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Posts posted by Quaitail

  1. Gills is a fish collecting/breeding game, where you breed different types of fish to make even more fishes appear in your tank!   

    How it works

    Basically, it works by you starting out by one fish. ( Common goldfish ), this will be your main fish until you either find a fish selling shop, or the fish man who gives you a fish in a tank, every 2 days. ( virtually not irl!) and if your not into breeding then just collect fish.

    Breeding system

    things will go like this for example : {insert fish type of any} - gender - age-  -pregnant or not-  -was bred to unknown sire- }    this is how you will see your fish when you go to the main hub. {xx is female}  {xy is male} sometimes {xy is female} and {xx is male}

    (k, here is your first fish, also credit to Limpingpictures for the base)

    Starter goldfish.png

  2. Name: Quagmire lake

    Description: The, lake is damp and deep, the creatures who live here are hostile. Its documented as a level 5 for dangerous entities and death on this area.  currently the deaths here are 3,000 from wanderers being torn to shreds, drowned, and eaten alive. the C.A.S,  Recommend  you bring a weapon like matches {will sometimes work} , tasers {works, because water+ electricity = paralyzing the monsters}.

    Creatures: loch eel , dilute snake , creek crocodile


    images (1).jpg

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  3. Name:  Umbra forest

    Description: A, damp forest, that is dark like a shadow. when you come here, all that you can feel or touch, is moist, dusty, trees. the area expands, 45 feet wide, and the trees are 67 length tall. {so they are VERY tall} so due to the trees being that tall, you can't even see the top or  end of the tree. if you stay in here over 1 hour, you will start to feel, nauseous, anxious, and feel like your being watched {which you are}. it is provided that you bring a flash light, with a couple of batteries. things are weird here..

    Creatures: Ink hounds, king bats, Mother spider.


    download (1).jpg

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  4. note: this, is free to snatch i was inspired by the allwings thing, check THAT out.

    also the terrian places are not mine, but the creatures living there are.

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