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Ursa Major

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Everything posted by Ursa Major

  1. He could swear he heard voices. Ignoring the feel of the bramblethorns around the swamps on his feet and wings, he continued forward toward the faint voices he heard in the distance.
  2. // I'll be honest I have no idea who's there right now and who could be meeting my character. But I'd love to have him interact w anyone,,
  3. // Oh god sorry I'm late, I briefly forgot this forums existed and got depressed, apologies! I'll read everything and reply then!
  4. // I hope I wasn't writing too wordy or too much haha! // Also, take your time! Schoolstuff is important!
  5. Darkness shrouds the place, tangling around the thorns and bushes almost like arms, waiting to grasp any and all unsuspecting, poor fellow that dared venturing too close. His head hurt, or more like, it was the faint memory of what a headache was supposed to have felt like, and it dissipated just as quickly as it head stung his mind with surgical precision. The spirit groaned, his aches seeming to leave his body as soon as he roused. Large, seemingly feathery wings for arms propped him up on the muddy soil near thje swamps where he lay. It was dark. It was dark, and all he could make out in this umbran place was the faint noise of the wasser and the buzzing bugs hidden in the shadows. He looked around, trying to figure any shapes out in this dark place and succeeded only mildly. His chest rose and sank reflexively, thinking how badly he needed oxygen, unbeknownst to him that such a need was no longer the case. "Where to the waters am I?" His voice almost seemed muffled by the darkness that surrounded him, and he attempted to carefully, slowly, begin his trek around the swamps, in hopes to find something, anything, that might give him a clue as to what this place was, who he was, and what he was doing here.
  6. Newly forgotten spirit - A large and fluffy spirit who seems to have a poison tail and -fangs - He constantly seems to be in a gloomy and/or grieving mood, though the reasons for this are unknown even to himself - He has wings presumably but doesn't remember how to fly - His voice is deep and warm, and his personality seems to be just as warm and gentle when he isn't lost in his depression - Protector figure
  7. Time to put on my best behaviour and be a good role model!
  8. That's so wild to me, usually I'm the youngest in most communities I partake in!
  9. I decided to also post some of my other art pieces that I'm very proud of
  10. Ursa Major

    Ursa's art

    So I like to draw a lot and do other artsy things, and decided to draw one of my Nichelings! All hail Dokavu, leader of my albino griffin pride... may his legacy of fighting a bearyena all on his own to protect his pride never be forgotten! (And yes, skorpulai on tumblr is my artblog!)
  11. I like the tundra a lot but idk if I have enough space for it in my lair....
  12. I do! How much do you want for her?
  13. Oh wow, he is beautiful
  14. Omg that looks so -edited for language- good!
  15. Nooooo they went extiiiiinct.,,,, Oh well, I saved some of the really pretty ones and will draw them later!
  16. My project of creating little albino griffins is working...
  17. Right now I have an entire group of albinos!
  18. omg howd you get these primal eyes so many (heart eyes them)
  19. Haha oof, well, I don't bite! Promised 😆
  20. I also have a Flightrising account! It's BlackFairy, if anyone wants to friend me! ^^
  21. Wasn't sure in which category to put my nichelings, but I figured discssion works good. Meet Danvanpri, my male nicheling whom I love and who was randomly born with a bird beak??? He's a good and soft boy.
  22. Can any nichelings go onto a rock to call? Or just males? And do they have to be adult?
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