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Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. Give him some time and he'll have like 10 spouses /j
  2. Nooooo why are they so cute!! I'm not sure if I can log on but could I have any one of the spirals? It's incredibly hard to find a bee derg for my Hivewing project
  3. Breezepool Sarcastic, dark humor, likes to make everyone uncomfortable except Blackcloud (cru-) and his sister Sweetface Sweetface Kit factory, responsible, sassy, observant, non existant social skills, leaderly (is this even a word) Blackcloud Distracted, airheaded, kind, sociable, naive. Jackdaws kid Jackdaw Cunning, cynical, cold, merciless. Vixens daughter Vixen Apathetic old cat. Kinda insane. Rabbitlight Caring dude, he just likes to sass (unsuccessfully) people and stay away from them. He's also really angsty sometimes. He even kills people sometimes. Not the kids, that'd be bad.
  4. To this day he's still committing mass murder and feeling bad about it
  5. Welcome back! I love reading through your playthroughs!
  6. I said you could keep him. Are we like, his divorced parents?
  7. She was still there. There were also 2 folks looking at them
  8. There were some biscuits your sibling made yesterday
  9. Amanda went to tell Damien that Jessie had been fetched
  10. I'm not sure. Maybe look for other dragons similar to them
  11. (I forgot to say, you don't have a fridge. Medieval tech)
  12. "Damien's delivering a speech, get inside." Bloom walked back inside
  13. The debate never stopped. They have plans but are also focusing on The Wandering Village
  14. You can download it by pressing down on the image for a bit
  15. You arrived to the kitchen. There were no other strangers in there
  16. "I guess. Hopefully he stopped smoking..." Amanda grimaced and went to get the lad.
  17. It had followed you inside and was now sitting near Chanter
  18. "You know what? Sure, I'll file or something." Bloom shrugged
  19. (Plum is biologically a male and could father children. Though they are non-binary
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