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Everything posted by Chiyanna

  1. Anyone wanna play the kahoot with me and then post our scores at the same time?
  2. Welp. I guess it's the honor system then. No cheating my fellow contestants. Imma go ahead and take the quiz.
  3. Dove decided she should let Panther tell her more on her own, she didn't want to make Panther sad or angry, but she wanted to get to know this mysterious cat whom she'd spent a few months with, "How about you tell me about yourself. Anything you're comfortable sharing."
  4. If u tried to do a story it would just be so short and tragic...so makes sense
  5. The ladybug wings still seem op to me, especially since you also get a distatasteful smell. But I don't think you should decrease the regular bug wings anymore, and that's a good ratio between the two, so IDK if you should change anything
  6. This is a great idea! Will give more use for wings and may make it easier to survive in jungle. Upvote
  7. I love this idea! Kinda weird to have bug wings on mammals but we already have antanae so why not. Would be very useful. I think they may be a bit OP but I don't know/remember the stats for regualar wigs. If someone could tell me those I would be able to determine if the flying stat should be decreased or not.
  8. Is there any way to prevent ppl from cheating/playing it more than once?
  9. "Oh," said Dove, feeling bad she asked that question, "I'm sorry."
  10. That was beautifully written and now we know who was banished, and who was abandoned from before (unless I'm an idiot and thought I had gotten it from the dialouge but didnt). I guess the one who is lost is clear now...although if Baba was the lost one IDK how it meshes with what she said...but you probably do Anyways, I am loving the story and get that you want to concentrate on building it. Also I'm still curious to know why Baba shouldn't have children.... I still miss Leo, maybe at some point you could do a playthrough of just him on the jungle island starting a jungle tribe. It would be a challenge, and we'd run the risk of having him die ending his story in tragedy, but I would be interested in seeing that. However, I don't expect you to do them both at once! I love how you put humor into everything, most of your posts are funny Some are really deep, and some are both. It's quite unique. I have no specific suggestions for this playthrough at the moment other than finding wanderers to grow the tribe, but you already know that. Will be looking forward to the next part!
  11. It's certainly a challenge! I commend you for trying it and continuing to try. I would just be so sad because there wouldn't be much of a story and I would just fail over and over lol
  12. Do we just play it on our own or is there a set time?
  13. I love making stories with my nichelings. I'm always rping with them. I do also love the strategy aspect of niche but I could never live without the story! Often I don't use up all the moves of all my characters because it wouldn't make sense story-wise to move them/there's nothing for them to really do! Sometimes I also don't move them for strategic purposes like I have a female on a nest or to better hunt moles/rabbils. I rarely ever use the mutation menu, because I like the challenge of not using it and I think it's unrealistic. Sometimes I do use it though, usually to get a gene in the family that I had before but lost. I love stories that build up over generations, so I generally stick to the same save. Also I have a youtube series so it's not like I could abandon that save even if I wanted to. Also, I'm trying to get through storymode currently. When I do have other saves/series' I'm going to try and connect them to my storymode/niche universe storywise. Like taking a group of creatures from my current save and doing a challenge with them. My storymode strategy at the moment is settle every island as much as you can, get as many creatures and food as you can. This has worked well on the archipelago. Some have trouble with getting food on it because it's so hard to get from one island to the next to get food and even if you leave creatures behind they eventually die off. Speed-running the archipelago is something I decided not to do and I'm so glad. I've let my tribe spread out across it over generations, and I have families breeding on each island so I have gatherers on every island I've settled. I have over 100 nichelings but they bring in enough food every turn. I have over 400 food before I skip to the next day, and around 300 afterwards.
  14. Ooo, can't wait to see what happens next! Also, you should rlly get to finding some mates....I know they live a long time, but I still would like to see some baby nichelings soon And the longer they have to raise their children the better....but of course I know u cant spawn in wanderers out of thin air!
  15. "Was she a friend? Or was she always your enemy?" asked Dove.
  16. Thanks for your help I'll go ahead and use commands now. What does happen if there are two save files of the same slot in the folder? Does it just run one of them or neither or are they corrupted somehow? If I wanted to say, copy my game, move to another island, and then play the old savefile to keep playing as my tribe and do them both at once, is there a way to make a slot 1/0 savefile a slot 5/4 savefile or would I have to constantly swap them out?
  17. cause it's interesting storywise. and it's alright, not everyone is good at stringing together a story and has time to do so. If you want to and have more time now you could give it another shot
  18. Possibly, though the time skips and lack of story the first time was kinda annoying. Like there's all the sudden alot of new creatures and we dont even know why. But the tribe splitting may be interesting.
  19. I should be free to delete/do risky things with my save now, right?
  20. Thanks for the information Also, the video says you have to put the saves back in the slots they were in before or they don't work, is that the same now? Edit: I guess there actually are no "slots" u just have to delete the one thats occupying the save slot. This seems simple enough...so I think I'll go ahead and try it out. I'll let you know if I run into any problems/more questions
  21. They had already cleaned the den out for the week, and Dove wasn't too concerned with guarding the den as they hadn't been disturbed much by predators so far. She really wanted to learn more about Panther, "Do you know the she-cat who attacked you the day we met? You seemed to." Dove still believed Panther had only been seeing nightmares from her past, but she knew Panther didn't think so.
  22. This would be cool, even just an island thats mostly water and didn't have anything special and only small land islands even smaller than archipelago would be cool. Great for water-creature challenges and would give webbed feet a greater use.
  23. Bump, unsure if I can bump other ppls suggestions but this a great one
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