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Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. "Oh Hysuhy, hey." "Boyfriend." "Omg Hysuhy my babygirl." "Other boyfriend." "We have joined a society." "Damn, guess I'll join."
  2. Asyasysu and Flemoky looked at each other. "Flemokywillyoumarryme?" "Uh?" "Flemoky, will you marry me?" "Natuurlijk, hou ik meer van je dan van de wereld zelf." And then they were married the end
  3. "Queen, Queen!" "Hello Inmomo!!! Who's this?" "This is my boyfriend Yunorom!" "'Sup." "OMG HIIIII NEW FRIEND HIIII!!!!" "Can he stay?" "Yeah of course!!" "Omg this is so slay"
  4. Fun fact Shseuri's name is unpronounciable by man
  5. Pebbles is drinking Moon's water again 😭
  6. Eònu God of the Seas Tribe of Origin: Blackwater Tribe Backstory: A mysterious entity that watched over the Blackwater Tribe from its inception to its disbanding, occasionally demanding a sacrifice to join him in the waters
  7. Weird screenshots in my niche folder (id be surprised if someone knows where this one is from)
  8. bump real??? (trying to see if i have a Pinecone screensho)
  9. I forgor what generator i used for prophecies
  10. I watched the movie two days ago, realized i had a crush on Astrid when I was a kid
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