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Everything posted by DeerlyScales

  1. Sleeping Scavenger has been redesigned (I only added blue to them to make them look more unique than most of the other scavs), they will now be given away at my toyhouse (Its the same user that I have here)
  2. I will now redesign Triumphant, Slugcat the Slugcat, and sleeping scav
  3. Im gonna redesign them to give them away at my toyhouse, But I can't decide which so I need a little help deciding!
  4. Since nobody else Joined you can have them all If you would like to
  5. I was bored so Raffle time! Just pick 2 numbers between 1 to 10 (No repeated numbers or numbers that were already Picked, I will roll a random number generator, If one of your numbers gets rolled then you get one, there will be 3 winners and they will be abre to pick the one they want) Ends In 3 days Numbers: 1*user here* 2*user here* 3 Farore 4*user here* 5*user here* 6*user here* 7*user here* 8*user here* 9 Farore 10*user here*
  6. Hunter, surv, monk, Spearmaster, Saint and Rivulet (I have yet to do the others, sadly there will be no nightcat or Inv unless I get more Modelling dough which is very likely not happening)
  7. So I bought Some modelling dough and plan on making the scugs out of it which scug should l make first?
  8. Hi! I know theres been a while and this is not really rainworld but I made a Saint lioden lion! (also they have 3 cubs that currently have no names so name suggestions for them are Welcome!)
  9. So I had this ldea Some time ago, basically choose two (or more) colors and I will make a scug oc out of It, the first color will be the base color and the second will be the eye color, other colors will be markings and/or scars you May also make a suggestion on what kind of marking(s) you want and choose their name (With colors I mean any shade of said color not just like blue, Red, Green and etc) (also once I finish the drawing scugs they will be up for grabs here and the first to ask for them would get them)
  10. I made some alugcat bases! Feel Free to: make edits to the Bases Credit Me If Using Link back to this https://toyhou.se/25561972.slugcat-bases-free-to-use If possible (Link leads to the base on toyhouse I posted It there too) Do NOT: Do NOT claim that you made these bases Do NOT use For Hateful purposes Do NOT erase the "Deerly Scales" Text (You CAN move It as long as it visible though)
  11. Also Unrelated to sunshine but I bought Some springsnails
  12. Sunshine now has a partner Called Silk And also 3 expected beans
  13. A Temple dedicated to Sunshine the Not-Cat where anyone can Appreciate his existence
  14. Title exprains It pretty well but basically the last thing that you drew (Anything, a sketch, a Dragon or even a frog drawn from memory) Is coming to fight you, would you win or would you lose?, I will start: the very early on unfinished sketch of a slugcat (Im pretty sure that l would win)
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