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Everything posted by Cloude

  1. The cub fell asleep cuddled up to Everest. When Jest didn't get a reply, he just looked back at the ground. When he blinked, everytging around him changed. He was alarmed, quickly looking around. He was a little younger in a familiar setting. He was home. He looked up. It was a meeting. It was the meeting. "Timber Everest, step forward!" Called a booming voice. Jest flinched and watched as a small Everest walked forward, excitement in his eyes. Everest glanced at Jest with a smile. That smile won't last. As Everest stepped up to the rock, he realized something was off. Mother 'Pression jumped down, her large figure threatening the tribe. Everests smile was gone, a face full of fear replacing the normally smiling face. "You are responsible for the death of Naja, Jolt, and Kindrai. What do you have to say for yourself?" The large female accused. Everest had nothing to say as a huge claw swooped down, knocking him off of his feet. "If you do not explain yourself, we are all to assume you are accepting punishment." Mother 'Pression said harshly. The leader motioned towards some of the guards. "Punish this murderer. When I see him again, he best not be saying a word." She said, turning and returning to her place on the watch. Jest watched as his playmate was dragged away. ((Don't respond in roleplay because this is a flashback. Currently, he just sorta stopped responding.))
  2. The cub cuddled up to Everest, scared of being unprotected near the nichelings that wanted to take them away. Everest honestly just seemed to have over-exhausted himself. Jest was trying his best not to cry, but something was obviously going through his mind. He looked at the scene and then back at his paws. "Juniper...?" He whispered, looking over at her.
  3. I get very addicted to being involved in a lot of action. Roleplay-wise.))
  4. As you should be. Nutshell Board; Curiousity killed the cat))
  5. ((Need to talk to Clover about something regarding Board--))
  6. For a moment when you said Chara I thought you meant a genocidal murderer. I was concerned. I don't think i'd be able to kill mine off yet since they practically JUST joined. Board is close to dieing but I have an idea for her.)))
  7. Everest didn't respond. He officially passed out from all the stress. Plus, his wounded eye had become slightly infected. The cub looked up at Issi, shaking slightly. It was confused.
  8. Agreed, but please give my child back--))
  9. Bruh, i'ma scream if I don't keep my cub--))
  10. Everest was beginning to pass out in a pile of leaves. The last thing he heard was footsteps coming closer before his eyes closed. The cub saw something and started squirming when they realized it was Everest. It tried to get Issi's attention.
  11. ((I'm making a gif of Everest saying "I'm not a Murderer"))
  12. I remember screaming at my phone to not let Akriah see her parents burn when reading that part of the story. I miss Akriah...))
  13. The bearyena looked up, confused. He wanted to respond to Everest. Everest looked down, his vision starting to spin from too much stress. He let out a yelp as he collapsed, trying to get back up. He didn't want them to kill the cub. "I didn't murder them.... It's not my fault..." He said, tearing up as he fell down again.
  14. When Everest lost them, he let out a yelp. He was extremely worried about the cub. He knew it couldn't be found by it's parents because the scents in the cave showed that the father had died long before the mother was killed by the den. He thought this had something to do with what Issi was saying to him. He became a bit frantic as he looked around.
  15. Jest seemed like he was about to cry. Something about what he said seemed to trigger him. "This is all because of a tree." He whispered. He shook his head and went back to sit next to Juniper. He looked at the ground, his eyes becoming cloudy. He didn't kill all those children...
  16. Everest freaked out internally. He thought she was about to kill it so he followed her. He was hurt by what Board said, but that wasn't about to distract him.
  17. Board's vision was very damaged, but she was very persistant. "YOU BETRAYED OUR TRIBE, TIMBER!" She screamed at Everest. Everest winced. Jest realized what was happening and ran over, standing between Everest and Board. "He didn't do anything. The deaths weren't his fault." He mumbled before jabbing at her with his scorpion tail. When Board passed out, it sorta seemed anti-climactic.
  18. He quickly dropped the cub and pushed Issi out of the way as he blocked Board, whom was attempting to pounce at Issi. Board got right back up and ran towards the cub. Everest blocked her, growling and clawing at her.
  19. ((Bingo)) When Everest heard these words, his blood boiled. They thought I was gonna hurt them? Trap? His eyes widened. He sniffed the air. Board was approaching. He let out a warning yelp to Issi and Rabbitspring, motioning for them to move as Board snuck up behind them, blood dripping from her fur.
  20. He took a few steps back. He figured that they were going to try and kill it. His fur stood on end, his stinky tail lifting defensively. Nichelings like them are why predators attack. None of them are treated with love. Nichelings are all the same, they only care about themselves.
  21. He sorta calmed down a bit when he realized that Rabitspring wasn't an enemy. He still didn't want to trust them though. He unsheathed his claws, which were very clean compared to Board's blood-stained claws. If they were to piece things together, they could have possibly figured out that Everest was attacked before Board was, meaning Board was trying to decieve them.
  22. He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head towards the winter nocheling whom was literally right beside her.
  23. He spotted the other nicheling entering. She had a stronger scent from Board's blood. Everest's pupils turned into slits as he let out a deep growl.
  24. (I know, but Everest doesn't.) He wouldn't back down. The bearyena started to squirm which made him worry. Everest seemed shady, but something about him said he wasn't a bad guy. He honestly just seemed like an overprotective father. He shifted the bearyena into more comfortable positions until it stopped fussing. He looked back at Rabbitspring, his recently scarred eye now becoming noticable. I won't let them kill a cub. Not like last time... He thought, thinking of trees. He didn't want to think of home. He began to tear up, but shook his head.
  25. He was confused by the question. What? Where the heck did that come from? I'm gay, I don't wanna deal with icky girl cooties! He thought. He didn't want to speak so he motioned to the burn on his neck. He was trying to tell her he was mute from the burns.
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