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Everything posted by Chiyanna

  1. Thanks for your support and for telling why you like the suggestion too! I consider myself one of those players who like to act out stories Although I also love the survival element and do not ever use commands lol, partly cause I don't know how, and partly cause I don't want to, (although if I ever figure out how may use them to set challenges up, make save copies of my world, and delete nichelings that have storywise or actually went onto another island). Anyways, besides story purposes if players are strategic there may be certain situations where it would be helpful, and like you pointed out there could be some difficult spots where players have to decide whether to spend their food or save it in order to survive the next turn.
  2. I forgot there for a moment that eyes and ears are seperate from snouts lol idk why. It sounds good! Also, idk if this good idea or not, but maybe it also gives +1 speed cause it's stream-lined, (looks it to me but maybe it actually isn't lol) what do you think?
  3. Yeah, minus one on all those stats is probably good (and distasteful appearance is an interesting addition to that list), and low fertility I think instead of infertility, maybe minus 3 or 4 from their original fertility rating (so nearly infertile nichelings would be infertile, high fertility nichelings would still be fertile but low fertility). Also, maybe elders should have like something extra to contribute to the tribe in wisdom or something someway so ppl wont want to just kill them off...idk if ppl would do that to nichelings who have served their tribe well but who knows. Also, maybe elders cannot be banished from the tribe
  4. Purr snouts are already in game and I for one love them, but they do look a little strange and I'm always up for new genes. Would it have normal hearing/smelling/sight?
  5. I know, usually food is a big issue and you want to keep all you can anyways. Most people try and play the hardest they can while surviving and use challenges to spice up gameplay and make it even harder, but what if you're that one person that gathers up to 450 food each turn and has over 300 left over at the beggining of the next day *cough cough me*. I mean I'm just playing storymode on regular settings in archipelago but since I don't usually speed run islands I tend to build up lots of food. Yeah, I do have over 100 creatures to feed each turn, so I'm not exactly stockpilling on a peaceful island and have nothing to do with the stuff, but still, it would be nice to feed my niche creatures more food every once in a while. And then I got big idea: what if you could use extra food to purchase extra moves? It would only be one extra move allowed per creature per turn to prevent abuse and such, but it would be way cool and awesome when after all your creatures are sleeping and the rabbils come mock you for once you could give one of your creatures an extra move and kill the theif. Or for once in a battle and you only need one more attack from a creature to kill the bearyena if you could do that instead of one of your creatures dying. I mean, it may be a bit op, but in niche food is a valuable resource. Also, maybe instead of just giving one extra food it could be 2 or 3 or even five to get that extra move. So, basically if you wanted an extra move you would click on a creature and right under them where make a nest and such are usually there will be another icon. You click it and maybe it just happens, or maybe there's a pop-up that says "Are you sure you want to give this nicheling x extra food?" (maybe add "in exchange for a new turn?" so ppl will know what it does, or maybe only those that try it and risk it will find out lol idk). And then, instead of their far left gem lighting up again making them indistinguishable from those who haven't yet used all their moves just their center gem would light up again, and when they use their extra move it will grow dull again just like when you use your nicheling's moves normally.
  6. This is one of the things I was going to suggest. Glad I checked to see if others posted it first lol. It's so basic and so needed. I mean I don't like to starve or otherwise kill my niche creatures, but if I'm so low on food and need to keep my breeding creatures and their children alive and there's a random gatherer who is so young they won't even die if I do this but my breeding creature is so old they might and their newborn might if I can't conserve enough food it would be so bad for my breeding creatures who are old or cant afford to take damage to die when if I could've conserved 2 food by starving the other creature a couple turns I would've been able to pass on their genes. Survival of the tribe comes first!
  7. They could be both at once I suppose, or maybe for them to develop mate bond they have to breed with the same nicheling multiple times and also be near them alot, and maybe they'd only get mate bond if they only bred with that ccreature and not another creature, so you could still breed with multiple different creatures if neccesary but wouldn't get the extra bonus. Also, the bonus should be something tangible and worthwhile like chance to gather more than ability when gathering or higher chance of doing something their abilities dont allow like higher chance of digging root even if u dont have anything to dig roots or maybe even an extra turn. Also maybe in cold places creatures with these bonds can huddle with only the two of them and keep from freezing to death
  8. How active is this rp/what pace is it and what pace/schedule do u guys wanna set for it?
  9. Qui re able deni use detta likanu elsewhere on teh forum? (Like in roleplays?)
  10. Same question with me lol, but it isn't just my own actually. I'd like to use Silinan if I can get the poster/creator of that language to approve it's use. Anyways, this rp looks interesting. I may join but idk how much time I have for roleplays at the moment
  11. Thank you any feedback (including critical feedback so I could improve if possible) would be appreciated! Also if u wanna suggest some names by commenting on youtube or here I would be glad to take some.
  12. Hello, I'm thinking about maybe joining this. Does everyone automatically join barren tribe and if not why doesnt it say on every player what their tribe is? And also, how do npc/nonplayer nichelings work/how are they gonna work?
  13. Thanks @FawnCat for liking these posts I hope u check the other vids on youtube out and enjoy them
  14. Poor Rasune and Dolar, they died early and didn't even get to have children lol. Also this was starting to look interesting so dissapointed you lost your save file. Maybe u could try and recreate the creatures in sandbox mode with the pics u have and what you remember? But yeah, I wouldn't want to play again so soon after that either
  15. And here's episode 1 (easier to link to them than i thought it would be, good thing I enabled embedding when uploading them):
  16. And here's the introduction btw, no actual gameplay just story and explaining things:
  17. But it starts when I'm already on the archipelago since I was using my old save file and I already have 20 episodes uploaded there lol. I may start uploading each of the videos individually to here or upload all new videos or basically outline the story and provide updates on my nichelings here. I do not know yet. My youtube name is Chiyanna Danielle and this is the link to my youtube channe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzqXfLGkgOWh5GqKgmkeFqAl So if you want to watch it that's cool Also, P.S. the video quality varries from video to video as my situation changes and I test out new things and also i don't think the sound quality on them is that great. Also kinda new to youtube so I may say stupid things and stutter lol. And finally, my recording software does a 3 2 1 thing before starting recording, but it's laggy and inacurate so my intro often gets cut off... But the issues I'm having may be solved soon cause I did get a new desktop computer, but haven't set it up yet. I record variably, but tend to post at least 1-2 vids a week lately. So yeah, if you wanna watch another storymode playthrough with lots of attention made to story with a kind of relaxed, settle every island pretty much completely pace, I'm glad to have you along for the ride! Also, if you wanna suggest anything (names, story ideas, challenges, ect.) be free too and I'll def see it since nobody else comments on my videos lol.
  18. More bird genes would definately be nice to go with the bird genes we already have! Also new island types are always welcome and blue birds doing more things than just swooping down to take babies when no nichelings are beside them would be nice.
  19. Pregnant nichelings should consume two food each day they are pregnant. This would make it more realistic and have people have to think about when exactly they're going to breed and how much food they need in order to breed and get the female into a nest. Also, because the nicheling consumes the same amount of food when not born as when born, (and it's better to have someone who can gather food and contribute to the tribe rather than just take food from it), it'll make people less likely to just let pregnant creatures die pregnant cause that's kinda cruel and unrealistic too. So yeah it's just a very simple and plain suggestion
  20. This is a great idea and would add more depth and realism to the game
  21. I think it's a good idea! Though they should be a bit different. Gig/fluffy tail should add +2 cold resistance definately and 30 days in cold climate isn't op at all. Also it should be on creatures that spawn in cold climates like the mountains maybe. Small tail could also be called bunny tail and might have 0 cold resistance, but actually add heat resistance? What other stats can tails add or could this tail add?
  22. Thank you Can fur add it as a noun? And if it isn't too much trouble organize the rest of "extras" into the existing categories or maybe what they're related too cause quite hard to find what word I'm looking for (don't have time to translate that sentence). Also we need vurns quin: it, thank you/thanks, you welcome, noun, verb, adjective, onk re think we. If there isn't a word for it already can "ann" be added for pretty and "anna" for beautiful? If dio vurn ideas quinn vurns above than re can probably think of some. Also ninip do you think xu Eripino or Eripina quin "above"? (Comes from vurns sky, stars, and sun)
  23. Thank you for your reply and letting me know! I will post my suggestions then just in case then! And also it's cool u linked to what I said about the niche prototype thingy lol Most of my suggestions probably wouldn't be great for dlc but maybe I can think up some that would go good together and suggest that as dlc.
  24. Thanks for the reply. Though I really want to know if suggestion will ever be used, even in a year, even in 3 years, before I post any of my own and start voting on others. Also, does anyone know if the 3 requests anymore? It's alright if you caan't answer these questions though, I'm hoping some developer or something will come and definatively answer them.
  25. I don't know if this is the right place to put this but it's not a feature request. I was looking through the feature requests thread and saw that the description and the pinned thread messages were really old describing rounds of community suggestions in the years 2017 and 2018. So are any of the suggestions being currently suggested going to get any notice from developers or put in the game and how does/will this work? Is there another community suggestion round/update planned in near future or the future at all? If anyone knows anything it'll be helpful if you reply, thanks.
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