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Everything posted by ItzFadeDaNightWing

  1. *|+She reached the forest with them and scanned the area, looking for any signs of prey+|*
  2. I think I got that way before anyone else did hhhh I saw Brightheart and as soon as I did I was like: W A R R I O R S I S T H A T Y O U ?
  3. I know that. I said I also had an OC named Bumble, who was a HiveWing hybrid (mainly Hive), and yours looks similar to mine. I was just pointing it out.
  4. *cries in a corner* I'm just saying bc their OC looks so similar to mine and has the same nAme And I was just pointing it out. You don't need to be rude-
  5. like theres so much random one on the roleplay padlet
  6. True. I just don't have any more padlets I'm able to make ;-;
  7. Padlet is a bit unorganized for a full-on rp like this i think we should find smt else similar to padlet
  8. Can be a partner as in bestie or like those fIrsT gRadE dAterS
  9. Here's the Edited Bases (Ofc you can edit your own wings on! I am not taking credit for any of the Art except for the wing harnesses lel) If the base doesn't have a signature, that means when I downloaded the F2U base it just didn't have one. I would never remove someones signature!
  10. So I've been developing this Clan for a while and I just finished drawing their camp. I edited a few Warriors bases to have wing harnesses (You'll understand l8ter) Here's the info It’s made up of kittypets or loner’s who wished for a more organized, respectful, and protectful life. When new members wish to join BatClan they must get a bat harness put on (The clan has a stash of them stolen from shops during Halloween season- or No Stars Night/moon for teh clans *i just made that up*). If harnesses run out a patrol is sent to steal more, but new members are not often found because of their main territory. Their camp is inside of a gigantic, gnarled tree that has a giant hollowed out space under the roots. They basically have paw prints engraved in the giant trunk due to the amount of times they’ve climbed in and out. BatClan is allowed to hunt whenever, except for the kits. So they’ll go out at night or during the day. Their naming system is a bit different. They have normal Clan cat names when they’re born, but when they become a full warrior or new warrior they can choose a suffix or extra word of their choice. A BatClan kit name will be normal, as well as their apprentice name (aka ____kit and _____paw). A BatClan cat has different colored wings based on rank. Only warriors/new warriors get wings. Ranks and colors - (also any of them can have bone designs, just not custom unless med cat or unless i change smt) New warrior: Green Warrior: Shiny green, or Shiny purple, or black Mentor (Mentoring an apprentice- can only have one after being appointed a warrior): Blue or shiny blue Noble warrior (Can also have an apprentice, but with no wing change): Royal purple or shades of red. Medicine Cat Apprentice: Minty colors Medicine Cat: Also minty colors but with designs Deputy: Shiny gray/Silver Leader: Gold, or shiny yellow Oh yeah a leader suffix will be _____ Lune, or will have Lune added somewhere in their name. When a cat becomes an elder, they will have Noble Warrior wings btw. Names will often have something to do with nocturnal creatures, bugs that bats eat, anything related to bats, things related to nighttime. Try getting creative, though! Leader: Silverlune (Owned by Fade) Deputy: Fallen Tide (Owned by Fade) New Warriors: Starling Flight (Owned by Fade) Warriors: Owl Call (Owned by Blizz) Mentors: Noble Warriors: Apprentices: Kits: Autumnkit (Owned by Blizz) Queens: Elders: Medicine Cats: Cardinal Wing (Owned by Blizz) I'll post the edited bases below
  11. Name: Fallout Gender: Female Other stuffs: Make her angry/mad please? Uhhhh a headshot is fine if u don't wanna go thru the effort of all her accessories Btw opposite wings are opposite colors You don't need to use exact colors bc I know it can be a hassle, so just do the most similar colors if u want. Ref:
  12. wof children VS httyd children be like no offense to either fandom, this is just for fun! I just feel like theres constant tension between the fandoms lel
  13. *|+Afterglow flicked their tail, shrugging. They trotted off to a corner, as there wasn't much else they could do here. The problem had already been fixed+|*
  14. ``Who cares if they needed a dumb MudWing? You're just as good.``
  15. *|+Afterglow, taken aback, blinked their eyes, which began to glow, as well as some spots on their wings+|* ``Woah, woah- I'm positive you're a part of the prophecy. Because if you weren't, we wouldn't have found you! It's a prophecy, so it has to happen somehow!``
  16. *|+They rolled their eyes+|* ``Then what's wrong?``
  17. *|+Afterglow looked up+|* ``Are you alright?``
  18. Oh, that's fine. I really wasn't thinking about the generator at the time, I was more thinking about actually making the OC, or changing up and OC you got from the generator lol
  19. Oops- sorry, I'd already guessed that you'd known how to fix it, I meant to say "..OR just in case it could help in any way" Anyways, sorry to bother you h
  20. Pretty sure I forgot to post this here after I drew it lol so here she is
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