra decoupler to let the core take off into space, though the non-core player would be pressured to keep their decoupler alive so their connection to the core would remain.

    A single mouse input allows the team to apply focus to a particular area, however this captain does focus on keyboard access through Steam Remote Play. To counteract the issue, the players are given additional small thrusters to allow for strafe control at the start of the game so they can stay on target until they get more advanced parts to aim the guns independently from the mouse. Another possibility is that one player is a mouse-controlled super-turret that's stored in a hollow chunk of the main drone while player 2 controls the main drone, considering the additional possible drone size involved.

    In the event of a single player, this captain remains a normal difficulty through the starvation of fuel tanks for its bulky drone designs instead of having the challenge of dealing with creating and maintaining two smaller drones that launch together. The single player will have to balance their weight against their anemic fuel stores for each mission until they're washed through a good chunk of the first and possibly second galaxy which co-op will have to figure out the most efficient way of teamwork to accomplish a given goal. I'd guess the biggest obstacle would be figuring out how to 2x mission rewards.

    • Paw up 1
  2. Was thinking, to help promote the game through Steam remote play (like how I was convinced to buy Helldivers through it), what if there was a "captain" that thematically suggested players use Steam Remote play with a buddy. It could have -50% deployment cost and 2x mission rewards to allow twice as much income so both players could build a drone at the same pace. Two inseparable pals in the academy graduate with top marks to become co-captains of the Nimbatus, bringing with them the following drone parts:
    -2 coolers
    -12 small thrusters
    -2 thrusters
    -6 small fuel tanks
    -6 small batteries
    -2 kinetic blasters
    -1 small magnet (teamwork time)
    -1 decoupler (to allow player 2 to move on their own)
    -2 resource collectors
    -1 resource tank
    -1 button
    -2 cameras
    -2 angle blocks

  3. I'd watch out for Spinner pushers. These spinners take a particularly hostile approach towards enemy sumo drones, but its hits are rarely lethal until the arena closes in on the drones and gives a small enough area for the weak hits to effectively reflect an enemy out of the ring, but they also are far more effective against pushers, effectively negating the weakness passive, center-seeking spinners have by using the pusher's force to accelerate its own spin speed until the inevitable ring closing in and pushing the pusher out.

    Not all hope is lost, however, as a new pusher sub-type has been built specifically to melt spinners through faster-than-rotation bursts of speed, crashing into the spinner and wiping out internals. These drones shall be amply named "Crashers". I need more research on Crashers before I can name any other strengths or any weaknesses, but the fact the spinner omnipresence has been challenged shall bring light to the sumo tourney world.

    • Like 2
  4. Decided I'd throw my recent sumo tourney winner against the workshop drones, since a lot of those were also tourney winners at one point or another. However, I can't use the downloaded drones in the practice dojo, so I can't go around beating Workshop sumo drones making sure my drone isn't just a product of a new age or something. 

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  5. From what I notice, it's mostly a meme on the discord server to bring awareness on how dated the sumo is versus the recent Steam Workshop thing by using a drone strong enough for people to say "nerf angular momentum". Hopefully doesn't cause any rushed changes, and thanks for being in the alpha with us. Really excited to see how Blender gets taken out legitimately. o/

  6. We need a sort of way to reduce damage and dig power on weapons, a side-upgrade off the +damage 1, 2, and 3 upgrades and their dig power alternatives, the options being -50% damage/dig power and -100% damage/dig power. This way we can create large-scale cosmetic Recoil-Jets far stronger but more power-intensive than regular jets, and without the side effect of the back blast erasing small sections of planets if you want to land and take off. No more erasing that landing pad you crafted to land a safe distance up from the snake, but at the price of exploration and resource farming to gain the new "rubber bullets" sort of tech. You could even have a hybrid tech that completely removes damage and dig power in a single upgrade slot so we can maximize recoil power. This can also allow sprayers to become more like terraformers, changing the planet without completely erasing it without wanting to and allow a new avenue in the upcoming weather update for safe, planet-friendly alternatives to simply erasing the issue. <3 

    • Like 4
  7. But not really. Guess I shouldn't chew so hard. Broke my jaw and my game. 

    Context: The drone can open and close its "jaw", which not only determines whether or not the kinetic flame thrower will work, but also looks cool. It's also incredibly vulnerable to snapping under its own armored weight, hence the spring which provides additional support by spreading the upwards force across 2 points instead of only the motorized hinge. If the drone closes or opens its mouth too much, the hinge snaps and the drone loses its jaw. But the thing is that the drone does not implode across (and through!) the planet. At least, normally it doesn't. 


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  8. Following in the shoes of the Logic Splitter, any fuel or battery connected after a resource splitter will be completely disconnected from the main drone's or any other resource split resource piles. This could feature a behind-the-scenes index which keeps track of each fuel/power pool. This will allow missiles with their own fuel and power, so they won't drain from the main drone once they run out of their own stuff. This will pair well with the upcoming advancements to the logic system coming in the alpha release and beyond.

    • Like 1
  9. I suggest we have suggestions handed to us through a tab in the game. Community discoveries, tips, and advice we can look around at to get ideas outside the main tutorial. A link to the wiki would be found on this tab, off to the side. Maybe we could have a upvote/downvote system through it that would allow us to choose what we think is most helpful, insightful, and revolutionary. It could feature F8/F9 screen captures that are optimized to be seen through the Nimbatus suggestions tab in-game.

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  10. Thing about shields is they're superlight. Not some ultralight thing like LED, but they still don't weigh too much. The issue with this is that shields having tiny amounts of mass means when a heavy-hitting missile or missile shotgun start slamming into your shields they start to pop from slamming against armor and stronger, larger components like solar panels and fuel tanks.


    [move]But that's just an analysis. A game analysis.[/move]

  11. Interlocking parts allow solid, rigid connections that otherwise wouldn't exist in Nimbatus 0.2.2 while allowing for a flexible yet strong armored frame, allowing the discount of shield use and providing an overall more reliable craft.


    Now, obviously the interlocking connection shown in the picture isn't the only one on this craft. In fact, there are TONS of such connections strewn across, stitching the craft to itself and allowing this craft to even out-tank shielded drones.


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