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Everything posted by OmegaDeltaZero

  1. Pretty good drone ziomeczku, but in alpha, resource ship will have to stay with the decoupled parts if you want them to have fuel and enegry
  2. Even of you think the game is hot, yet it's just a warm-up
  3. Do not bother anything on the pic, them're want SILENC Noic hammerhead, I wish it will be more into knockback than damage cuz it looks really massive
  4. I know, I already did it and posted gif with already working machine in GIF competition post
  5. Now I have to reassign exactly 99 parts to keys... Wish at least I'm helpful by reporting those
  6. Yes, this was supposed to be Tic-tac-toe, but there will be I guess around 6 more gate columns
  7. EXCUSE ME very much, but I've just tried to make actual thing with leds, then after a hour of works and adding 81 LED inputs as tags, I've only seen that LEDs react only to keys, they just don't react to tags, I'm really dissapointed after seeing that, please fix it!!!
  8. Nothing special happened, it may be that I turned off PC by holding off button while game was on. Thats the most special thing i did before it gone wild
  9. At least i got 8 hours back from here
  10. How about "Prestige" system you can find in many games? After you unlock all upgrades, you may buy expensive prestige to lose all upgrades, but weapons will have more slots, this is another way to do it
  11. @Markus yet for example minigun upgrade gives additional energy requirements so you will anyway need to use some, 3 slots is actually a good idea, but how will it affect for example mentioned somewhere else 4-slot artifacts?
  12. Slot2.nimbatusSaveGame Slot2.nimbatusSaveGame.Meta
  13. Can't enter it, I got 2 copies of the save file in different locations but I guess the 18h of progress is gone
  14. Most of text got fixed by restarting the game several times, only problem rn is my 2nd save slot... R.I.P.
  15. Clickables get fixed after pointing on them with a cursor
  16. @Micha guess it counts as progress
  17. I already reinstalled it twice. Anyone have idea what is that? "Action" starts at 16 secs 2018-06-18 16-43-55.mp4
  18. I can only see a "Stray Fawn Studio" label, then I can't see menu. There's only that white blur rapidly shifting when changing window size...
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