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Posts posted by BirbMonster

  1. On 6/21/2022 at 7:26 AM, BirbMonstwo said:

    So lemme tell you a story 

    I was ankle biting as a Euvias, I started attacking this Opralegion (super big chonky boi) and after literally 3 bites they just say, “imagine killing me” and just start running away. I left them for now, and they came back to oasis, I start attacking them again and they just say “get skills”. I then chased them down, almost killed them, and they left the game on a sliver of health.


    For this whole thing, they were barely even trying to fight back

    imagine laugh reacting to my own post. this is so funny I'm glad I posted this because I don't renember this and it's great to be reminded

  2. Here's a short drabble I wrote about Peacemaker! (Some spoilers for Arc 2 and potentially Legends: Darkstalker)











    The hybrid dragonet sat crouched over a toy castle, holding two tiny NightWing figurines, one in each talon.
    They can be king and queen! He thought, placing the toys onto the disproportionate castle.
    This can be King Peacemaker! He can have the same name as me! It would be awesome to be a king one day!

    His RainWing ruffs bobbed a little as he tried to think of a name for the queen.
    It needs to be something cool and regal and NightWingy!
    He racked his small dragonet brain for name ideas. Several popped into his head, none of which were good enough.

    How about... Clearsight?

    A face popped into his mind. The kind, dark face of a female NightWing, angled with nose pointing down, eyes looking up at him with a kind purple gaze that felt like it lit up a room.

    And then, the vision was gone, as fast as it appeared.
    It was almost as if he had a flashback. He knew this dragon named Clearsight from somewhere, and yet had never seen her before.


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