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Posts posted by icecat

  1. 5 hours ago, Andromeda_ said:

    i hate how in the WC community some people treat Squirrelflight as a bad guy for rejecting Ashfur

    like???? I just generally hate when people are considered "bad" for rejecting someone romantically 

    also, getting rejected by a girl doesn't justify you going insane and ruining your Clan 😐💀

    exactly also maybe I'm kind of bias because Squilf and bramblestar are like my favourite couple, tho most of the fandom  hates them 

  2. 16 hours ago, Andromeda_ said:


    wait when does your school end ?? 

    I think me and lox are on holidays rn (correct me if im wrong )

    16 hours ago, Andromeda_ said:

    why are all the boys in my class literally insane 

    -There's this one guy who literally barks and growls at people like some kinda dog 💀 he also says gyatt randomly. like he's not even saying it to anybody, he's always just like "GYATT! GYATT!" For no reason. He also claps his hands all the time and whenever someone's like "stop clapping" he goes "ayo?" And it's so unfunny istg 

    -There's another guy who makes the craziest most nastiest jokes ever and has also said very questionable things about me and my friends on multiple occasions. He also likes flipping me off for no reason??? ☠️ 

    -Lastly there's this other guy who's obnoxious and feels the need to insert himself into every conversation. He also acts really stupid and I'm not sure if it's a joke or not but one time he legit asked me what 7 x 7 was and if he isn't joking then i'm scared for my generation 😬

    for one thing do you know way gyatt is ??? its rlly sad 

    also the boys (and im trying rlly hard not to stereotype rn) say that to the teacher 

    the jokes is everybody now ( yr 8 , no body is innocent  )

    also btw 

    in my class idk if its just m school,  the school is really anti furry ( and im not a furry ok , they have been calling me one lately and its gett8ng on my nerves ) for some reason and everybody keeps calling me a furry because I like to draw cats \

    and basically I just will sit down in class and some kid will be like    'meow , meow or woof or something " 

    its actually kind of offensive tbh 

  3. 23 hours ago, Andromeda_ said:

    two characters from a show im watching (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Hypno-potomus and Warren Stone 

    (could you stop commenting on stuff you don't understand/know about? I mean this in the nicest way possible, but sometimes it gets annoying to have to explain all of my interests that you haven't seen/played)

    ye I can ill just search it up k 

    (no offence taken *smiley face emoji that doesn't exist rn)

    also I know like 4 people now who love teenage mutant ninja turtles 

    and are rewatching or watching it rn 

  4. 19 hours ago, Loxfeaf said:

    I hate my sports teacher so much. My friend was feeling really sick, almost to the point of throwing up, and she couldn’t talk to the teacher properly. She was having trouble walking, and I tried to tell the teacher, but he said that her and I constantly make excuses (I do, she doesn’t). After class, he was talking to her and I, and my friend can’t really stand up for herself, so I was trying to explain to the teacher she can’t explain because she feels sick, then he straight up says “Who do you think you are? You can’t talk to a teacher like that”


    14 hours ago, GHOSTVALK said:


    uh I would do that as well tbh 

    I mean we had a kid in our class who had like a medical thing where they have to where a jumper and the teacher made them take it off saying it was all in their head and it was just an excuese because they ding have a note 

    they (the student) now brings a note every day 

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