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Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. Stormpaw yawned, slowly getting up before looking around the den
  2. Warrior cats prefixes and suffixes ― Perchance Generator yay i finally updated
  3. old screenshots i think the game is trying to say something about Ned He definitely has a type She got married to someone else like 2 mins later Pogg THAT'S NOT THE FACE OF SOMEONE GOING TO A RETIREMENT HOME WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!? Buttercream has a son named Santiago, everyone is married and Birdie moved out
  4. I thought you were Tundra this entire time

  5. You literally need a permit to have kids or get married, the news keep reporting on you and your every move as if they're always watching
  6. New tenants Cheryl Fisher (Sirius' wife) Eddard Stark Procras Stein Birdie Houser (Drug and Jamie's son) A cat The Housers and Fishers are old people now, Drug looks like Bilbo Baggins for some reason Preeeeeetty sure the game takes place in some sort of dystopia too
  7. I have 5 tenants Drug Houser Jamie Houser (after i figured out how advice works) Sirius Fisher Buttercream Montoya Matt Patt that's it, im also miraculously not broke
  8. I have another tenant his name is Sirius Fisher
  9. Straightest woman ever, Her-Friend She's a war criminal
  10. Drug Houser is going on a date idk if it's one of his love interests woth suspiciously similar names or a third one
  11. I kept him as a guy and his name is now Drug
  12. I read my first tenant's name as drug houser
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