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Posts posted by Night

  1. So, I just saw a comment in a video of Stray Fawn Studio and it made me have this idea. Predators and many other things move around in the night, and the nichelings move in the day, but it could make a great feature to make the game more realistic. 

    First thing: The day counter could have another one next to it, except that it could pass and count the nights, this could be added as well to the win conditions as number of nights survived. The night button could be locked at day, and the day button could be locked at night so we aren't confused in which one we should choose to pass time. 

    Now, not every nicheling could move at night but those who can will still have 3 energy points but it could have to decide to waste the energy in night or day. And well, what nichelings can move at night? 

    Purr snout: I'd give +1 ability to move at night(Energy point but you can use it at night) +1 sight at night

    Bat head: +2 ability to move a night +2 sight at night

    2 bat wings = +1 

    (New Gene) Big eyes: This could give a nicheling extra sight at night +3 and in the day= 3 sight as well. The side effect of this could be -1 smelling ability

    Those are the genes that are necessary for a nicheling to move at night. 

    But if u think moving at night could be a great advantage, well you're not entirely right, predators can move depending on their moving ability and each 2 turns of a night nicheling could give the predators and other night creatures moving turn. This could either save your tribe, or kill it. 

    You could entirely ignore the feature by having ur night time creatures move by day and by skipping the night

    I've finally had time to post something oof, I hope it's good. 


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  2. Oh hi there, sorry if I have been inactive lately, I'm really busy and hardly finding any free time to parcitipate a lot on the forums. 


    4 hours ago, Lilyturf said:

    Another Akira challenge entry. I'm so happy with the result!

    (The challenge is warrior cats with magic powers. This is Mudfur giving his immortality crystal to Mistyfoot)


    Well into the point: That is absolutely amazing  and I really love the shades! They blend in with the background pretty well, and that was a very good idea. 

    If I had photoshop of could replace Mudfur's face with Queen Elizabeth 

    • Thanks 1
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  3. I can't exactly share pics but I had a litter of kittens and my colony was named Tree colony, my hardest seasonal game for me was of autumn, I don't play it much now, but I had some fun in the gold times

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