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Status Replies posted by Sky

  1. polly

    polly    Sky

    sky we cant post on the secrect santa. did you mean to do that or?

  2. Hello there, Sky. I messaged you a while back about the Hunted and I was curious if you are still interested in joining or not. It's okay if you're too busy, but I needed to check in on you to see what you were doing at the moment. Here is the link if you are still curious.


    1. Sky


      Sorry I didn't respond! No, I'm sorry, I'm not interested. It looks really fun but I haven't been much into Niche lately. I hope you get enough people to play well!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. image.png.a8fbfb25d80f6df25a04e403c7912cbd.png

    1. Sky


      i had to ask questions on the succulent and sims 3 reddits

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. and you've been offline since 51 years ago too lmao


    1. Sky


      yeah its so nice to be back. my grandkids have only heard stories but I can finally show them these forums

  5. goodbye friend :' (

    1. Sky


      no idea, she just hasn't logged on since last september

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. here's your almost best boy! sorry that its not a full body but i think this works better, he's a very cute creature btw

    foggie froggy.png

  7. image.png.b35ac53c9a694ef11b2a720b4b607053.png

    1. Sky


      "Oh, my son, [the babies I ordered to be thrown into the river] were only slaves." d e e p

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Zixvir

    Zixvir    Sky

    nice new profile pic

    1. Sky


      @Lilytuft made it ;) 


    1. Sky



  10. flower

    flower    Sky

    What the heck? Why did your name change so many times today?! xD 

    1. Sky


      because it's APRIL FOOLS DAY, you FOOL

  11. Aether

    Aether    Sky

    you are so close to 10,000. We gonna have to celebrate for our favorite active off-topic/Niche mod.



    (Actually can't be certain on that. Angel and Goggles are pretty good, we still love you all.)

    1. Sky


      Oooh! I'll try and keep a close eye, but I forget things very easily. (really, really easily. I'll remember the name of every actor in LOST but I can't remember to floss my teeth 9 times out of ten)

  12. [giggles maniacally] 

    1. Sky


      you wanted me to curse you..and so I did

  13. just feeling kinda sad right now, don't mind me

    1. Sky


      Impy's words kinda hurt and tomorrow's gonna be a long day and I'm exhausted and it's nearly 11 pm and I'm still trying to finish my homework and it's still only Wednesday and I finished agents of shield and my drawing tablet is broken and the next school break doesn't come for several months and I'm too introverted to start conversations with anyone or talk much so I don't really have friends just people I know and see every day and I want to be friends with them but can't and it makes me sad when I hear people talk badly about other people I know and deke the duck didn't come by today as far as I know and I might not be able to eat bread anymore because the last two times I ate it I got sick (might just be a coincidence, the first time I got a stomach bug that night, second time was a few days later and I threw up after) and this year Christmas and my birthday went by way too quickly and I learned that literally nobody knows me well enough to get me stuff I want unless it's something straight off my list (lipstick?? face spray?? bracelet?? no thank you, have you not noticed I don't wear jewelry or makeup??) and yeah that's about it thanks

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. hello

    1. Sky


      Hello, and welcome to the forums! ,(^-^)/

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Happy late birthday!

    (I'm not sure how many days it has been)

    1. Sky


      Thanks! It was yesterday but that's okay ^^


    1. Sky


      I'm considering making a Version 2 soon ^^


  17. I call upon you to kindly stop gaining reputation


  18. Watch this

    it’s Beautiful

    tell me if you laughed or not


    1. Sky


      I watched it! I especially like the squeaky toy noise when she steps on her foot xD That's why I've watched every Disney parody (plus a few others) on that channel...

  19. Hey

    Have this

    It’s a bridal Easter rat

    I don’t know either

    made with https://www.cartoonizemypet.com/builder/


  20. I keep making random things and giving them to you



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