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Stray Fawn Community

Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. My current endeavor is turning a rabbil into a tribe memebr
  2. rn i'm just messing around with Unity Explorer, no specific plans since i dont know C# yet i found a water filter
  3. btw here's the mod loader links and instructions for everything should be in there https://melonwiki.xyz/#/ btw pick version 0.5.7 on the melon installer not the newest niche is a mono game
  4. If there were underwater biomes, I think they should have special ports which are underwater so that you can't accidentally travel to one with unprepared nicheling's We could also have born blind nichelings' eyes looking the same as 'normal' eyes like in real life since the cloudy white only happens if it's been damaged (maybe there could be a chance for a nicheling to be wounded in the eye by a predator and get a debuff to eyesight)
  5. Changed these posts to follow the style of the rest of the playthrough instead of having dialogue
  6. Thinking about how maybe there could be a "death roll" in the last days in the lifespan (this wouldn't be influenced by damage, it'd be something like 20-25 days old so if a nicheling has less than 5 days left because of damage the death roll wouldn't happen unless it's already in its twenties) with the chance heightening each day. So low chance to die "early", medium chance to die in the middle and high change to die late Could be modified in sandbox mode
  7. Welcome to my minecraft playthrough being ignored rn water
  8. I have connected Niche to the modloader that's it that's all it took me 1 hour
  9. i'm going to try to mod niche there may yet be a way
  10. Oh oh thought about something else Console commands being more "stable" Blind nichelings being able to move by switching to smelling or hearing mode Deafness and noseblindness Scars! More diseases Heterochromia
  11. I'd like to see the mobile only genes (fur and eye colors too) included in niche 2! Modding too ofc Maybe defender bears can return Expanded savanna biomes More wetland types Moor biome More hybrids (ramfoxes?) More biome-unique animals Possibility for a nicheling to be smaller or bigger than average (this could be only cosmetic) Storms (inspired by the first trailer) Oh speaking of weather what about a desert biome it could have sandstorms Perhaps an ability to pick from cacti without getting hurt (with armor still providing defense) That's all I can think about for now
  12. I misread Seven Storms as Steven Storms
  13. Since when are there salamanders in the room after the garbage wastes toll??? Or a monster kelp at the beginning of Shoreline?? Surv campaign btw, i assume they lineaged
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