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Stray Fawn Community

Andreas aka Mothpool

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Everything posted by Andreas aka Mothpool

  1. "What did the prophecy say?" He meowed bewildered
  2. Moonkit looked at Nightblood amazed "can you see the future?" He meowed curiously
  3. "my nose is bleeding... and it's red!"
  4. It gives me a notification even if I'm in the game
  5. Are you supposed to see that a nichling is pregnant? If not you should add that
  6. Don't think anyone will join this but whatever- You are either an avian-human hybrid (person with wings) or an eraser (wolf-human) that has escaped from The School (the evil lad that made you) if your an avian-human hybrid your in a Flock (a group of avian-human hybrids) if your an eraser your part of a pack (group of earasers) you try to survive and not get caught by The School and taken back Avian-human hybrids: Name: Roxy ( @Mothpool) Age: 16 Gender/pronouns: female Breed: avian-human hybrid Special powers: a bit stronger than the others in the flock Picture: Earasers: Name: Flare Age: 12 Gender/pronouns: Female she/they Breed (avian-human or eraser): Eraser (I've always dreamed of being one of these, idk why) Special powers (can't be too OP): Mind Reading or she can see bits and pieces of the future (Can you randomize it? I can't decide which one I want) Picture: (Like this except human, and minus the wings)(The human part would be tannish, with black hair, and very pale green eyes) Other (optional): Blind Form: Name: Age: Gender/pronouns: Breed (avian-human or eraser): Special powers (can't be too OP): Picture: Other (optional):
  7. Your adopted mother is Rowanberry You had adopted siblings but they passed away soon after birth
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