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Everything posted by irisflowering

  1. My username is +Tigerlily+ (is there supposed to be a space in that?) Also, you don't need to send my lionesses. I'm good right now You can if you want though, but if so, one is good.
  2. It's fine. I'm not to worried about looks right now, I'm just trying to have fun! But I do have a really pretty cub named lilac.
  3. Im not on windows right now, I'l try later. Im waiting for my King to gain energy so i can find another female.. do you have to feed your king?
  4. I got a pretty bab... and i cant show you ;-;
  5. I have done it.... My account is +Tigerlily+
  6. i must get an account now...
  7. I think that is the hounds? They come usually around day 9-10. *searches on wiki* They have 150 health and do 20 damage. I recommend trying to outrun the hounds if you don't have a good enough weapon, or lead them to pigs. Another thing you can do is lead them to tallbirds, and if a hound ends up biting the bird, they will fight each other. I think beefalo will do it too. https://dontstarve.fandom.com/wiki/Hound
  8. Welcome to the forums! It is nice to see anther person with interests in Niche and Warrior cats (though this is the Stray Fawn forums xD) Have you read Wings of Fire or The Hunger Games? (I love books UwU)
  9. "I..." she squeaked. "I'm Azelea.." She felt a sneeze coming, and stood ridged, trying not to let it out. (the grammar feels off xD) (I probably won't be able to rp anymore today, can we continue tomorrow?)
  10. (Oop sorry) How are you, Canary?
  11. -Tyo? (that means to continue talking to him, right?)
  12. She held still, then realizing she couldn't hide for much longer, she stepped out of the shadows. "Um... hi?" she said softly. "who are you?"
  14. My character: Fowl Female Nosy, sneaky, prankster. Role: Scout
  15. As Bluejay woke up the next day, she could hear something off in the distance. She remembered these voices.. but she couldn't remember why.. She tried to pinpoint where they were coming from. Then suddenly, as she tried to pinpoint the noise, she remembered. She remembered a warm body pressing again her suddenly becoming cold. She remembered a strange noise that had came out of the nichelings mouth. And she remembered what had happened after the nicheling had faded into nothing. She had been able to open her eyes, a little, on the first day. And all she saw was a color like the river, but deeper. Was it... blue? The blue things had swarmed above her, calling out to each other. "Look at it.." "It's so strange.." "Huh." Suddenly, a quiet, but commanding voice spoke out. "Leave her." The other blue things had, at least from what Bluejay had seen, seemed confused. "But.." The quiet blue thing spoke again. "She... is different. I think... she in one of them." The confused calls turned into sharp whispers. "It.. can't be.." "There hasn't been one in so long.." Then, one question ended all of the whispering. "Are... are they coming back?" This caused all of them to go silent. Then, the quiet one spoke again. "... maybe..." Then, Bluejay's eyes had shut, and she had fallen asleep. She was sure of it now. it was those voices she heard in the distance, calling to her. She was able to pinpoint the voices were coming from the north, and she knew what she had to do. She had to follow them.
  16. Wait! You have to add RELA we can't have drama without Rela screaming at all the other gods and forcing her tribe to burn for her! (oop my violent self)
  17. (oop sorry I've taken so long, guess she has a brother, she probably doesn't know Talurno though since her mom tells her she can't visit anyone really) She froze, and swiftly hid behind the tree. Did they see me? She thought. If they did, WHAT DO I DO!! She tried to blend in a much with the bark as possible.
  18. Actually, I am not going to do it for now, just because I don't want to get overwhelmed. Sorry about that, I wish the rp luck!
  19. That i will make soon! (probably. i might join)
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