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Posts posted by Markus

  1. This is a good suggestion @Marker Mage. We had internal discussions on how to make the fuel/energy system more interesting and to be able to recharge some things or have different forms of energy gathering were mentioned. I think we can make new interesting mechanics there. Looking forward to implement new things there :) 

  2. Hello everyone!

    You have probably already seen the launch date of Nimbatus :) If not, it's on October 3rd, that is in only 3 days xD 

    If you don't have Nimbatus yet and did not yet Wishlist Nimbatus on Steam, please do so :) It will inform you when the game is available and helps us a lot with the launch :) There will be a launch discount, so make sure you don't miss it ❤️


    Hyped already? 3 days left!



    Thank you so far for all your support! Without your help we wouldn't be where we are today. Thank you all! ❤️ 

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  3. 11 hours ago, "Star" said:

    The change to batteries and fuel tanks is quite nice. Though it kinda broke alot of drones.

    We hoped that this change would break the least amount of drones possible :/

    Do you mean the small fueltanks are now less useful? The problem was, that they were overpowered compared to the other fuel tanks to begin with and now with this new update the size scales the properties linearly. It was our mistake to leave it like this for so long, but we wanted to fix it before the Early Access launch. If we would fix it later, a lot more people would be upset :/ We're sorry for the inconvenience, but that's also a part of participating in a Alpha version. I hope in the end the game is more fun and challenging to play :)

    Exploding fuel tanks. We have to check out how it plays out. Currently the explosion is not all that strong, so it only weakens your drone. But we assume you would have to be more deliberate when placing them (not all together, more in the center of the drone). It's a test, so please report your feedback :) 

  4. We could add the possibility to freely change the color of your weapons either by a upgrade or simply a color-wheel in the weapon workshop. The drawback is, that it's not as easy to see what each weapon does. But if you as a player deliberately choose so, maybe that's alright.

    If red/blue and green weapons are not yet useful enough, then we have to balance accordingly. We will add more enemies which need strategy and specific weapons to be destroyed, not just damage (the hammerhead was the first try in that direction).

  5. Maybe we can have a part which is like a endless stretching "umbilical cord". It does let through energy and fuel. So it would act similar to the old system. The old system was not so good as we think it's more interesting if you have more limitations. So if we would add such a cord, we would need to add a limitation to it. Maybe a distance limit, maybe you lose efficiency depending on distance, maybe it can be easily destroyed or ripped. Let's see, but I see where you're coming from and maybe we find a good solution to allow you tinkerers create cool stuff :) 

    If you really need a weaker spring we can add one, no mods needed :) But if you just want to circumvent this mechanic, then we rather find a good solution than mis-use parts.

    If you mis-use parts to create stuff we didn't anticipate, please go ahead! We love to see you come up with creative solutions. And this weak-spring / umbilical cord thing is great xD 

  6. Interesting suggestion. You can already use a explosive upgrade on normal bullets I think. But a upgrade which would let the projectile explode when near a enemy would be interesting. I fear for the physics-simulation tho. All these new colliders :D I hope you have a good computer on your hand xD 

  7. I think this is an interesting suggestion. But we would need a coherent system throughout all mechanical/technical enemies&structures, so that your EMP tool would work everywhere the same way. Keep voting for the stuff you like best :) 

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  8. Haha, yes, the new big snake xD 

    We made it much more dangerous. The idea was, that you NEED to build a faster drone do escape the big snake. Or maybe you find a way to confuse it so you can escape more easily :) Maybe needs a bit more balancing.... or you need faster drones for this mission ;)

    Great gifs here. I love reading your stories and feedback ❤️ 

    @DethLazrs4Lyfe Great drone design. I love this creative solution :) 

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