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Everything posted by Markus

  1. The possibility to copy a selection and then paste it in another drone is incredibly useful. Upvoted I don't think it will be viable in the near future, but just as a discussion: I think it might be funny/useful to have a huge "scrapyard" where you can place different drones into one file/space, and you can copy and paste freely and build stuff/experiment. The drone you have selected last is the one which will be used in the simulation scene. And if you are happy with one construction, you can then either export/save it to a new file or simply copy it and then paste it in a new file. Just thinking out aloud, no plans
  2. You mean if you use the [shift] and mouse-wheel simultaneously? Sounds like a good suggestion, upvoted Also note that you can use the [ , ] and [ . ] key to rotate in 45 degree steps.
  3. I'm very sorry to see that. My apologies. The bug also appears when you go there with your normal drone, not only a detachable one. We know why they behave this way (the behaviour was somehow removed from the game ) and we have to check when and how that happened. It looks like a wrongly handled merge-conflict to me, but I have to check to make sure. Thank you for telling us! Highly appreciated.
  4. You can already do that to a certain degree. You can use the Camera-Block on two detachable drones you build yourself, and then control each one separately. The camera will zoom out (to a maximal distance I think) and this way you can play with two players on one computer. Not sure how good it is to use gamepads, as we didn't optimize for those, but theoretically it is already possible
  5. That's a really good suggestion I'm not sure how easy it is to implement, because some logic assumes there is only one camera (e.g. Audio) and I'm not sure how taxing it would be for the rendering, when we have two cameras But I really like the idea that two people would theoretically be able to play at the same time via split-screen just prepare a 21:9 screen beforehand
  6. Kein Problem, wir sind aus der Schweiz. Unser Englisch ist auch nicht perfekt Thank you for noticing. It's annoying for sure and I think we know a way to fix it (was discussed in the Testing Simulation, where it also often happens). We have to fix it eventually, but I'm not sure when we have time to work on that, because of other priorities It's noted on our Bug-List. Thank you for reporting it and thank you for linking Nimbatus. If you have any feedback, please tell us about it
  7. Sounds like a good solution. Micha will implement it, so I can't talk about it much. Ideally you could configure the Direction-Sensor in any way you want, and let it point to whatever target you might think of, even switch targets during the game. I have no clue how we would implement that code and UI wise, but I think this would be the ideal case
  8. I would love to have such a part as well I'm not sure how we should handle it if there are several of those, as the Directional Sensor would have to be able to point to a specific one, but I think we can find a good solution for that. Thank your for the suggestion!
  9. Thank you I guess that's the fun and challenge of being a game designer If I don't at least try to find a good solution it would be boring. At least spend some time thinking of alternative solutions before just taking the things everyone does and has accepted as the only solution (at least until we run out of time )
  10. Very good discussion here. This is exactly what we're currently thinking about and working on. The classic way is to have a campaign mode with more restrictions and progress/unlocking, and you add a sandbox/creators mode where everything is unlocked from the start. It is a good compromise which has proofed to work - but as a game designer I hope to find a more elegant solution, but not sure yet how that will be I would love to see one game mode which incorporates all these things, like open and free creation from the start, but enough motivation to keep the players engaged for a long time without overwhelming new players. Hard stuff
  11. They had the mechanic that if you use the freeze weapon, they would instantly vaporize. But after playing we thought that it was too strong and they posed no problem to the player. They can still relatively easily be killed by normal kinetic weapons (fire and freeze make only 10% normal damage). And they are faster killed with freeze than fire. So to counter these small enemies, you have to kill them quickly and if they heat you up, in the worst case make you burn, you have to use coolers to cool yourself down. Going to the lava biome we recommend using coolers anyway With the lava biome we tried to introduced an a lot higher difficulty. Not sure if we succeeded in this mission. Things should be difficult, not annoying A lot of balancing needed
  12. Good suggestion, thx! I'll forward it to @Micha, because that has implications on how drones are saved and that is what he's currently working on. Looking forward to more logic-creations from you I'm sorry that it's so cumbersome in the demo-version ^^'
  13. Good ideas. As for now, we plan to only have certain enemy-types biome specific, so you won't find a lava hammerhead in a cold climate (which, like you pointed out, would damage it). The reason why we made that you have to freeze both parts was that it would be too easy, if you just freeze the head, and then everything stays locked. This way, you still have some risk of getting hit by the hammerhead and have to proceed cautious. This is a new mechanic, because up till now every enemy was shoot and kill it as fast as possible, and with this one, it's more of a evade and proceed cautiously (especially with the newest update when it damages you when hitting). It's interesting that you mention the mini-hammerheads. Do you mean you have trouble with the fireflies which they spawn when you attack them? Try to not shoot at them. They are friendly creatures when you don't bother them - but of course, they might bother you slightly
  14. Good suggestions! I would also like to see multi-selection of several parts, and the double-click on a item is a good solution which is intuitive for gamers. We're still hesitant with struts It's partly physics-engine problem, partly gameplay reason We have it on our radar but we haven't decided yet how we will handle that topic The same goes with how we'll handle logic I'm also for smaller parts, but then again, that's kind of a limitation which brings fun. Instead of making the parts by itself smaller, which would only be a compromise, I would rather have a different logic system, maybe inside a single part, to save space. This will maybe revamped in the future, but we're still unsure how to handle it There's already some discussion going on about this topic in the forum. I'm looking forward to what ideas you all come up with About weapons: We didn't have enough time to adjust every enemy to each ammunition type. I think there are not any more types needed, and if you prefer kinetic, that just means that we haven't made fire and ice strong enough I think we'll eventually add enemies which don't take damage from kinetic to make the other ammunition types more interesting. About unlocking, this is currently in heavy progress, as we focus on progression in the next update Thank you a lot for playing Nimbatus and for all your suggestions!
  15. I just checked it and it really is not balanced anymore - I'm very sorry. We changed the logic behavior for the impact-stuff for the lava-update and we forgot to change the impact value for the bio-barrel. We'll fix it as soon as possible and it will be in the next patch. Thank you for posting ❤️
  16. I saw someone on Youtube mentioning that certain elements in Nimbatus are very hard to see and understand if you are colorblind. We don't have someone with that in our development team, so need the help of the community to resolve this issue. If you have a certain color sensibility: Can you point out what part / feature is hard to understand? We would love to have a growing list of such issues, so that we can fix it when we have time or prevent it from the start when we create new content. If you have an issue, it would be very helpful if you could provide a screenshot and point out the problems. Disclaimer: Currently until the early-access release we don't have time focusing on this issue, as we revamp the gameplay & progression system in the game. This is something we might only can address later during the early-access phase, maybe close to the full-launch when we begin fixing and polishing the game (and the gameplay is relative fixed). Still: This is an important issue and the more information we can gather until that time the easier it is for us to implement and fix it. Thank you for your support Problematic parts known so far: Resource: Depending on the sensibility, the 1st (Yellow) and 3rd resource (Blue) are hard to differentiate. Things we might change in the game, if we have time: Add different textures/structures to resources, so they are easier to differentiate Add unique icons to each biome on the worldmap, so they are easier to differentiate
  17. @cade I know what you mean We're having this issue on our radar. The alpha has the possibility to use Tags in addition to key inputs, so this helps to circumvent one problem. But we also want that you can easily make big logic constructions without needing needless parts On the other hand, if a beginner comes and sees 10 input and output field, he's totally overwhelmed But we could provide additional input an output fields with a toggle similar to what we did with enabling/disabling Tags. Good luck to you all It's all about logic! Make awesome Constructios with logic and sensor parts!
  18. Sounds interesting. Just to quickly check: You mean that if you don't do anything, it charges up (up to a certain value). If you active/shoot, it shoots with full strength/speed/... . The longer you press the key, the more it depletes and the more it depletes, the more strength/speed/... whatever goes down as well, until both reach zero. Then you have to wait until it charges back to use it again. To balance it, the depletion would need to be much faster than the reloading, so that you can't quickly smash the button.This way you use the weapon for a short amount of time and then it's very very strong, but it gets weak pretty fast and you have to retreat to let it charge up. Is that what you mean?
  19. We currently don't check a big enough radius when spawning the enemies. I think this is a easy fix. Instead of just spawning or just checking one positon (not sure, sorry), we could do a "sphere-cast" and see it the whole area is free. Should implement that in the future. Thank you for posting
  20. Hi @blackbook7777 The blue planet (with circular underground corridors) are intentionally made extremely strong, so that you can't get out easily when the lava comes I haven't tried it if you are fully upgraded with the digging upgrade, but it should still be a bit hard jungle planets = digging, lava planets = hard corridors + hot lava
  21. Hmm. It could be possible. Maybe a way could be that you had a button where you could press "Scan" and then we only calculate every 4th or 8th pixel, making the render-time much smaller. And the Preview would be accurate, but not very detailed. But that field currently is still very fragile. We have a buffering system, where it calculates stuff behind the scenes so that the loading times are shorter. We would have to redo all that stuff to get a good preview. Tricky stuff Probably something we have to save for a later time.
  22. I absolutely agree @Century Orion: You are using the Demo version here, in the Alpha it is differently implemented. Actually: In the demo version, what you see as "Preview", is actually the real planet, but only a small portion of it. This means that if you see a resource, then it is really there. But the location is different, as the circle is from some random? location. We changed that in the new version. The alpha version has a graphic representation of the planet, a hand-drawn image. There you don't get an indication of where the resource are. You only see what the biome is as an icon, not actual shape or locations. We can't show you the "real" planet in the preview, because generating this image takes quite a while (a big part of the planet-loading).
  23. Great suggestions! This is an important topic, not sure how to handle it. I think the variant with the reusable damage texture, coupled with sporadic particle effects would be the most economic and elegant solution. It takes some time to implement and test, as well as drops the performance again We have to evaluate some ideas and then see what we can implement. Another idea would be different "view-modes". The normal mode is like how the game looks like now. But if you press and hold "Tab", then the view switches to "Damage-View", and then each part which is not damaged is completely green, and the more damaged it is, the more red it is. Not sure if this would be an elegant solution
  24. @OmegaDeltaZero Thank you a lot for posting here. I have to take some time to dig through all your informations and ideas and formulate my own opinion about it. Sorry for asking for some patience It's awesome how much thought you put into this, I'm looking forward to read through all your ideas
  25. Great suggestions @jbox1. I think at least one of them will be included in the next update Other ones are interesting as well. The turrets need more balancing, so they will definitely change in the future. Your suggestions and observations are very helpful.
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