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Stray Fawn Community


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  1. Hey there! BlueSeer here again! I wanna do a roleplay with someone!

  2. Hey guys! BlueSeer here! Been a while but I wanna ask how all of you are doing?

  3. I know how to do it I just don't wanna
  4. Yo my email is getting BLOWN UP lol
  5. WoF dragon adopts! The lines aren't mine, I found them on DeviantArt!

    Wings of Fire Mini Dragon Bases [F2U] by komo0 on DeviantArt
    Check him out here!

    These are all first come first serve!

    Enjoy a little gift from a fellow dragon.

    BlueSeer, out!




  6. Name: BlueSeer Pronouns: he/him Tribe: Nightwing/Seawing Looks: look below Personality: Fierce, loves scrolls other: Future teller, wears a Skyfire ring on his left talon, has weak animus powers. Only can use them at night
  7. Name: AstroPelt Gender/pronouns: he him Male Ref/Appearance: look below Element: Fire Role: Warrior Sexuality: Gay Shipping?: not decided Other: blind in right eye
  8. This is a place where I we can do art trades!
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