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Andromeda_ last won the day on October 3

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  1. nvm I think it’s more likely that im a demigirl but still idk
  2. I read that in jacksepticeye’s voice 💀
  3. Am I the only one who DESPISES sad endings to stories. like none of my OC stories have completely sad endings bc I fr can’t stand them like bittersweet endings aren’t that bad but endings where all the main characters die and like the world ends make me want to rip my hair outtt 😭
  4. I finished reading it you’re right it was fire- (praying that I don’t fall into another sonic phase)
  5. How I feel after remembering I can’t be an animator/artist, singer, writer, youtuber, and zoologist at the same time (I CANT CHOOSE A CAREER 😔)
  6. I escaped my sonic phase in 2023 but maybe i should read this 🌚
  7. Why are wattpad comments so savage- every time the villain does something crazy or someone in the story just an arsehole in general the comments are either roasting them or describing their brutal murder plans for them 💀
  8. I find it so funny when a guy calls a girl “naturally beautiful” and the girl has a full face of makeup on 💀
  9. how I feel after calling someone older than me lil bro
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