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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Just went to the saves folder and dragged it into my post. I don't have any idea. I am good with getting food tho I don't like Digging Trunk, plus my creatures already have Beak and that's good enough for me (they can collect nesting material too).
  2. HAH go Meringue! I always think he likes giving creatures sickness, but that's because he thinks he's being good (like that fairy from Ella Enchanted who gave Ella the curse-- she thought she was doing good). Everyone hates the sickness but they're nice to Meringue because he just thinks he's making everyone's lives better and if you mess with him... good luck.
  3. It does work. I've used it myself because the game gave me some achievements I shouldn't have gotten when I played the game the first time.
  4. I'm guessing this is for Niche, so i moved it over to the Niche feature Requests I agree, this would be a great feature!
  5. I'M BACK FOR MORE BORING FOOD COLLECTING I'll try and record more of what happens but no promises Day 100! Day 101, a son of Ultimate kills a Balance Bear after his brother died trying to kill it (he died mostly from age) The way this tribe works now is that the two breeders have a bunch of children,a nd then once they die or get old, a compatible pair of their children are picked to be breeders. This may mean that there is only 4 Immunities but whatever they are perfectly equipped for food gathering and nobody is unique but I'm trying to fix that. any siblings that are not breeders head out into the wide world to collect food. Day 106, two more bears down. 109, a Walrus Deer is FINALLY killed. Here's my savefile so I can delete it off my computer so I can make more tribes for what has happened so far Slot4.nichesave
  6. I like how you always manage to keep the tribe population so low! I say Coolbreath (once i had a warrior nicheling whose name was generated to be Mintbreath )
  7. Welcome! That's adorable I wish i could draw like that! I bet everyone wishes that
  8. IT's SPELLED SIRIUS NOT SERIUS HOW DARE YOU otherwise, I approve your naming choices
  9. 19something there was a book called The Giver, and then there is 3 more books afterwards. My mother and the waiter at the restaurant yesterday who saw my book didn't know that it had more books after it, but they're all REALLLLY good. I mean, I read all four in a week, which is a pretty good indicator for how good it is. You should read them, they're really good! Not really any animals the people in the first book don't know what animals are for goodness sake, but it's interesting how each book ties together with the rest--- the second one doesn't connect with he first one, but the third book takes place with a character from the second book, and soon ties the three books together. The fourth book starts off a little before the first book, and then takes place during the first, and the second,a nd the third, until it finally goes and ties into the series completely. The second book isn't as good, but you can't read the other books without reading that one too. that was really long jeez
  10. Excuse me sorry for interrupting I'm just spying in on your conversation and had something to say By the way, you should check out Inbali Iserles-- she helped write the Survivors books, and wrote some pretty good books herself. There's a trilogy she's writing (only one book it out so far), but they're half about dragon (people and wolf people)s! Also, I'm out of books to read (I finished my new The Giver Quartet in a week, soooo), so i guess I'll go check out Wings of Fire! i just looked it up and, yes, she was one of the original four writers of Warriors. Her website says she mostly wrote Seekers, though.
  11. gj I wish i got Long Winter instead lol but my tribe has nearly 400 food on day 88
  12. This is my journal fro the Community Challenge! My island is First Snow, so I get to start there and die instantly! I don't like my first pair of starters, so i restart and oh my goodness look at her Other than her beauty, they don't have any other wanted genes so I'm gonna have to restart But i'm putting their save here so one day i can try playing with this beauty (or just recreate her)! Anyone can use it Slot4.nichesave The next game looks pretty good, so I'll stick with it. I renamed them Fox and Deer. The two collect berries, rabbil meat and a coconut before having their first child. Hunting goes very well, since the rabbils don't even move for some reason. A Bearyena appears beside Fox and Chestnut, and the two attack it, but the Bearynea lands two hits on Chestnut before Fox finishes it off. The rabbils hunting continues to go well (it's like they move around, but if my creature sees them, they don't move a single tile...). It becomes colder, and Fox and Deer get a little cold. Fox gives birth to identical twins, Reed and Red. It starts snowing, and Deer freezes. Fox gets out there and unfreezes him and becomes pregnant. Deer dies. Chestnut takes some damage from a leech (everyone is preoccupied). Five Arctic Ramfoxes spawn nearby. Fox give birth to another son, Bear. A Walrus Deer and Balance Bear spawn nearby. The twins start heading toward the nearest grassy area. Chestnut passes away. The twins reach the grassy area, destroy a toxic berry bush, clear the grass away from a nest and healing plant, and find a young female. A Bearyena appears, and Red and Razz take damage from it before killing it and taming it's baby. Razz and Bear have a child. (Razz and the twins shared A Immunity.) Three Rogue Males are spotted. Razz has to more sons, one with antenna. The tribe attempts to kill a Walrus Deer. It stupidly (and thankfully) decides to stop under a coconut tree and gets stunned. The tribe finally kills the Walrus Deer, gaining 30 food. Bear gets sick from a wandering (and infertile) female, and the sickness spreads around quite a lot. Red dies. The tribe takes in a new female, who mates with Reed before he passes away too. Razz and Bear have a few more sons. Icicle gives birth to a Purr Snouted daughter. A couple of Razz's sons kill a Ramfox. Our Friendly (Bearyena) Friend dies, but his meat is appreciated. Purry finds a scik, purr snouted teen and takes him in, giving him a welcoming purr. Nothing interesting happens. Purry and the purr snout male have kids, Icicle dies, other dies, etc etc. The tribe mostly stays at 9 members. Look at this child (his parents are a daughter of Purry and a son of another daughter of Icicle's)! All he needs is some fore fertility and some more white and he's the ultimate winter creature The ice block is broken and unfortunately it's Digging Trunk. We don't need her, as we have Beak already. Ultimate (that strong child) kills a Balance Bear all by himself because it's measly 2 attack only does 1 damage to him because of his defense A female is born who is like ultimate and they can breed so yayyyy Life gets boring because all they do is kill and eat so much fooood OOPS I bred the wrong creature with ultimate and they had a sick baby. Well I guess if he survives the birds he can kill some balance bears and such Ultimate and his true mate had a ton of sons and one daughter. I'm not naming anybody btw because this is really boring Literally all the tribe does is breed and kill. At least they're getting tons of food Here's a picture of the tribe! They're nearly at 400 food wow I like sticking to low numbers because there's not that much food so I like being able to get food with every creature rather than have a few that don't do anything because there isn't anything left. Whelp gtg byeee
  13. They said that everyone will start once all slots are filled. Though i do want to go ahead and start
  14. I'm having SO much fun making a family tree for this!! (Everything I put in is either from here or from my memory I LOVE IT AHH) So, here's the Family Tree (it goes SO far beyond this, but this is as far as I can go ) : https://www.myheritage.com/site-family-tree-584345391/niche-whims For some reason it won't let me make it so you can see the first names of the nichelings that are alive, but my journal here can show you which ones they are Sooo, the results are in, annnnnnnnnnnndddddd...... Kosi is the new leader! Congrats my precious beautiful child that is blessed by her ancestor Berri who is the goddess of beauty So, to the tribe! Kosi is announces leader, much to the Snowhawk Kingdom's disappointment, and is given ten members for her tribe. That means two members must go! 😧 Sphinx offers himself to be released, and his wish is granted. Choco is also released (he wanted it), but not before impregnanting Cookie Dough. The two say goodbye, knowing they will never be together again. King Dukvan makes Queen Lana pregnant once again before passing away of his sickness, just like the former king, Toasty. Kosi, though still a young ruler, decides she will lead her tribe to a new island. She consults Annini for which island to go to, and Annini says to go to the East port. The tribe begins to move along, especially the Snowhawk K(ingdom). Princess Izabel helps her blind, pregnant mother along. Cookie Dough and Brownies N Cream reach their final day, and prepare their nests. The next day, the new mothers pass away peacefully, with their small children that they never layed their eyes upon at their feet. The two give birth to sick sons. BNC's is named Sirbug (he looks like a Ladybug, and the male counterpart of Lady is Sir) by Kosi, and Cookie Dough's is named Tiny Bear by Fangling. also I didn't mean for Kosi's third gem to be blue whoopsie I'll fix that Also Dukvan's curse didn't apply to his family because he didn't want his legacy to end okay Fangling and Kosi meet for the first time, and it is love at first sight. Kosi is soon pregnant with Fangling's child. pretty much every time the first place and second place for leader become mates lol Kosi catches Sirbug's cold and suffers two days of damage because of it. Queen Lana reaches her final day. With her last breaths she gives birth to a son named Prince Charming. (who is a clone of Dapper but with a different pattern color and the slightest change in pattern) Princess Izabel is announced Queen Izabel, and takes Leaf as her mate and King, though she knows he won't see many more days. Also, the 'trees' are kinda joined now, so the gems won't change for any creatures. Also, Leaf attracted a female with his tail, but he's ignoring her. Queen Izabel gives birth to a lovely little daughter named Princess Lana II. King Leaf and Queen Izabel attempt to have another child, but they fail. King Leaf dies the next day. Queen Izabel is forced to choose a mate, and since Fangling is taken, and Sirbug and Tiny Bear are sick and will not be much longer for this world (the kingdom does not want another short-lived king), she is forced to choose one of her brothers. She chooses Charming (she would prefer Dapper, but he's infertile), and he is announced King Charming, even though he is still quite young. TBC
  15. They're called Stagmoles ^^
  16. By , do you mean by In-game days? (i don't know how else it could be buuut)
  17. So basically, a different Niche Competition. (I''m still playing mine, but nobody else is, sooo... I guess I won?) Great! Sign me up!
  18. I edited it to be like what you said ^^
  19. I like Yellow ^^ EXCEPT FOR WHEN MY TRIBE IS FULL OF YELLOW AND BLACK NICHELINGS *cough cough* Niche Competition Tribe *cough cough*
  20. Personally, Gilled creatures are the cutest creatures ever ^^
  21. Oi it's a good name I've used it Goldenrod, Basil
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