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Everything posted by BirbMonster

  1. How do I get rid of this (slight) impending sense of doom I currently have?
  2. But only when you're holding a living chicken (the chicken can't breathe underwater) I have super-intelligence
  3. Have you actually read the context of the RP and the other messages?
  4. Monsters are species in everything I make. Please do not make a fanmade monster.
  5. But only indoors I have mind-control abilities
  6. What does that have to do with anything
  7. But nobody realises you are :[ I can heal any injury
  8. I love this art of Cottonmouth and Freedom because Freedom just looks like a really angry cat who doesn't want to go to the vet LINKIE FOR CREDIT: https://wof-animation-friendly-designs.tumblr.com/
  9. SO The way this works is that someone asks an everyday question, like 'Whats' your favourite song' and 'What's the most recent thing you ate', that kind of stuff. The next person answers that question and adds their own question, and they continue the chain! RULES: No asking about private information (eg: real name and home address) No gross questions that could be angainst the forum rules or make people uncomfortable If you're not sure or don't want to answer, just wait a little for someone else to answer the question you can't answer. So basically don't continue the chain with 'I don't know' Let me start: What's the weather like where you are right now?
  10. "These weird snakes that had snakes inside their snakes,"
  11. Also, Charlotte and Rosemary rival marriage WHEN, I need it Rosemary likes gossipping and Charlotte likes laughing at idiots
  12. More specifically Kelly I think she'd be a chill older lady who talks about her kits who are all grown up
  13. I've been reading up on how to mod new characters into the game 👀 There's another thing I want to make now I may add one of my grandma's cats
  14. Now that I finished the story and unlocked ✨ The Final Cat ✨ I have a use for... all this
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