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Posts posted by eukadealer

  1. 9 hours ago, Geawiel said:

    Problem I'm having is, the visual indication is hard to tell. 

    The visual presentation is not importent if there is any spreading.
    the only point this is relevant is if you see the plants or not. when the storm anymoation with clouds is still on you simply cant see all parts of your map. As soon as you notice the storm you wait until you can see the map total clear.

    As Indicator i would suggest the onbu paison circle.
    ther is an up/down symbol. more arrow mean stronger influence. When in storm there will be more arrows showing up. 
    when the storm is endet there should be only 1 arrow up.

    as soon as you can see your map again pause the game and hunt the plants down with high priority harvesting.

    good for you: when a allready priotized poisent plant spread the new plant will allready be markes as well with the same level as the first one.


    I tend to harvest all my plants so that there is nearly now chance to catch the infection.
    so simply look every few minutes arount if new plants are grown or old one have spread and repead the sicle if necesary with pause and marking.


  2. 14 hours ago, Geawiel said:

    - 3 berry gathering buildings, manned with at least 2 villagers (65% efficiency, 60% efficiency, and 72%).  Yet, starvation was still an issue.  There are a few thoughts on this. 

    with so low % numbers i would sugegst to close the gatherer and use the workers as scavers to hunt food from ruined settkements or use them as farmers. with 2 full farms and water you should be able to feed your people. with a full kitchen there shouldnt be any problems up to 40 villagers 

  3. 14 hours ago, Geawiel said:

    - Workers harvesting poisoned plants/items should prioritize by percent to spread, when heading out to pick which poison item they're harvesting.

    Dont think that would be good. % is chacning constantly. 
    better is in my mind 2 steps:
    1. Priority. Which plants has the highest priority. when there are multiple ones
    2.Distance from worker. So the worker would allways harvest the nearest plant with the highest prioriry. 
    any other calculation could lead to the problem that the worker run wild around from one point of the map to an other through maybe infected land.

  4. 14 hours ago, Geawiel said:

    - Could we get a message of some type, for when we've left a spore cloud?  Either an event text, or maybe change the terrain type while we're in it, then back when we're out?  I've been sprinting through it, when I can, but would be nice to get an exit indicator so I can start hunting down infected items.  It can sometimes get hard to tell if you are actually through the cloud (at least for me), especially at in game night.  "Ubantu sighs with relief, as it leaves the spore cloud."

    the visual notification should be good. when you dont see any visual rest of the storm than you are out.
    Problem is that after a storm onbus poisen level rises. when his level is higher poisen plants can spread/grow without a storm needed. So waiting to an storms end

    So you should pause the game and hund as soon the cloud issnt visible anymore.

    Other good thing i would like to have constantly. as part of the tutorial there is a counter that shows how many poisen plants are there.
    Would be great if we could have this everytime when an infection is active. at the moment i noticed this only the first time as part of tutorial.

  5. here my reworked guide:(should be finished now)


    Generell tipps for the start:

    Before you start game playing: 

    • try to find a mape that has a mud area near the head of onbu. so you could grow mushrooms there, cook them to onbu food and give them onbu with the catapult.
    • A big stone  that can later be harvested with the quarry is also good near the haed.
    • 1 or 2 areas which are overgrothed with bushes. If this area is near the head this is excelend and shoulded be harvest with the order. clear this area from everything else but the bushes. There your should build your berry gatherer. 

    Building order:

    • First Buildings:
      • 1 Researcher so that you could start as soon as posible
      • 1 worker post fully staffed as harvester
      • 1 Berry gatherer(Berrys dont need need water. When in desert and no water is stored berrys are your only stable food source in the early game)
      • Build a stonecutter and a Carpender direct at start and stuff them with only 1 worker. As long as you suplay them with materials(stone and wood) they produce the necesary materials for futrter expansion.
      • the Herbalist (and Village doctor after reseached) should be build early so that you could stock herbs to cure poison from nomads early and  and your villagers after a storm or a high poison level for onbu
      • Kitchen to bether up your food and mood of your villagers
    • After that concentrate to get a few tents to house your people(8 for your starting people. + other 8 for the first newcommers).
    • 1 Pantry, 1 water tank and 2 stockpiles for materials will be good for the start. The transporters will fill them so that the workers will take the necesary goods from there
    • when you dont have a good berry area build a farm and 2-4 air wells+ 1-2 water tanks. You start with a small amount of water. so even when starting in the desert your farm can be produce raw food.
    • Build at 3 worker post in total. one for each special job(transport, construct and harvest) So you could manage the amount of villagers you want to do the work.
      if one group dont have to do anything anymore change there setting to general so they do all the jobs
      Setting that worked good for me(5 for harvest, 2 or more for harvest depending on your manpower, max 2 for construction)
    • From there on most buildings will need the bether resources. so make sure to build only 1-2 at the time and only then it is needed. 
    • First expansion will the the Horn(optinal) and the scavaner(not optinal) for more/missing ressources and villagers. When your manpower allow it you could add a second scavaner hut. Stuff it only when necesary and good/needed resources are there and you would miss them because your first hut is allready bissy
    • than onbu doc or Mycologist, Onbu kitchen and onbu food catapult. depending if the world map supply you with feeding spots or not


    • For research:
      • researche can be queued by selecting by hold shift or selecting a research option
      • First should be scavenger Post so that you could collect missing resources and villager on the world map.(will beed refindes building ressources to build)
      • Doctor so that you could cure your villagers when poisend.
      • Quarry because stone is the most missed ressource on the start to expand.
      • then you should go either for onbu food catapult or onbu doctor(depending if your world route supply you with onbu feeding spots ore not and poison level)
      • Buildings you dont will need in this demo:
        Sawmill, deep quarry, onbu blood, forester etc. 


    • Game can be paused with spacebar so that you have all the time in the world do look for infection, manage your buildings and workforce. Use it!
    • If you have 1-2 berry bush areas(each area with more than 10 bushes) you could try to avoid a farm. 1-2 full stuffed gatheres and 1 full stuffed Kitchen can feed a good chunh of your people. the rest can be supported with the scavenger and ruined settlements and harvested plants
    • Build 1-2 kitchen depending if you farm beet or only collect berrys. Dont forget to setup the kitchen which food should be refined.
    • clear the rest of the map you dont seetle in from everything. Every plant(trees, berry bushes and mushroms) can be infected/poisened when a poisen storm comes. less plants mean less chance to catch the poison. And when you catch it you have less work to clean the infections.
      • Other good side effect. you will have many berrys as food on the start and more wood than you will need until the end of the demo. So you could probably ignore the research for whaet, mill and bakery as well as the forester and sawmill.
      • If you where lucky you could even spare to stuffed a mycologist when wild mushrooms where found. 
      • Most of the time i dont even need a deconterminator because i only have my farms and berrys that can be infected with poison. So manuela give them the harvest order and priotize them to max is good for poison controll.
    • Poison Controll: Infections can be handled by 2 ways:
      • Set the infected Plant to harvest and max the prioroty. Your harvesters will then go there and destroy the plant. There is a chance that the worker will be poisened by this. With a village doctor and stocked up Herbs this shouldnd be a problem
      • Deconterminators. In the influence of this building infections will be automated destroyed. Problem is that this binds your worker you could need elsewere and support a to smal amount of space to realy are helpfull at the moment. So the manual select to harvest and priotize the order will help the most
      • when you select a poisened plant to harvest and set up the priority newly grown poisened plants from this will also be set up to harvest with the same priority.  So pause the game to look carfully for all poisened plants.
      • when onbus poisen level rises he will spawn poisened plants themself without a storm nearby. So have a look at this and cure him with a onbu doctor when possible.
    • Try to collect as many people as posible. more people means more jobs you could stuffed up. (farms, doctos or scaveners, harvesters and transporters) 
    • always have an eye open for the world map. Where you can see differend spots that you can harvest with a scavenger hut. Priority should be:
      • Settlements for new villagers. Keep your food balanced. When you dont can support anymore first look for ruined ones to gather food there and than the settlers.
      • ruined Settlements for food
      • oasis when in deserts and dont have full water tanks
      • stone because they got rare quickly
      • other ressources are note necesary to scavange in this demo ecxept you want to see what the scouting tower do
    • Manage your worker post jobs constantly.
      • If the map is full grown on the start harvesters will be needed plenty. later when the mape is nearly clear and you only have to clear the little regroths you chance there job to generell so that they transport and build . When an poison infections occure make sure to change it beack to harvest because they destroy the poison plants if used the harvest command. Dont forget to max the priority as well with the harvest command.
      • transports will be needed everythere. Try to have as many as possible. They transport the water to the tanks, the food to storages and kitchens and fill the workplaces with needed materials so that your workers dont have to run around instead of doing your actual jobs.
      • Construction can be given low priority. max 2 should be good as long as you dont overdo your orders.
  6. Hi,

    i tried to make a guide for the steam community hub, but steam don let me because i dont own the game yet.

    Because iam a kickstarter backer i would asked if you could provide me with a key so that they let me puplish my demo survial guide(a reworked version from my post here)

    After the Festival you could revoke the key if you like.


    when not posible fehl free to us my reworked guide below to share on ways you see fit as long you credit me^^

  7. demo works fine so far.

    make it to the end with 47 people and an new settlement searched by my scavengers at the end.(new personal record for me)


    Con - still dont make it to the end of the tutorial. Never archived to gather the 60 berrys. Start with a kitchen early and proced as many raw food as possible to feed my people(28 by day 10 and 38 by day 20)

    step backwards i noticed is that the Glossary is again called glossery in the menü bar, but elders book in the tutorial. But with the hints to the book symbol this should be fine.

  8. from my latest experiences poisen clouds hits relativly late ingame.

    generel helping is:

    from the start set a full worker builing to harvest and clean the whole map from every plant. Ba the time the clouds hit you the most of plants should be gone and the rest can be controlled by manuel setting priority up. Decontaminators are note efficent at the moment. so dont waste reseach time, ressources and workers with them.

    set up a full staffed herbalist and doctor as soon as possible. when your stockpile is full close the herbalist and us the workers elsewere

    When scavengers need too long for you simply add a second building. in games where i start with a settlemend nearby i take avery settler possible.
    a more satisfied village atractes more people. normaly i was able to got 40 people at the end of the demo.

  9. Hi, not shure if this is a bug or just a wierd design choice.

    i noticed at the moment that my hunger bar for unbu is nearly full. When i hover over the circle is statet 5%.

    could mean that only 5% of food for onbu is left in his stomach. But the statement only 5% iritate me a little bit.

    The same goes for sleepiness.


    But poison and health goes the other way arount. High Circle = high percentage rate. 



    • Paw up 1
  10. works fine so far. Because this is more for demo preperations this is much of new players/early game phase in mind.


    • nice that more stone is added to make starting buldings much easyer
    • nice looking for the new coloured onbu doc.


    • still dont like it to start in a desert where collecting water isnt posiible from start.
      (air well dont work in deserts at the moment and oases need a scavenger i dont have at the start)
    • Tutorial gives me as one of the first tasks to stock up stone and wood.
      i never archive this with 40 stone because i give from the start more building tasks and build a stone cutter early for stone plates.
      would be nice if:
      • you could lower ne needed number(15-20) or
      • count also mined stones that lay around and dont have to be in a stockpile


    • was a little confused that the new tutorial now wishes to open the elders book or so when it means the glosery. Please change the tutorial text or rename the glossery so that the people now what to open. also possible to add a hint to button c like shown on the glossery pop up could help as well

    wishes for new/improve features:


    • please add a benefit or something like that to the berry gatherer so that new bushes grow in his influence area faster/more often. 
      so after an infections the gathere can still operate. This option could be locked for research
    • would be great if you could set a mark or smal building that marks an area to be cleared from respawning ressources of my choice.
      so you could set the mark, say whitch ressources/things you want to be cleared etc and the harvesters to the rest. So i dont have to search allways for newly spawned stones on the map. they would simply collect all stones in a area. in early game without a quarry this makes the games as well less mikro management heavy.


    • would still love when my workers transport there products to nearest stock/building in need of product when there stock is full. So they would would empty there stock and can produce more or relieve my carriers
      normal Problem that killed me the most:
      My herbalist are full, the docs are full but my stockpiles have still room for more. instead of transport these to the nearest stock my guys standing around idle.
    • would be nice if my farmers, gathers etc would destroy poisened plants in ther influence area.
      because poisened plants are the biggest danger in your village these workers should priotize these over collecting/harvest ther normal products(see nausicaa - there the hole village stops normal working after the first poisened plants are find)


    • Would like to execute Orders directly from building instead of beeing forced to onbu view/level
      It is good that the onbu view collect all orders your people can execute(feeding, cure poison/hp etc). But i would feel nicer to give this orders directly on the village level from the builing itself.
      when i see that my Onbu is poisened or hungry it is my first instinct to give the order from the building.
      so the necesary buttons would be great in the building menu.
    • would still like to give Harvest and Priority Orders in one step. So please if it would possible to add a priority selection to the harvest command whis would smoth up harvest operations a lot.
    • please add a harvest order for poisened plants only. this would help handle smal infections much easyer than zoom in and mark every plant by hand
    • would be nice to see the health of my people so that i can see (when selected) how much time he have to be healed
    • still would like to see how many open jobs i have. The unemployed number only show how many free people i have. when these is 0 i dont now how many people i miss to forfill every task.


    • would be nice ic you could try to increase the number of berry bushes in the starting location for early food productions(see my arch enemy of for this - the all migthy dryland aka desert) one area with 10-15 bushes would help much.
    • please change the air well in deserts so that they can produce smal amounts of water(10-25% maybe)
      Would ease up the desert-starts or unly long running desert runs
    • would be nice if i could scavange onbu feeding spots. I see them on the route not taken and think every time to me why my scavengers arent able to go there and collect the onbu feed there.
    • would be nice if i could also collect poisen villagers via scavengers.
    • poisend people die to quickly for my taste. So i cant realy change my economy quick enough when something goes wrong. reducing the time of them dying would help alot and dont cause frustration for new players. A research that archive this would be great
    • Like 1
  11. Pro: 

    -like the new tutorial system. this give us a starting point what to do and on what to focus at first.

    -new new notifications on the bottom left are fine. 

    -the "new"- and the "ressource"-mark on the building menu is a good way to highlieght.

    -seems that the starting stone blocks is increased- so i was able to set up my village much faster than in prevously version


    -cant find a way to reopen the tutorial windows after loading a game. The window is missing and dont show up anymore. unclear if this is a bug ore not was thinked of after loading.

    - i am little bit sad that the new notifications cant be klicked on so they bring me to the location of the notification(poisen, people died etc)

    • Like 1
  12. startet a new game and placed at first a berry gathere to collect early easy food like befor.

    Set Priority to max. after that i set up my starting village with nor adjustment to the priority.


    my people build everything else except the berry gatherer.

    Try to set the priority down, undo the priority at all, cancel the building and try a new one near by.
    but nothing seems to help my people to build this thing.

    i also set up stockpile neatby, nuild a work play so that i have surely builders...but nothing helps.

    every other building as war will be build. only the gatherer seems to be problematic.


    try a new game. no problem there. 
    load the old one. still no progress.

    when setting up another gathere on an differend part of the map they build it 

    berry problem.png

    Berry Gather problem (Autosave).onbu Berry Gather problem.onbu

    • Sad 1
  13. Pro:

    • nice that air well can now store more water on there own
    • Glossary is a good additian with nice new information for lore and mechanics
    • Worker building is now fully coloured


    • Glossary and Tutorial seems redudant. with the glossary there is no need for the tutorial in its current form. All the infos there you could find in the glossary
    • with the time limitation to around day 35 i wasnt still able to set up the bakery food chain(and because a big part of my game was in in the dessert)

    The rest is nearly the same as in my 0.1.5 feedback (because this wasnt an content and more a balance/fixing update)

    • Like 1
  14. Generell tipps for the start:

    Before you start game playing: 

    • try to find a mape that has a mud area near the head of onbu. so you could grow mushrooms there, cook them to onbu food and give them onbu with the catapult.
    • A big stone  that can later be harvested with the quarry is also good near the haed.
    • a few areas will with overgroth with bushes. If this area is near the head this is excelend and shoulded be harvest with the order. clear this area from everything else but the bushes. There your should build your berry gatherer. 

    Building order:

    • first concentrate to get a few tents to house your people.
    • find the berry bush area and build a gathere there so that food is collected without need for water(when in desert and no water is stored anymore berrys are your only stable food source)
    • Reseach building so that you could start to expand your options.
    • If you have 1-2 berry bush areas(each area with more than 10 bushes) you could try to avoid a farm. 1-2 full stuffed gatheres and 1 full stuffed Kitchen can feed a good chunh of your people. the rest can be supported with the scavenger and harves plants
    • when you dont have a good berry area build a farm and 2 air wells+ 1-2 water tanks.
    • Build at least 3 worker post. one for each special job(collect, construct, harvest) So you could manage the amount of vilaagers you want to do the hard work.
      if one group dont have to do anything anymore suspend the building to fre the villagers for other jobs or change there setting to general so they do all the jobs
    • Build a stonecutter and a Carpender direct at start and stuff them with only 1 worker. As long as you suplay them with materials(stone and wood) they produce the necesary materials for futrter expansion.
      • Air well for water suplay and a few water tanks are chritical. Because docs need herbs for curing viallagers and onbu, mycologist and farms need water constand to grow new plants.
    • from there on most buildings will need the bether resources. so make sure to build only 1 at the time and only the thin that is needed. 
    • First explansion will the the Horn and the scavaner for more/missing ressources
    • then the Herbalist and Village doctor so that you could cure poison from nomads and your villagers
    • Kitchen to bether up your food and mood of your villagers
    • than onbu doc or Mycologist, Onbu kitchen and onbu food catapult. depending if the world map supply you with feeding spots or not


    • For research:
      • First should be scavenger Post so that you could collect missing resources and villager on the world map.
      • Doctor so that you could cure your villagers when poisend.
      • Quarry because stone is the most missed ressource on the start.
      • then you should go either for onbu food catapult or onbu doctor(depending if your world route supply you with onbu feeding spots ore not. If not the food is critical.)
      • Building i dond need as lang the playing limitation is given for demo preparation:
        Sawmill, deep quarry, onbu blood, forester etc. Dont even used the bakery once because i am so short on villagers and have to stock up my doctors(village and onbu). herbeleasts and food chain from berrys or farm


    • clear the part of the map you dont seetle in from everything. Every plant(trees, berry bushes and mushroms) can be infected/poisened when a poisen storm comes. less plants mean less chance to catch the poison.
      • Other good side effect. you will have many berrys as food on the start and more wood than you will need until the end of the demo. So you could ignore the research for whaet, mill and bakery as well as the forester and sawmill.
      • If you where lucky you could even spare to stuffed a mycologist when wild mushrooms where found. 
      • Most of the time i dont even need a deconterminator because i only have my farms and berrys that can be infected with poison. So manuela give them the harvest order and priotize them to max is good for poison controll.
    • Try to collect as many people as posible. more people means more jobs you could stuffed up. (farms, doctos or scaveners) 
    • Manage your worker post jobs constantly.
      • If the map is full grown on the start harvesters will be needed plenty. later when the mape is nearly clear and you only have to clear the little regroths you could minimize them to 2-3. When an poison infections occure make shure to stuff them up because they destroy the poison plants if used the harvest command. Dont forget to max the priority as well with the harvest command.
      • transports will be needed everythere. Try to have as many as possible. They transport the water to the tanks, the food to storages and kitchens and fill the workplaces with needed materials so that your workers dond have to run around instead of doing your job.
      • Construction can be given low priority. max 2 should be good as long as you dont overdo your orders.


    onbu map.png

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